Dressed in a soft black lounging set and matching slippers, Cassie stood in the center of her sitting room and faced not just her father, but also the assistant director of the Federal Bureau of Breed Affairs, Rhyzan Brannigan. Her father she’d actually expected at some point that morning, just not this early. And damned sure not with the Coyote Rhyzan.

“Why do I feel ambushed?” she asked her father as she faced him and Rhyzan. “And where’s Mom?”

“Your mother’s with Kenzi. She finally agreed to talk to her,” her father told her, his voice gentle as he moved to the couch. “I wanted to see you now rather than waiting till later this afternoon and asked Rhyzan to bring me up.”

Yeah, that one really made sense. Her father knew exactly where her suite was and he knew how to get there. He didn’t need Rhyzan.

“Kenzi’s doing well, then? Can I see her?” She was dying to see her sister.

So many years of sensing that connection, uncertain what it was, who it was, only to learn she had a twin, had left her with a hunger to see the other woman.

“Kenzi’s still upset,” her father answered as he took the chair next to her, his gaze somber.

Cassie nodded at that as she sat next to him, clasping her hands in her lap. “Yes. I imagine she is.”

She glanced at Rhyzan as he pulled the other wingback chair from its position against the wall and parked it on the other side of her, far too close for comfort. She suddenly felt hemmed in.

“How long have you known about Kenzi?” her father asked her, drawing her attention back. “Why didn’t you tell your mother and me?”

She blinked at him in surprise. “You think I’ve known about her?” Her chest clenched painfully. “But I didn’t, Dad. Not until hours before she was found in the desert. I contacted Dog as soon as I knew and asked him to make certain she was safe.”

Her father thought she’d betray her own sister and leave her in danger?

“Cassie,” he whispered painfully. “You know Dog’s a Council Coyote. You contacted him and met with him. Do you have any idea how dangerous that was?”

She could feel her heart racing now, an ominous warning beginning to tingle through her. Rather than allowing them to sense so much as a hint of her uncertainty, she met their gazes with cool calm as she restrained any emotion that might slip free.

“As a consultant for the Bureau, I can’t be penalized for making contact with any Council associate in my effort to protect or rescue any Breed, whether Council or under Breed protection,” she reminded him as well a

s Rhyzan. “I had very little time to do what had to be done.”

“Cassie, do you think I’d lead you into admitting something that would hurt you?” her father chastised her gently. “Rhyzan isn’t here to censure you for anything you may or may not have done where Breed Law is concerned.”

She watched her father, hating the fact that she felt she should guard herself against him. She kept Rhyzan in her periphery, her senses protesting this meeting, warning her to get away from it. Escape wasn’t nearly so easy, though.

“I was merely reminding you I know the boundaries within my job. I’m not a child any longer and I’ve been working for the Bureau for quite some time,” she pointed out.

“And per your discussion with Jonas, you’ve been in contact with the Council Breed, Dog, for several years as well, haven’t you?” Rhyzan questioned her, his tone interrogating.

“Why is he here?” she asked her father, barely restraining her anger now. Her father might not be trying to set her up, but she wasn’t so certain about the Coyote.

She had no idea what the hell was going on here, but she knew she didn’t like it. She felt pinned by their gazes, judged. For a moment she had to force herself to hold back the displeased rumble of sound that rose to her throat and tightened it warningly. The instincts and shifting power she could feel far too close to the surface now were proving impossible to push back.

“Cassie, sweetheart.” Her father grimaced, glanced at Rhyzan, then turned his gaze back to hers. “Did you know you and Rhyzan were tested compatible to Mating Heat?”

She wanted to escape. The need to jump and run was nearly overwhelming, but the way her father and Rhyzan were positioned, she’d never get past them.

Where the hell was her mate when she needed him?

For a moment, meeting Rhyzan’s gaze, she wished she had her knife rather than her mate, though.

“Don’t do this,” she whispered, turning back to her father and meeting his gaze. “Please, Dad. Don’t do this.”

“Cassie, listen to me.” He leaned forward intently. “Dog is a Council Coyote. You can lie to your mother, but not to me. I know this isn’t what you want.”

“Stop,” she demanded. “Before this goes any further, before something’s said that can’t be taken back. Just stop.”

“There could be an anomaly that would allow a mating with Rhyzan instead,” he told her somberly.