Pulling back, she moved for her clit once again, then froze a breath before a cry tore from her.

His fingers pushed inside her, thrusting against the clenched tissue, parting it, calloused fingers stroking, working inside her as violent pleasure lashed at her.

She was only barely aware of his lips releasing her nipple, his kisses spreading down her stomach. When he pushed her fingers aside and his lips found her clit, her hands sank into his hair, desperate to hold him there.

She needed him right there. Licking, sucking. His tongue moved over it, then lower as his fingers slid free of her. His tongue pushed inside her then, filling her, licking her …

“Dog …” She cried out his name, twisting in his hold as his fingers moved lower and found the smaller, tighter entrance that awaited him.

She was so lost within the pleasure, the lust, that she could only cry out as his fingers eased inside her. Lubricated by the excess moisture spilling from her vagina, his fingers took her rear with an ease that rocked her. Stretching her, thrusting inside her, until she was pushing into each penetration and begging for more.

And just as suddenly, he was gone.

“No.” She jackknifed up, reaching for him, only to find h

erself flipped to her stomach as he jerked her hips to him, forcing her knees beneath her.

The feel of the broad, iron-hard crest tucked against her rear entrance had her freezing.

“Submit.” The growl in his voice was primal, demanding. “Submit to me, damn you.”

A cry tore from her. She let her head and shoulders fall back to the bed, her fingers fisting in the blankets as she felt a pulse of heated pre-cum ejaculate against the entrance.

Instantly, the hormone-rich fluid began easing her, creating a sensual, insidious burn that demanded he satisfy it.

“Take it,” he snarled, his body lowering, his lips at her shoulder. “Submit to me, mate. Take it.”

She pushed back, feeling the pulse of heat as her muscles parted further for the crest. Lashing pleasure mixed with an unfamiliar pain as the hunger that filled her drove her to take more, to feel him taking her, to trust him to guide her through it.

With each press into the tightened muscles, another pulse of the hormonal pre-cum shot inside her; slick, heated, it built such a demanding pleasure she was shaking from the force of it.

With each thrust against her rear he took her deeper, stretching her as she burned higher and felt herself fall beneath the onslaught of sensations. With him buried to the hilt, his cock throbbing in a place so private she’d never imagined she’d allow it, Cassie knew something had changed inside her.

“Fuck, Cassie,” he groaned.

A second later his teeth gripped the mark on her shoulder and he began to move. At first in long, slow thrusts, then harder, until he was driving inside her, pushing the flames inside her higher.

The powerful strokes drove him forcefully inside her as she screamed out his name, desperate for release, the pleasure tearing her apart until she felt herself melting.

It wasn’t a true orgasm, because the need only rose as Dog slid from her, then gripped her hip with firm fingers.

“Don’t move, Cassie. Move, and I swear I’ll make you wait hours before I give you what you need,” he growled when he thought she might protest.

Instead, instinct had her freezing in place. If she had to wait hours to orgasm, then he might as well kill her now.

She heard the bathroom door open, heard water running. A minute later the scent of the soap he’d washed with teased her nostrils as she felt him move onto the bed behind her once again. She was dazed with the needs still pulsing through her. Her clit was so swollen, the folds between her thighs sensitive and her vagina clenched in involuntary contractions.

“There, baby,” he crooned, touching her thighs, angling her hips. “Go wild for me now, Cassie. Give me all of you now.”

As he spoke, the feel of his cock invading her, pushing against the clenching tissue, working inside her, stole the last of her sanity. She pushed back, taking him deeper as pleasure and pain merged, creating such wild hunger she was helpless against it.

“Ah fuck. Your pussy’s so sweet, Cassie. So fucking good …”

The words merged, explicit phrases, erotic demands as he thrust inside her, stroking over sensitive flesh, stretching it. She struggled to adapt to the thickness even as she craved more. She bucked into each impalement, driving herself harder on his cock, hearing his approval, his pleasure in his voice.

When he bent over her once again, his teeth locking on her shoulder, his thrusts driving his hardened flesh inside her, she felt herself dying. She knew she was dying. Nothing could explode through her with such force, with such shattering ecstasy, and let her actually survive it.

At the same time, she felt his release, felt the heavy swelling of the Breed knot locking inside her. Each pulse of the thickened extension triggered another explosion, the heat of his seed spilling inside her, the lash of his tongue at the mark on her shoulder, all converged until the final, violent wave of ecstasy shattered her.