She liked that idea more than she’d ever admit, he guessed, because the growl that slipped free was a sound of pure anticipation.

“Yeah, I like the thought of that too,” he decided, watching her body shift, the line of her shoulders, the tilt of her head. “And when we’re finished, you can tell me how good it was having me buried there, submitting to me like a good little mate.”

She jumped, prepared to kick again. This time, he caught her waist and tossed her to the bed, making certain to rip her shirt from her as he did. Before she could push that mass of hair from her face, he managed to shed his pants and rip hers from her hips.

He caught her hair, careful not to grip the strands near the area where she’d been struck, as he straddled her legs and held them closed with his knees. Jerking her head back, he bent his head, nipped her lips and growled when she tried to bite.

Releasing her hair he gripped her jaw, applying just enough pressure to keep her from biting, and covered her lips with his own, his tongue sweeping into her mouth, stroking hers.

The taste of her had him mindless.

The taste of him had her tongue stroking against his, the smell of her Heat a wave of lust-inducing pheromones that nearly had him coming against her thighs.

Pulling his head away, he released her jaw, gripped her hair again and pulled her head back once again.

Eyes narrowed in arousal, the blue gleaming like flames, her lips parted and moist. She was the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen in his life. Her fingers gripped his wrists, the one wrapped near her head, the one at her shoulder, her nails digging in, holding on to him.

“You’re scared, Cassie,” he mocked her, fighting the need to relent, to let her hide. “You want to be bad with me with a power that makes you shake, admit it.”

“You’re fucking crazy,” she snarled up at him. “It’s the Mating Heat and your insanity.”

Bending his head lower, he teased her lips as he spoke. “You want to get nasty with me. I can sense it. Come on, it’s just me. No one has to know you enjoy fucking your Coyote mate. I promise, I won’t tell on you.”

Her gaze lightened, then darkened. The scent of her Heat was so damned heady he could barely think for it.

“Let me see you be bad for just a minute. Play with those pretty nipples for me while I watch; then I’ll suck them for you. Come on, give me a little of your bad, and I’ll give you a whole lot of mine.”

A moan whispered past her lips as she shook her head, desperation reflecting in her eyes along with the driving, furious need burning inside her.

“Come on, baby,” he whispered, licking her lips teasingly before lifting his head again. “Show me what you did to yourself when you thought of me through the years and I’ll show you how I can make it better.”

She felt her fingers release him, as though forcing herself to let go one by one as he eased back, his dick throbbing as it rested in the seam of her thighs. The thick crest rested just below her clit, the heat of her slick moisture cushioning it.

Eyes narrowed, he watched as she slowly cupped her breasts, her fingertips at first ghosting over the stiff points, drawing a ragged sigh from her lips.

“Is that how you want me to suck them?” He was burning alive for her. “Nice and sweet and easy like that?”

She gripped the points, jerking in his hold, a wild gleam of anticipation filling her gaze as her thumbs and forefingers tightened on the tips. A cry tore past her lips, her body arched and the pink tips flushed, darkening as her fingers tightened, then released, plumping the little points as her hunger scented the air.

“If I suck those pretty nipples, then you’re going to tease me a little bit, just to punish me,” he suggested, lowering his head to whisper a breath over one tight point. “I’d go crazy if I saw those pretty fingers between your thighs, bringing yourself pleasure. You know how fucking possessive a Coyote can be of his partner’s pleasure.”

He glanced up in time to watch her gaze darken, felt the lash of overwhelming lust taking control of her.

“Let me have one, mate,” he groaned. “Let me suck one of those sweet nipples.”

Cassie felt the moment she lost control of her response to him or her ability to deny the greedy waves of demand rushing through her. She watched as his lips covered her nipple, feeling him shift until he rested beside her while pushing her thighs apart with one hand.

Then flaming sexual need erupted through her body. The heat of his mouth, sucking, tugging at her nipple, his teeth rasping it, his tongue licking it as the hormone that spilled from his tongue sensitized the peak to almost painful awareness. She heard her own cry, the arch of her body, and the grip of his fingers on her wrist, pushing them to her thighs.

And oh God, she needed. She needed to be touched there. Her clit was raging, so swollen and aching. The flesh between her thighs was slick with the rich moisture spilling from her.

“Dog, it’s so good.” The words tore past her lips as her fingers parted her folds. “Do it harder, suck me harder.”

She was dying, arching. Her fingers found the tight bud of her clit, rasping against it in her desperation to find her release. When the stroke of her fingers against the sensitive little kernel didn’t push her over the edge, she pushed them lower and found the entrance hidden there.

The growl that vibrated on her nipple was a primal warning to stop. And one she ignored. Lifting her hips, she speared her own fingers past the entrance, her head tossing as his lips moved to her other nipple and his fingers found her hand.

He pushed at it, driving her fingers deeper inside her. And still, it wasn’t enough. It had never been enough in the past when she tried to pleasure herself. No matter what she did, she could never find the ease she needed.