She craned her head up. Had she ever seen so many stars? They glimmered like beacons.

“You approve?”

She lowered her gaze to take in just as riveting a sight: Rune grinning. He knew he’d blown her mind.

From his pack, he drew a thick blanket and spread it on the ground. He waved her to sit, then tossed her a jeweled flask.

“What’s in this?”

“Blood mead. You’ll like it.”

She settled herself happily, her satin rustling. “Is it black?” Heat emanated from the surface of the rock, making her even more comfortable.

His grin deepened. “It’s baneblood, as my vampire craves.”

“Aren’t you full of surprises?”

“I’m told stargazing is thirsty work.” He dropped down beside her with his own flask of demon brew.

She took a sip of the mead, and her eyes went wide. “It’s really good. Got a kick to it.”

“When blood bites back, huh?”

“No wonder your friend Blace loves this stuff.” So stars, and a blanket, and booze? Definite seduction vibe.

Rune knew this final step would mean they were exclusive; she couldn’t have made her feelings clearer. And still, he’d brought her to this dream place with sex in mind.

He was ready. In her excitement, she briefly dematerialized.

And once his seal was broken, he could never doubt their fated connection again. Which is why you’re about to give in, Jo.

“Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?” He reached forward to tuck a stray curl behind her ear. “Your ensemble was a huge fuck-you to fey snobbery. Jet satin trumps pale gauze any day.”

“This old thing?” she teased. Compliments as well? I’m a sure thing, sport. “Speaking of fey snobbery—who was the blond guy? He kind of looked like you.” He’d referred to her as Rune’s mate, and Rune hadn’t denied it!

“King Saetthan, my half brother.”

“Why is he so bent on killing you?”

“Probably because I’m so bent on killing him. He’s now the head of the royal line I plan to wipe out. If you’re with me, situations like tonight will keep happening. The bounty on me is steep. You’d be hunted just for associating with me.”

Rune was giving her a chance to cry off—before they went eternal. “I’ll already be hunted just for what I am, right? Makes for another level of excitement.” She sipped her flask. “What about that invitation? How will we get inside Val Hall?”

“If my arrow can destroy a sword made of Titanian metal, why not wraiths?”

“That was seriously badass.” She play-punched his shoulder. “Big bada boom.”

“Indeed. At Val Hall, we’ll use my most powerful arrow. If that doesn’t work, you could try your telekinesis.”

“Maybe I can nudge their hula hoop of evil off its axis. Before they get back into position, we’ll trace for the door. You’ll take care of Nïx, and I’ll snag Thad.” She sounded optimistic, but she had to wonder: why would Nïx have alerted Jo to her telekinetic potential?

Either Nïx was a shitty psychic and a really stupid Valkyrie—or she was playing with them yet again.

“If all else fails, you can try to ghost us inside,” Rune said. “We have options.”

“Nïx seemed so cocky in that invitation.”

“Perhaps she’s slipping. She is mad after all.”

“Still, do you want to tell me about your plan B?” Maybe he’d already requested his allies’ help, and they were on the way to gather like the Super Friends. Hmm. What was the villainous equivalent of the Hall of Justice?

Rune brushed his knuckles over her cheek. “It probably won’t come to that. For now, let’s celebrate tonight’s victory and drink to our upcoming battle.”

Reassured, she raised her flask. “Good warring.” She bit her tongue as soon as the words left her lips. In her dreams, she’d heard Rune say that to his allies, even to foes he respected.

All relaxation left him, and he stood. “How long?”

She scrambled to her feet. “Since the night I met you.”

“What have you seen?”

“In the beginning I saw Magh summoning you and your first kill. You were really young.”

Muscles gone tense, he grated, “I stole, I killed, and I fucked for that bitch. I did anything she wanted of me, and I still couldn’t save my mother.” He narrowed his eyes. “Have you seen what happened after Magh sold me? I wasn’t merely a slave, as I told you.” He loomed over Jo, a challenge in his tone. “She peddled me to a brothel, Josephine.”

Did he think this admission would send her packing?

“ ‘Please or perish,’ Magh told me. Each morning, a guard would raise his sword over my neck to take my head if I’d failed to please a single patron over the night.” Rune let that sink in. “No commentary? No blunt remarks?”

She needed to touch him, but didn’t want him to think she pitied him. “I wish that hadn’t happened to you, but I’m glad you did what it took to survive. To get vengeance. I saw that too, Rune. I only wish Magh was alive so I could hunt her and drag her into the earth over and over again.”

He drew on his flask. “Why didn’t you tell me about the dreams?”

“At first because I was worried you’d try to kill me again. Then I didn’t want anything to get in the way of . . . us.”

“What else did you see?” As if his head was suddenly splitting, he pinched his temples.