Merinus let go of his arm, fighting to breathe past the panic filling her.

“Then we just fight it,” she said, her lungs fighting to draw air past the constriction in her throat. “We don’t—don’t—” She waved her hand at the erection showing beneath his jeans.

“Fuck?” he questioned her sarcastically, arching a golden brow in inquiry.

Merinus shook her head, her temples throbbing, her pulse rocketing through her body.

“Withdrawal is just that.” She fought to breathe evenly. “We’ll get over it. We just abstain.”

“Fine,” he growled. “You can abstain all you want. I’m not so willing—”

“No.” She shook her head, moving away from him. “You have to, Callan. You have to. We can’t bring a baby into this. Please. Babies are innocent. They don’t deserve this.” She was crying again. Her stomach was rioting with nerves, her chest tight with pain. She could feel panic overwhelming her, hysteria rising inside her. She couldn’t have a baby. She wasn’t ready for a baby.

“Come on, we need to get home.” His arm went around her waist.

Merinus jumped back from him. Terror was freezing the blood in her veins. She shook her head, holding her hands up, backing away from him.

“You can’t touch me,” she whispered. “We can’t let this happen, Callan. We can’t. I won’t let you do this to me.”

“Merinus, let’s go home. We’ll settle it there,” he told her, his voice pitched to a soothing level.

“Damn right we’ll settle it,” she gasped, determination hardening her voice. “We’ll settle it in different rooms, Callan. On different sides of the house. This is over. I refuse to have a child, now or in the near future. Especially with a man determined to risk everything he is for pride. I’ll be damned if I’ll trust you to protect our child, when you don’t even take measures to protect yourself.” She watched the anger settle in his face, in his eyes.

“I will allow no child of mine to be tested or taken from me, Merinus,” he informed her coldly. “You can count on that.”

“And just how the hell do you think you can ensure that?” Incredulity sped through her.

“I will ensure it,” he bit out, gripping her arm and moving her steadily along the path back to the vehicle.

“The conversion hasn’t been completed yet. When it has been, we’ll deal with it. Until then, I will not let you go. Brother or no.”

“You can’t keep me forever.” She stumbled against him, shivering as the soft, ultra soft hairs of his chest caressed her arms. Damn him. He didn’t have to feel so good. He didn’t have to do this to her.

“We’ll just see about that.”


Callan half dragged Merinus into the house, his expression stony, his eyes glittering with renewed anger.

That was just fine, Merinus thought, because she was none too calm herself. Anger pulsed through her body as hot and pure as the desire did.

“I need a shower,” she bit out, jerking away from him as he slammed the door behind them.

The whole gang was assembled now, she thought sarcastically as she watched the interested expressions of the six other people in the room. Even Dr. Martin was there, calmly sipping his coffee as he eyed them.

“Good idea,” Callan bit out. “When you’re done, you get your ass to the bedroom where you can’t get into any trouble.”

She cast him a mocking glance.

“I remember Kane saying that one. He learned better, too.” Several snickers and varied coughs sounded through the room. Merinus didn’t wait around to see who did what, or Callan’s reaction to it. Checking to be certain his large T-shirt covered her rear sufficiently, she swept through the house, heading for the bedroom and a hot bath.

“She called her brother.” Callan watched Merinus disappear into the hallway. “I expect the full brood to descend on us. It’s time to make plans.”

“I told you she was trouble,” Dayan growled, his eyes glittering with hot anger beneath the bruises that marred it.

Callan stared at the man, seeing a fury that worried him.

“I would refrain from such comments until I forget the fact that you were ready to attack her,” Callan ordered him tightly. He would never forget the sight of Dayan ready to spring and attack.