“Stay.” He tightened his hold around her.

“I can’t! I am the employee, not the boss, if you haven’t noticed.” She managed to sit up. The bed-sheet fell uncovering her nakedness.

“Your boss won’t mind. Much on the contrary, I’d say.” He turned on his back. His feline attention foggy with sleep and something else.

“We’re funny this morning, are we?” Her focus on him and her breath stopped. His eyes darkened. He uncovered himself and showed her why. She swore inwardly. She wasn’t made of stone, damn him. Hadn’t he had enough? Such a...busy weekend. She closed her eyes to block the magnificent view of him, stood up and strode hurriedly to her room.

“Amy!” He called in a husky voice. “Come back here, there’s an unfinished business around!”

She didn’t bother to answer. She reached her room and went straight in the shower. Ready in record time, she left without breakfast.

The weekend had been splendid. Saturday, Mark kept her in bed until late morning. Mid-afternoon they relaxed in the sauna. Well, relax is a very pale word for what they did. Again. In the evening Mark invited her out and they were dining at one of London’s most luxurious restaurants. At night, Mark took her to his king-size bed and flew her to heaven anew. Sunday passed lazily as they stayed cosy at home.

She met Juan as she rushed along the hallway to her office. “Good morning.” Amy was thankfully on the dot.

“Good morning, Amy.” He looked at her but he didn’t smile this time. “I am sorry. I couldn’t make it on Friday.” He dipped his hands in his pockets.

“Never mind.” She switched her bag from one hand to the other. “Was there any problem?”

He shrugged. “Not really. Mark requested an urgent task, that’s all.” He stared at her attentively to see if what actually happened would hit her.

She returned his stare blankly taking good care not to change her expression. “What a pity

. We had a good time.” Juan was very efficient in sending his message about the episode, she observed.

“Fine. I won’t miss it next time.” He waved to her and walked away.

Obviously, she deduced what had happened. Mark hindered Juan from participating in their outing. The possessive freak! A surge of anger bloated her mind. She didn’t enjoy feeling like a piece of chess on a board. But that was Mark, wasn’t it? The businessman going about strategies and targets. Except she was neither. She didn’t want to admit it, but she was hurt. Hurt by his jealousy and by this trick of his.

The question was: what would she do about it? Confront Mark? It was, she knew, what Juan expected. But Juan didn’t count in that equation. He was just a co-worker and a very impersonally-related one at that. She was late and she had loads to do. She put the whole thing out of her mind and concentrated on the job at hand. Personal matters should be dealt with at the right time and, most importantly, at the right place.

When Mark arrived home he found Amy sitting straight-spine on the sofa still in her working clothes. He took out his tie and coat and threw them on an armchair.

She stood up; arms folded and looked him in the eyes. Her enormous stare were flashing something hot and temperamental. “I believe you were very happy on Friday.”

Happy wasn’t exactly the word for what he felt when he remembered Friday night. The way they spent the night was utterly...ardent, to say the least. “You could say, yes.” A side-smile on his thin sensuous lips and a spark in his feline stare. He stood tall, legs open, hands on his waist, manly to distraction.

“You played Juan out of the happy-hour and got me home as a good girl.” She tried not to pay attention to his magnetic attraction.

Mark saw anger in her eyes and realized this wasn’t going to be easy. “An urgent task, so to say.”

“Yes, I heard as much.” She shifted her weight to one leg and stared at him stone-serious.

Her anger made her even more beautiful. His focus strolled over her light yellow chemise and her tailored trousers. That unfinished business from early morning nagged at him the whole day and he wanted her. Now. “The man fancies you!”

“What do I have to do with that?” Her eyes widened in fury.

Good question, he thought to himself. Obviously, she wasn’t responsible for other people’s actions. “The boy’s a typical Latin lover!”

“Oh, yes! Reason enough to treat people as pieces on a chess-board.” She bit her lips vexed.

He made to step forward. She raised her hand in a stop signal and backed from him. “Don’t come near me!”

His face took on a sarcastic expression. “What? Are you going on a sex strike by any chance?”

She frowned and glared him as if he was from another world. “Sex strike? You must have gone crazy!” Her arms on her waist now.

He walked to her faster than she could back away and stuck very near her. Their stares clashed in sparkles of anger and desire. His hands palmed fully her buttocks and pulled her to him, showing her that desire got the best of him. “If you’re going to push me away, I’m not playing clean.” His voice was husky and low.