He looked at her a couple of seconds and let her go. She walked away quickly, putting the maximum distance possible between them. But she didn’t fool him for a single second. He had sensed her reaction to him, not only today. They may have an age difference, but she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

“Be ready Friday evening. We’ll fly to Mallorca in my private jet. It’s an order.” His voice a quiet iceberg.

She stared at him icily for a moment then rose to her feet and left the room in irritated strides. As she walked along the corridors to her room she fumed. If he thought he’d get things his way he was oh, so mistaken.

Chapter V

He wanted that kiss again. Doubled; tripled; multiplied, thousand fold. With all of what came along, thought Mark as he sat comfortably in his jet. He wanted her so badly that it hurt. His groins. A weekend away seemed the perfect opportunity. He was just going to bide his time. It was not as if he was the only one who wanted it. He saw it in her eyes too.

“I instructed the pilot to be prepared to fly us back on Sunday evening.” He informed her trying not to hint at his tortuous thoughts.

Amy was infuriated by his prepotent and bossy way of conducting that trip. And spending the weekend with him was the absolutely last jumpy thing she wanted. She was afraid. Not of him, naturally, of herself and the oversized reactions she had when he was around. She’d have to be creative to find ways of keeping her distance. And creativity was something she didn’t lack. Not, if it meant her sanity.

“We’ll be in meetings with the hotel staff most of the day tomorrow, but I believe we can use Sunday for relaxing.” He gave her this next piece of information.

Relaxing? Not a chance! All her nerves, neurones, hormones were on the alert for him. She could barely sit still, let alone relax! And they weren’t sitting that near each other either. His jet was all but small: the most comfortable and luxuriously decorated piece of technology she had ever seen. Nevertheless, she wasn’t going to be an added number on his list of endless and changeable lovers. They had a too long story for that. And she preferred her independence compared to the control-freak he appeared to be.

“Was there any special reason for your choosing Mallorca?” He sat back nonchalant, his muscled arms resting on the seat, his powerfully long legs stretched ahead. He wore tailored grey trousers and white shirt, but no tie and no coat. A patch of his hairy virile chest showed on the couple of unbuttoned units on his collar.

“It’s a mere three-hour flight from London, warm and the hotels offer many seminar packages, as this is a very common business destination.” She kept her voice neutral, but she didn’t know for how long she would succeed in that.

He nodded and stared at her with his intense focus, causing goose-bumps to erupt all over her.

It was past nine in the evening when they arrived at the hotel and occupied their rooms. Close rooms from one another weren’t available, so they were in different wards in the same floor.

“Dinner in fifteen?” He asked, helping her with her bag.

“Sounds fine, thanks. We can meet in the lobby.” Without giving him the chance to contradict her and find an excuse to come to her room, she closed the door.

The hotel was in the city centre, but on the top of the hills overlooking the coast, seeded now with the evening lights which she admired, standing by her window.

The temperature was warm and agreeable. She chose a summer dress, discreet and elegant for dinner, which transpired her lush body without being vulgar. Her silky cinnamon curls were falling around her heart-shaped face to the middle of her back, giving her translucent honey-eyes a special radiance. A touch of lip-gloss on her full lips completed her appearance.

He stalked self-assured through the lobby, eyeing her as if he was her man. Her heart leapt and her female radars focused on his tall powerful figure. She had to keep her distance from him or she’d be butter-easily lost. He offered her his arm and she took it, remembering a distant day when he conducted her to the dance-floor in a prom. It was when she became thunderously aware of how she felt about him.

They sat at the dimly lit dinner lounge under appreciative stares of men and women alike. Mark was sure there wasn’t a more beautiful woman in the entire world. And he ached from the want of her.

They sat at a corner table and the waiter lit a candle for them. The flames played in her eyes, making them astoundingly bright. But when she saw the effect of the candle in Mark’s eyes, her breath got caught in her throat. It made his green eyes darker and mysterious with a barely concealed heated sensuality. Damn him for forcing her to come!

The dinner elapsed tensely. Her body was all wired with the most varied hungers, except for food. She was able to eat and drink very little. She could hardly take her eyes from his couple-of-buttons opened collar. And what answers she gave to his polite questions were yet to be elucidated.

“I gather you like it hot...” Mark was saying.

Her eyes were hovering on his thin sensuous lips and she didn’t hear a word he said. “Excuse me?”

He smiled amused. And his smile stunned her more than she could admit. He rarely smiled. He was a serious grave person who pursued perfection. His smile illuminated his face and it mesmerized her. “The sun, of course.”

“Oh, yes, sure.” She babbled absent-mindedly.

“And what else do you like hot?” His voice was deeper, hoarser. His eyes bored at her and she knew he was not talking about the weather, not in hell!

“Tea.” She managed, but her throat sent it silky and low. The double edged communication was on.

“I like it hot, if you ask me.” His darkened ogle caressed her lips, then her long creamy neck, going slowly down to her cleavage and the full breasts it promised.

Her lips parted on their own accord as lightning-like sensations reaped her womb thoroughly. Reactively, she moistened her mouth and swallowed, trying desperately to keep dominion over herself.

His stare narrowed as she was a prey. The mossy twin-perdition darted at her honey-pools and both were almost drowning in attraction.