During the few days she was there, successive meetings happened with her clients. She introduced Travis to them and fostered his way into straitening his acquaintance with the hotel contacts. By the time this was done, she felt sure Travis would be able to take it from where they left it.

Sitting back on her seat in the plane, she felt tired but happy. Everything had gone well and she‘d need just to make occasional trips to Nice to meet with Travis. He had prompted to travel to London whenever necessary, as well. He said playfully that it’d give him the chance to visit his relatives and friends. She deemed it very convenient.

She looked through the window to the vast bed of fluffy clouds tinged with a purple rim from the sun and thought about Mark. She had missed him a lot, even though she hadn’t had the time to dwell on her feelings. She looked forward to seeing him again. They had talked very little on the mobile and she understood he was busy back in London. Her eyelids lowered and she dozed off.

Chapter XVII

It was early evening when the cab left her in the Georgian mansion. Mark had texted her to inquire about her flight and she informed him of its timetable. She dragged her wheeled cabin bag into the entrance hall and closed the door. As she turned to make her way to the sitting room she saw Mark. He had arrived earlier than usual. Their eyes crossed. He straddled there magnificent, his shirt sleeves rolled up, revealing his strong folded forearms. Her heart swelled with all the longing of those past days. They stood there, eyes locked in each other, her lashed open wide and mesmerized as she merged in his predator’s ones.

He strode to her swiftly and caught her in his arms. “Amy.” He murmured in his grave manly voice. His arms tightened around her.

One single word popped up in Amy’s mind as her arms circled his tie-less neck: home. She sighed and leaned all her body against his and her eye-lids fell down, revelling in his warmth.

He parted just a little from her. “How was your trip?” He stared attentively at her.

She smiled faintly. “Very productive indeed. I’m sure that Travis will handle everything accordingly.”

“It’s good to hear that.” His thumb came to caress her full lips, which she first kissed and then sucked into her mouth in a blunt promise. His breath quickened as his other hand palmed the nape of her neck and his thin sensuous lips bushed lightly over the silky skin there.

Amy was melting away with his proximity. She groaned when he reached the base of her neck. A few seconds more and she’d be pulling him to the bare floor.

His head lifted from her neck and he looked at her with haze desire in his stare. “You must be tired.” He breathed out.

She just looked at him trying to keep up with her unruly heart beats, unable to answer. He stimulated her senses so intensely that she had no condition of thinking about anything else.

“I’ll heat up the dinner Mrs Smith prepared.” He said barely capable of smashing his desire under control.

“In which case I’m taking a shower.” Her voice came husky with sensuality. They parted reluctantly.

Dinner was taken in apparent light-hearted atmosphere, but neither of them talked very much or ate very much for that matter. Amy had dressed one of her short night-gowns and a hobby over it.

It was not possible to finish. Their hunger was totally misplaced. In a silent communication they lifted their eyes from their dishes and stared at each other. Electricity running deep.

Mark could not take it anymore. His body was clamouring for her in a shameless state. In a sudden movement he lifted from the chair, surrounded the table and took her hand. She accompanied him, pounding heart. They climbed up the stairs in rushy strides. He closed his bedroom door and pressed her against it with his body. He guided the hand of hers he was holding to his low abdomen to show her his stone-hard desire for her as his mouth came down on her voraciously.

Amy strolled her hand over his voluminous extension at the same second she sheltered his plundering kiss. His tongue ignited her already eager body. He peeled her from her hobby and hauled her by the w

aist. In a blink of time she was lying on his king-size bed, her gown coiled around her middle, leaving her naked for him. As his muscled weight came over hers, she felt as if their bodies were amalgamating and all she wanted was the fulfilment only he could proportionate.

“Amy.” He murmured husky voice. His mouth sought her breast over the silk gown, sucking it hungrily. The feel of his mouth wet and warm over the fabric got her in calid clouds of pleasure. “I need you. Now!” His mouth murmured without leaving her breast.

As an answer, she separated her thighs and nested him between them. He moved to open his trousers and set his desire free. He entered her in a long, delicious thrust, extracting a moan from her parted lips and she arched to him to get all of him. Her arms tightened around his neck while his arms laced her middle possessively. Amy was only sensations as his thrusts levered her to extremes of wild responses.

He managed to uncover her breast and set his lips to torture her there, fuelling the fire that ran through her body, her head lolled in total delight. He moved ever with skilful sensuality bringing her to a riotous explosion. She groaned and moved her hips in search of total pleasure.

Her clenches got him insane. He moved in her blindly, seeking relief in the smoothness of her body. “Amy.” Finally he coursed into her deliriously, a long muffled grunt on her breast. He fell on her relaxed and released. And she wrapped him in abandon.

Amy lay there drained of all her thoughts, all her feelings. Their excruciating lovemaking didn’t seem to subside. After these long months her desire for him was the same and every time they were together it felt like her soul, her heart and her body melded in unison to him. She never reckoned it possible. At first it was a teenage crush, to which she didn’t give much importance. But after she came back from university things got really serious. She had never felt like this before and she didn’t know how to deal with this...welled intensity that inundated her when they were together. It just happened, beyond their will or control.

Mark spooned her and they dozed away, given to each other.

Amy opened her eyes to the light filtering through the curtains to find herself enmeshed in a tangle of bed sheets and legs. Mark held her possessively, one arm around her, elbow bent on her midriff and a hand holding her breast. His sleeping face was immersed in her cinnamon mass of ringlets spread on the pillow. She peeked at the clock: she’d got half hour still. She stirred just a little not to wake him up.

As she moved, Mark surfaced to consciousness. His nostrils registered her scent. She was back home. She brought him home. He had his eyes shut as he lay there just feeling her with his other senses, the smoothness of her skin, the sound of her breathing. He’d never stop being amazed at how fulfilled he felt near her, in every possible way. His hands now wandered over her silkiness tenderly. Both just lay there, half asleep enjoying the feel of one another for long moments.

Amy looked at the clock again. Time to get up. She moved to lift herself from bed.

“No.” Mark moaned, holding her tighter. “Don’t go just as yet.” His deep male voice almost commanding.