“I cannot disagree with her.” Amy said politely. She was the consultant now. Nonetheless, she knew what it was to be his employee, especially if you decided to give a day off to hard-working staff. She tried to repress a shiver that ran through her at the memory of him storming into her room, which resulted in their calid first night together.

Mark looked at both women as if they were exaggerating in their opinions. “I am not sure I agree with that, but I couldn’t contradict a professional survey, could I?”

“And that brings us to the need to review the decision-making process, which permeates all departments in every management level.” Amy gave her consultant’s assessment. “If you agree, of course, Mark.”

He wasn’t very happy about the whole thing, but outsourcing a consultancy was his own idea after all. For highly questionable reasons, a tiny voice inside him retorted. “I’ll have to think about it.” He evaded for the time being.

When the meeting finished it was already late afternoon. Amy closed her laptop, put it in its bag and left. She still had some packing to do. It wasn’t as if she was excited about going to Nice. It was surely a pleasant city, but being far from Mark was going to be dull.

Having arrived home and prepared what was necessary for the trip, Amy saw that there was enough time to relax and that’s exactly what she set out to do.

Mark arrived home looking for Amy. He wondered when he had started coming home and searching for her, realising he didn’t know the answer for this. All was in the dark upstairs, which meant she wasn’t there. He strode to the kitchen, nothing still. Where the...? At that second he heard the rush of water. The Jacuzzi. He nearly ran to the back room, his imagination prompting his body.

As he entered the Jacuzzi room, there she was, like Aphrodite surfacing from the foams. She had her back to him and regarded the garden through the glass panels. Her arms were stretched along the edges of the huge bubbling Jacuzzi. He stared at her mesmerized; her wet skin, her dripping hair.

Maybe she sensed the presence of him, for she turned her head. Their eyes crossed and electrical communication was established. She turned to him as she leaned on the other side, never taking her eyes from him.

She saw him straddling, his eyes angling in that so manly manner of his. She sat back on the bench in the water and sighed in clear suggestion. He unbuttoned his shirt cuffs, his fingers slid to the front buttons. First, second...all undone, his fit tanned torso evinced inch by inch only for her delight. He peeled out his shirt and it fell in a pile on the floor. His hands reached his belt. Her honey pools registered one end flaring out of the loop and again to be unhooked. Trousers down on the pile. Left was only his too stretched boxer-shorts. Added to the pile. His whole magnificent figure was exposed for her delectation. Her gaze strolled over his entire muscled handsomeness.

He strolled lazily towards the Jacuzzi, exhibiting his full extreme desire. His legs immersed in the bubbling tepid water and he stopped right in front of her, hands on his waist. Unhurriedly she lifted her gaze to him. He posted straddling there as a powerful god stirring her to the last nerve. He knelt beside her and lay alongside to her. She watched him bending over her as one of his arms laced her narrow waist. She reacted straight away; her body arching to meet his, her lashes weighing down, her breath in short puffs. His other hand entangled in her wet hair. He embraced her tight at the same moment his mouth claimed hers in a deep erotic kiss.

One of her legs mingled with his. Her hands found his muscled watery forearm and slid up to circle his broad shoulder. She received his tongue in total capitulation, corresponding intensely to his exploration. The bubbling water juggled their bodies making them rub sleek on each other. Liquid fire ran through her when his hard angles moulded her to him. She opened her mouth for him, allowing him to set fire in her entire body.

His hand palmed her buttocks clenching her and pressing his hardness against her belly. That sensuous mouth of his left hers to glide down her neck, licking it unchastely, awakening her senses. It reached her breast mounding just over the water and captured it ravenously; one nipple licked, the other nibbled. Her head lolled in abandoned pleasure,

intensified by his hips abrading his eagerness against hers. Amy was totally abandoned to him, her body producing endless bolts of electrical reactions. Those wicked fingers of his found her core in skilled torment. She was lost to reality. He caressed her delightfully, extracting moans from her lips, dipping her in extreme hunger. Would he never stop this merciless treatment?

“Mark!” She pleaded.

He turned her, making her lean arms on the edge, the bubbling covering and uncovering her back. His arms circled her from behind as he dipped in her in a long deep thrust. His body came all on hers, his lips suckling her earlobe. “You’re mine. Only mine!” His hoarse grave voice a command, as he was breathing hard. “Never forget that.” His both hands cupped her breasts with pure provocation, pinching her nipples. Explosive fuel to her fire.

She arched for him to catch the most she could from him and gasped with escalating pleasure. As he filled her, instead of relief, she was hungrier, in desperation for him to set her free. Amy almost fainted when one of his hands came back to her core in refined torture. Her head fell back. How could he ever doubt that she was his? Her very guts were irrevocably infected with his passion. His invasion extended to her senses, to her heart. There could never be anyone else because her surrender to him was complete madness.

The more he moved, the more he stroked her, the more he pulled her to perdition. The ball of fire grew to unbearable point and exploded in multi-prismatic clenches, extracting a long groan from her.

He demanded her to be his, but the reality was that he was hers alone. His passion was only for her. He’d barely be capable of touching another woman ever again. She was his mate, his she-wolf, as he was hers. Eternal mates. But her clenches decontrolled him. Mark embraced her tighter, thrust deeper; his lips suckled the base of her neck in despair. And he could not hold back anymore. Explosion took him in a downpour that depleted him of all he had. He embraced her tighter, sucked the base of her neck and let himself be empty.

After a while they left the Jacuzzi, dried one another with fluffy towels and went to his king-size bed, where, snuggling, they fell sound asleep.

Early morning, Amy awoke with Mark pouring little kisses over her cheeks in slow savouring movements. She gave a faint smile. It felt so good. He held her as she lay on her back and he half over her. Her arms held him in return, caressing his muscled broad back lazily.

“Hmmm.” He manifested and rested his head on her soft breasts, while his hand stroked the side of her lush body.

He rolled on his back and brought her to him. “What time is your flight?” His arms circled her and her head made good use of his broad, fleecy chest.

“Two in the afternoon.” She murmured in a sleepy voice.

“So you’ve got plenty of time.” His eyes closed as she stroked his muscled arm.

“Not so much. I need to prepare some documents before I leave.” A comfortable silence fell in the bedroom.

They continued like this for a long moment. At some point, Mark took her hand and directed it to his lower six-packed abdomen. He was hard as a rock. “Oh, my!” She muttered and explored the length of him, which got her aroused.

In one economic movement, Mark rolled over her, trapping her under him at the same second she nested him in between her flexed thighs. “Amy.” His husky grave voice called. “It’s going to be hell all these days without you!” He kissed her and they made calid love over again.

In the days that followed, Mark missed Amy dearly. He got back home at night and the fact that she was not there made the Georgian mansion feel cold and empty. But he made himself endure it with stoic wait. Meanwhile, he had loads of work to do and it kept him from mulling over her absence.

Amy, on the other hand, had very little free time to think of anything else outside work in Nice. There were no hotel rooms available and she stayed at the rented house in the old town with Travis. This proved a convenient arrangement, since they had a lot to do.