“Ha! Like hell he would! She thought. His presence would be unbearably disquieting, to say the least.

Mark was suspended in uncertainty. She could send him to one of the numerous hotels in the city, some of them her clients, for sure. He didn’t want to lose sight of her though. Now that he had finally found her.

But then her sensible self came to the fore. His crew couldn’t fly today and she had a spare room. If anything, she could go to one of her client-hotels. “The guest-room is to the left.”

He disguised his sigh of relief standing up to take his bag.

For dinner she suggested the noisiest and most crowded restaurant in Nice, where there would be no chance for intimacy. After that they sat at an open-air crowded bar in the Promenade des Anglais. They chatted about news from his company and the people she knew. He never mentioned Juan, naturally.

“Mrs Smith was very sad when I told her you had left.” Mark said at one point.

“A pity I couldn’t confide in her, she’d have informed you.” Amy’s eyes wandered to the sea. She had missed the dear middle-aged woman a lot and thought about writing to her but didn’t want to reveal her address. Memories from the Georgian mansion came to her mind, making her feel nostalgic. It was the only place she called home. She had to move on though and leave the memories for her idle hours.

It was almost mid-night when they came to her house in the old town. Murmuring a brief good-night, she strode swiftly to her room and closed the door. She dressed one of her short night-gowns with a deep, V-shaped low neck and lay down. If only she found the oblivion of sleep. But her eyes refused to shut. She regretted having allowed him to overnight there. His presence stirred every nerve of her tired body. After tossing and turning for what seemed like hours she decided to go get a glass of water.

She took the glass to the dark sitting-room and glanced at the illuminated city outside. The lights outside eased the penumbra in the room suavely. She finished her water and rested it on the table beside the sofa.

“You seem to like it here.” Mark’s deep grave voice sounded behind her.

She startled and turned abruptly at him. And she wished she hadn’t. He was wearing only shorts, leaving nearly nothing of his Adonis body to imagination. The dim light showed the trail of silky hair that went from his broad chest to that hidden place she remembered only too well. His long muscular legs were apart, his hands on his waist. He stared at her with his inducing seductive stare angled in that manly way she recognised only too well. Her body responded with indecent eagerness.

Mark had been standing there for a minute or two. He heard her steps in the hallway, as he couldn’t sleep, naturally. And he followed her. The effect of her irresistible short gowned lush body on him was utterly disturbing. Need, memories and desire cut through him.

“I-I just came for a glass of water.” She babbled and started pacing towards her room, but he stood in the way. She neared him, expecting him to give way. He never moved. She lifted her wide honey eyes to him, full lips parted.

This was the last drop for Mark. The leftovers of his damaged self-control crumbled. One of his strong arms circled her tight around her waist, covered by that thin satin fabric. He pulled her hard against his muscular body and heard her suck the air as her hands came to his thick biceps. His other hand entangled in her cinnamon silky long curls pulling her head back, subduing her. Mesmerizing her. His mouth came over hers as a bird of prey in a plundering kiss.

A rocket of fire cut through Amy’s body, melting every nook and corner of it. She became sluggish as her entire body moulded to his. His solid body. Solid. In so many tempting places. Through the thin satin fabric of her short camisole she could feel every taut muscle of him. All thoughts of resisting him vanished. His demanding kiss erased the world outside. His tongue fooled around hers and she opened more for his tantalizing exploration. She rose on the tip of her toes to get more of him. His both strong arms were circling her waist now and hers surrounded his neck. His tongue sought hers thirsty, extracting a moan from her throat.

Her legs became like jelly and gave way. Mark held her and both lowered, kissing, to the fluffy carpet. Carefully he lay her there, holding her tight. Her gown had rolled up to the top of her thighs. As Mark lay down over her, his hands explored the smooth skin of her thighs and buttocks.

“Amy.” He murmured as his thin sensuous lips grazed the delicate skin of her neck, burning it, inch by inch.

“Torture!” He nibbled her shoulder. “These last months without you were pure torture.” He muttered in his deep hoarse voice.

Amy gasped and sank more and more in the haze of desire he triggered in her. When his open mouth rested on the base of her neck sucking it, her body arched seeking him and her legs entangled on him.

Mark was lost for reality. The feel of her was only too overwhelming. His hand came up to the top of her satin night-gown, removing it from her full breasts as his fingers squeezed her pebbled nipple.

Her head fell back and her hunger for him rose sky-high. But then his mouth substituted his fingers deepening her hunger. Her fingers merged in his silky dark hair, wanting to keep him there forever. He licked and he sucked and he nibbled, without any compassion for her unbearable delight.

“Amy.” He whispered in total bliss.

Starvation. There was no other word for him. And he devoured her breast as it was the last day of his life. His naughty right hand strolled down her narrow waist, her round hips, inside her thighs, until it dived in her core, finding her eager, ready. She opened more for him and his fingers teased her, making her desperate for him. She was teased to breaking point. He lowered his shorts showing off his hard-as-a-rock notable member.

Her body undulated in needy search of him. He embraced her with his both arms. Dear God! How she had missed it! When he filled her with himself it felt as rendition. Recognition. Their bodies recognized each other in every cell.

He was not going to make it, he feared, as passion drove him further and further. His head bent down and he buried it in the curve of her neck, fighting for a control that seemed to be slipping out of him by the second. But she was arching her body for him. She was moving her hips, seeking the same release as him. He felt her squeeze him and he was nearly done.

Amy felt Mark moving in her and ever hotter waves of pleasure emanated from her centre throwing her in deeper, darker waters. She held his muscular body so tight that her arms ached. She stretched her legs wider apart to take more of him, to take all. The darkness covered her

in countless contractions as moans escaped her lips and her head fell sharply back.

Mark dived more and more in her, panting on her neck. An intense river of pleasure ran through him, draining him of all he had. Draining his soul of all his longing.

“Amy!” He grunted in total decontrol and his body relaxed on hers.

They remained like this for a long time, captivated in each other. Peace and calm came down on them. At last, Mark rose and took her in his arms. He walked to her bedroom and laid her carefully on her bed, lying beside her and snuggling her close. Invigorating sleep spread its diaphanous veil over them.