He knew Torres was testing him. It had been going on for a while. The boy wanted to prospect information on what kind of relationship they had. It seemed neither Mark, nor Amy were very helpful in the matter.

Mark gave a short speech congratulating the HR department for their achievements and Amy in special. Then he introduced Juan, who presented his project and introduced his team. Champaign and caviar were flowing liberally.

As the cocktail went on, Amy received a lot of male attention. At that moment, Mark observed she was being monopolized by Torres. He talked near her, too near. He smiled and touched her at every opportunity. This was cooking Mark up. He approximated Amy with a sm

ile made of concrete on his face. He couldn’t take that anymore.

“If you will excuse us, Torres.” He eyed the guy directly in the eyes. “There’s someone I want Amy to meet.” He almost grabbed her elbow and walked away with her.

Amy felt awkward. Even though she was not comfortable with Juan’s attention, she’d not be so impolite as that. She looked at Mark as he dragged her across the hall and irritation dominated her. “How dare you embarrass me this way?” She hissed at him.

“That project of a Latin lover was eating you with his eyes, didn’t you see it?” He answered with a smile plastered on his face so the others wouldn’t suspect their ruse.

There was no reason for Mark to be so cross. Didn’t he know that there was nobody else? Didn’t he know that she couldn’t so much as look to other men even if she wanted? That he had captured her body and...and...

“Mark!” They heard someone behind them. “There you are!” It was the finance manager, Will Haggard.

“Haggard.” Mark answered with polite impersonality.

“I’ve got something I’d like to discuss with you. Shall we?”

Amy slipped away as Haggard took Mark’s attention. The cocktail party had gone as far as it would, so she decided to take her leave. She talked with a few colleagues on her way to the entrance door and intended to wait for Mark there. He appeared at her side in no time.

“Wait here for a moment. I’ll get my car.” He looked at her with his devilish focus and she saw a mischievous hunger in them. It wired a whole chain of reactions in her body.

Their short drive home was made in silence. Amy was torn between vexation for his behaviour at the party and the response her body always had to him. Intense, irrevocable.

Chapter XI

They stepped in the Georgian mansion entrance hall. Mark threw his keys on the small table by the door and enlaced her from behind, in the dark. He rested his lips on the nape of her neck.

A flash of arousal rushed through her body. She held his strong arms and her head fell on his broad chest. Fallen lashes, parted lips.

“All I could think the entire evening was how I’d undress this outrageously provocative dress from you.” He nibbled the curve between her neck and her shoulder, making her body heavy and wanton.

As he pressed her against him, Amy could feel his full erection through his clothes. And she wanted it all to herself. One of his hands covered her breast over the satin bodice and she was shamelessly at his mercy. She turned to him and her arms passed around his neck, while one of her legs rose to circle his hips.

“Holly Heaven!” He exclaimed before he dived into her full sensuous lips and his arms tightened her even more.

This made it possible for her to raise her other leg and clutch herself wholly to him. Her skirt gathered at the top of her thigh, showing her lacy stay-ups. He groaned in approval and took her up to his room. He closed the door and she was leaning on it.

“Now, Mark!” She was moving her hips, searching for him, fumbling his trousers open.

He tore her lacy panties and entered her as if his life depended on that. He opened her dress and arrested one of her hard nipples in his mouth. Her fingers merged in his dark hair as he thrust deeper, faster. Release came in a ball of fire that engulfed them both in a dark wave of pleasure.

Mark took Amy to bed and placed her carefully on the mattress. He helped her finish undressing and covered her tenderly. He got rid of all his clothes and lay beside her, holding her close. They drifted into a recovering sleep.

Later that night Amy awoke with the soft moon-light on them. She turned to Mark. He had his feline stare opened watching her. She turned to him, her body half upon his. Her hands started caressing his muscular body, revelling in his smooth skin and silky hair on his chest and six-packed belly.

A haze of sensuality dominated her. She went on kissing his neck, his broad chest, tasted his nipples and ever lower, kissing every inch of his magnificent body. Her lips followed the track of silky hair down to its end. And she explored what came next, extracting moans from him. She took Mark to the edge as he delighted himself at her every caress. They made love again in calm sensuous warmth.

Next morning Amy awoke at her regular time, but Mark remained asleep. He seemingly got used to her following her working hours.

Ready to go to work she descended the stairs and, after a quick breakfast, took her bag to leave. She passed by the small table on the hall and saw some letters on it. She hadn’t seen them last evening. Mrs Smith was supposed to leave hers at her room and Mark’s at his study. The good lady possibly forgot it. Among those, there was a strange envelope addressed to her she had never seen before. She took it to read in the office.

Sitting at her desk in the office, she opened the letter. As she read the content, he mouth fell in utter surprise. It was sent by an accountant office and stated a considerable amount of money in her name. She had never heard of it, most probably it was a mistake. Immediately, she called the accountant’s office.

It turned out that her father had made some wise investments that bore fruit along the years. As her guardian, Mark became the contact to whom the accountant sent her correspondence until she became eighteen. And after that? Why didn’t he inform her? She concluded he hid it deliberately, for some reason she could not grasp. The amount was enough for her to live comfortably on the interests it produced. She could have decided to do anything with her life four years ago. She still could.