“Good morning.” She revelled in the warmness of him. Her hand took the opportunity to feel the muscles of his chest and the silky hair that covered it. It looked like they were heading for another session.

“Bath and breakfast?” He suggested, frustrating her expectations; and his own as it went. He was beginning to fear he could not keep his hands off her.

In common accord, they headed to her very feminine bathroom. He rolled the large bathtub taps. Soon they were able to immerse in the tepid water. He sat down and accommodated her in between his long powerful legs. He took her flower scented shower soap and commenced to spread it over her lush body. She sat back on him and gave herself to his hands, enjoying every second. His hands didn’t miss a single inch of her. Her head fell back, her lashes closed in delight.

When he was finished, she took the soap from his hand and turned to him. He eyed her with his intense attention. She started with his thick neck, gliding to his strong shoulders, to his hard arms and went back to his throat, his skin so smooth over his taut muscles. Her hands descended to his tank-like chest, feeling the whole of it, she explored lower, his six-packed belly and didn’t stop. Her hands found his hard-as-a-rock member, proudly displayed. She caressed each inch of it. He closed his eyes and sighed as his head fell down. She continued her diligent task, until he could take it no more.

He brought her on to him, laced her waist with his arms and lowered her, filling her, pleasing her. He helped her move, holding her tight. The water splashing around. His mouth circled her breast, throwing more fuel to her already decontrolled fire. Her head fell back as his other hand covered her second breast. And she was lost to reality. They moved to the point she exploded with a multi-prismatic pleasure. Then it was his turn to find paradise in her once more.

Amy had told Mrs Smith that it would be a day off at the company. So she thought it only a little strange when both Amy and Mark showed up same time and wet hairs. And they were behaving a trifle different as well, but she had to go about her work and couldn’t think much of it.

That evening, after Mrs. Smith had left, Mark sat on the sofa in the sitting room and pulled Amy to sit across his lap. Her head rested on his broad chest. They both dressed hobbies.

They had been discreet the whole day in respect to Mrs Smith. Each one went about their own things. Mark had been training and in his study. Amy had been reading and helping around.

Amy circled her arm around his thick neck and felt his hand wander from her thigh, up to her hip, her narrow waist and her shoulder. It was relaxing as a massage.

“This was a nice day off, I must admit.” Mark said self-mockingly.

“Wasn’t it?” She wouldn’t point a reproachable finger at him.

“I hadn’t had time to check the Intranet or read the latest e-mails. So it was an utter surprise when Ms Scott wished me a nice weekend.” His other hand caressed her cinnamon silky curls.

How could he explain to her that, the moment he heard Ms Scott, he dreaded a whole day at home with her, without being able to touch her? How could he tell her how bitterly frustrated he was when they came back from Mallorca, to the point of having those wicked dreams all over again in the night?

“I just thought the staff needed it. I figured out you’d approve of that, but I should have confirmed anyway.”

“It’s alright. You deserve a promotion, to tell the truth.” He unbound her hobby and found out that she was dressing another silky short night-gown, this one in a colourful water-coloured pattern.

“It was not all my idea, you know. I heard to suggestions.”

“Whose suggestions?” Now he caressed her bare skin: smooth thigh, her bare hip. Holly Heaven! She wore no underwear! His hand slid to her narrow waist; and the gown slid up as his hand reached her full tempting breast.

She sighed. “Travis at first.” She felt his fingers close around her hardened nipple and moaned. He rolled it mercilessly.

“I see.” He tried to ignore the cold claws of jealousy around his heart. He took her hand, instead, and placed it on the extreme volume below his waist. She caressed it.

He lifted her gown to her chest and caught her nipple in his mouth. He suckled on it to the point of her unbearable pleasure. He made her lie on the sofa and knelt on the floor. His fingers dived in her middle and his sinful mouth played with her breasts.

Those multiple sensations welled all in her womb and she arched, widened her legs to take agonizingly more.


It was all he needed to cover her body with his, to fill her up with his arousal. They got rid of their clothes. He embraced her tightly with both arms and invaded her mouth the same way he invaded her body: desperately. They moved until the unendurable pleasure threw them into oblivion. After a while, he carried her to his very masculine bedroom, where she slept wrapped firmly in his arms. Or didn’t sleep at all.

Chapter VII

It was a busy week. Mark thought about having MBS’ own R&D department. Until now they had been buying technology from third parties. But with the company growing exponentially, they would need to build up their technology internally. Naturally, the HR department would be intensely involved in the process. But Mark and Amy were disagreeing in the way the new department should be structured.

Mark was in favour to hire one senior professional and only trainees, who could be trained in the company culture and follow those guidelines to develop new technology.

Amy didn’t agree with this. In her conception, a new department should have fully experienced professionals at first.

The overcharged sexual tension that sparkled between them twenty-four/seven wasn’t helping in any way. It seemed the calid deeply sensual nights they shared weren’t enough to keep it under control. Furthermore, Mark was amazed with her professionality. He wanted her all to himself, but she insisted in keeping her independence and keeping her life as before. She would depart for work at the same hours, leaving him alone in bed and at breakfast. She’d go home without him, making him come rushing to her bed at night in a shameful state of hunger. She acted just as an ordinary employee, following her working hours to a T. No more, no less.

Mark knew he had to tell her about her father. It’d had to be soon. And

it’d change the whole situation. But something kept him from doing so.