“Thank you.” She replied with a smile.
“Not out and about today?” He inquired politely.
“I need to take it easy for a while.”
“Do you?” He dressed elegantly but not extravagant.
“I don’t know if my husband told you, but you have a nephew or niece on the way.” She lifted her dress to walk over a muddy patch. She dressed one of her practical old attires today.
He turned his head to her, surprised. “Truly?” Enthusiastically. “That’s exceedingly good news!”
“It is.” She turned her head to him to see his expression become thoughtful.
“You understand, first-borns always suffer a lot of pressure during their growing years.”
“Undoubtedly.” She agreed.
“It was no different with Conrad.” He paused for a few seconds; then continued. “As it happened to my father and his father before him.”
She wondered if it might have been the cause for his indifference to his duties. “It is the usual in noble families, I reckon.” She had no siblings and her father’s estate would go to his nephew after him.
“Certainly.” He agreed. “But different children take it in their own way. I believe Conrad wanted to experiment a bit of freedom before he was ready to undertake his responsibilities.”
“Perhaps he took it too far.” She replied soberly. “Or too long, for that matter.” Her eyes ran away to the horizon.
“Absolutely.” Bennett completed. “The consequence being people will take time to trust him, I realise.”
She turned her eyes abruptly to him, amazed at his sharpness. “Or never trust him at all.” She vented.
“Precisely.” They fell silent as they walked in the late morning sun, around them the landscape took on a deep green shade in the last weeks. “People make mistakes all the time. As a lawyer, I can assure you of this.”
“Nobody’s perfect, me included.” She conceded.
He nodded pensively. “Sometimes they deserve a second chance.”
“You are bound to defend him. He’s is your brother.” She exhaled emotions tamped inside her. “His past doesn’t recommend him, I am afraid.”
“I cannot differ with you there.” He admitted. “A second chance to him means a possible better outcome for you as well.”
She understood. Her husband with another chance would open to her an avenue to be happy with him. “Or a worse outcome.” She countered. “A risk I am not sure I want to take.”
“Your future is at stake. Yours and the little one’s on the way.” They reached the kitchen. “Dwell of that.” He handed cook the basket. His arm held out, he said. “May I accompany you into the manor?”
She took his arm, head full of thoughts.
“Tonight, is our farewell dinner.” He informed her. “I take my leave first light in the morning.”
“That is sad news indeed.” She lamented. “Your visit was very pleasant.”
“I am glad to hear that.” In the hall, he bowed to her. “If you excuse me, I have to prepare to depart.”
“Of course.” She curtsied, and he walked away.
“I believe we should visit your parents.” Conrad said next day at their now usually early breakfast.
He saw his brother off while she slept a while longer. She joined him in the morning room when she had got ready.
She lifted her eyes from the teacup. “Oh?” Surprised, it was all she could say.