She ogled him, face lifted defiantly. “You are a curse in my life!” She vented openly.

He bent his head, his lips on her slender neck. “Yes. Yes I am.” He murmured against her sensitive skin.

She closed

her eyes and sighed, unable to tamp down the fire he stoked in her. He pulled her closer, as their bodies touched from chest to toe. He explored the opening of her shift, transforming her in molten lava, his desire pressed temptingly against her belly.

Capitulation. The unique word possible of being uttered here. She capitulated before the feast of the senses he taunted her with. She did not even feel shame! The sensations he extricated from her so overwhelming she had no space for shame. She let herself feel his caress, as an undermining laxity dominated her. Unthinkingly, her hands sneaked under his silken tunic to find his muscled chest warm on her palm.

“Aurelia!” He exclaimed. “Yes, touch me, touch all of me!” He nibbled the pulse on her neck. “I need your heavenly callused hands on me.” Next, he plundered her yearning lips and they went lost to reality.

She held him under the tunic and responded fully to his kiss, as he pulled her tighter to him. Every time Conrad touched her, he became dumbfounded with her responsiveness, her fire, the way he could think of sharing his body only with her.

He came up for air, using the break to take out his pyjamas tunic. She looked at him mesmerized. The flames on the fireplace made her loose long rosewood hair shine with fiery streaks. She came back to him, leaning on him, one hand merging in his wavy midnight hair, the other caressing his muscled arm, while her mouth grazed his peppered chest.

He mumbled her name, his hand immersing in her silky hair, pulling her closer for more explorations. This she-wolf of a wife would undo him in no time. But he let her touch him as much as she liked. She did not play shy, she grazed, kissed, caressed, nibbled the whole of his exposed body. He pulled the lace at her neck, causing her shift to fall to her waist, his eyes drinking in her beauty. When her curious hand descended intent down his abdomen, he hauled her in his arms and took her to bed.

She did not let up. Climbing over him on her bed, her hand continued its way, snaking inside his trousers, finding him hard and leaking.

“Oh.” He sighed and sagged back on the fluffy mattress, powerless to stop her naughty stroll. “Aurelia.” He mumbled in the end of his forces. “Please, stop it or there will be nothing left for you.”

She eyed him so provocative. “Oh…pity.” She bit her lips with clear intention. “I wanted to…”

“No!” He cut her. The image of her lips on him nearly made him explode.

She leant over him; he found her exposed breast and took it in his mouth, distracting her. He suckled the delicious globe, palming the other, turning her on her back as she groaned, her hair falling around her.

Completely nude now, she cradled him, holding his head on her bosom, head bent back in pleasure. His hand held her ribs, revelling in her smooth skin, going down and down until he found her core, wet, ready. He caressed her with tormenting insistence, as she contorted under him.

“Conrad.” She called.

He continued his torture.

“Conrad.” She asked.

He paid her no heed.

“Conrad.” She pleaded.

Still he went on, suckling harder on her breast.

“Conrad.” She supplicated.

His name on her mouth sounded paradisiac.

“If you do not come here now, I swear I’ll go on punching you!” She demanded.

Only then did he lift his head to her. “My she-wolf’s wish is an order.” He murmured in a half-smile.

He knelt before her, pulling the string that held his pyjamas trousers. It fell, revealing his grandiose erection to her hungry eyes. She fixed it with so much coveting he went harder, if that was possible.

Using her feet, she dragged him to her, joining their bodies deliriously.

He groaned helpless. “You’ll be the merciless end of me!” He moved in her as she sought him ever more ravenously.

Repeatedly, they searched for each other, the intensity of their desire rocketing. He surged in her deeper and deeper, making her arch towards him. It gave him the chance to suckle on her breast some more. She groaned louder, arched more and then cried out her surrender. Her spasms milked him and he let loose his desire, pouring in her countless spurts of climax. Sated, he fell on his back, bringing her with him. He covered them both, as they stayed in each other’s arms for a long time.

Chapter Eight