She did not let up, no. Climbing over him on her bed, her hand continued its trip, snaking inside his trousers, finding him hard and leaking.
“Oh.” He sighed and sagged back on the fluffy mattress, powerless to stop her naughty stroll. “Aurelia.” He mumbled in the end of his forces. “Please, stop it or there will be nothing left for you.”
She eyed him so provocative. “Oh… pity.” She bit her lips with clear intention. “I wanted to…”
“No!” He cut her. The image of her lips on him nearly made him explode.
She leant over him; he found her exposed breast and took it in his mouth, distracting her. He suckled the delicious globe, palming the other, turning her on her back as she groaned, her hair falling around her.
Completely nude now, she cradled him, holding his lips on her bosom, head bent back in pleasure. His hand held her ribs, revelling in her smooth skin, going down and down until he found her core, wet, ready. He caressed her with tormenting insistence as she contorted under him.
“Conrad.” She called.
He continued his torture.
“Conrad.” She asked.
He paid her no heed.
“Conrad.” She pleaded.
Still he continued suckling harder on her breast.
“Conrad.” She supplicated.
His name on her mouth sounded paradisiac.
“If you do not come here now, I swear I’ll go on punching you!” She demanded.
Only then did he lift his head to her. “My she-wolf’s wish is an order.” He murmured in a half-smile.
He knelt before her, pulling the string that held his pyjamas trousers. It fell, revealing his grandiose erection to her hungry eyes. She fixed it with so much coveting he became harder, if such was possible.
With her feet, she dragged him to her, joining their bodies deliriously.
He groaned helpless. “You’ll be the merciless end of me!” He moved in her as she sought him ever more ravenously.
Repeatedly, they searched for each other, the intensity of their crave rocketing. He surged in her deeper and deeper, making her arch towards him. It gave him the chance to suckle on her breast some more. She groaned louder, arched more and then cried out her surrender. Her spasms milked him and he let loose his passion, pouring in her countless spurts of climax. Sated, he fell on his back, bringing her with him. He covered them both as they stayed in each other’s arms for a long time.
Conrad decided to ride to the fair, where he knew she would be. He did not need to look long for her. As soon as he spotted a group of people, he saw her in the middle of it. She conversed and smiled at everyone, so sociable, he found it difficult to fit it with the withdrawn wife he had at the manor.
Today, she dressed a water-green day dress, not in the latest fashion, but pleasant all the same, a shawl wrapped around her shoulders. Her bonnet shaded her perfect face. The amenable weather made for a cool temperature and a cool sun in between clouds. The light played with her features, resembling a Branwell Bronte’s portrait. He made a mental note to commission a portrait for her. Her beauty deserved no less.
The fair itself stretched over the main street and beyond with several booths selling the most varied products from food to clothing, shoes and riding gear. Many people walked about in groups, pairs or alone.
He tied his horse and approached the group. The ladies curtsied, the men nodded. He turned to her, eyes full of hidden messages; he bowed and kissed her hand in a slow caress. “Good morning, my Lady Strafford.” His voice sounding hoarser than he intended.
His eyes on her brought back their steamy…exchange of last night and heat suffused her cheeks. Her breath caught in her throat and she had to blink several times to shake the effect he had on her.
Aurelia felt dumbfounded with his arrival and his courteousness towards everybody. Talk about his never coming to the fair! Waking up alone in her bed had been no congenial task, by the by; she survived anyway. She had left soon after breakfast in the hopes of keeping distant from him all day. It appeared he would allow her no such a thing.
She curtsied. “Good day, my lord.” She went for a bland smile, but it came out provocative and…evocative.
The people around them watched the communication attentively. They had told her that he and she looked besotted last night. She cursed her behaviour then. She should have stayed home when she saw he intended to come. Miss the fun? Never! He could go to blasted hell. Not to mention the way the night ended. A fiery wave crossed her body at the memory. A memory she could not stop replaying over and over. It made her melt and crave. Yearn, like a blushing debutante! Damn him!
“Isn’t it a beautiful idea?” The strident Lady Johnson was saying.
Aurelia’s distraction with her husband made her lose the thread of the conversation. She looked around at a loss what to answer.