Fingal’s words originated steam from deep inside her.

Catriona had just come from her morning ride, to have Anna put her face to face with the man she did not stop thinking about for a single instant. Her heart reacted faster than Fiadhaich with the bridle for the first time, kicking and pounding, and trying to jump out through her mouth.

Now she must suffer through this conversation in a complete state of inappropriate response to him. She must keep her head above water to carry this to term.

“You did nothing! I did,” she declared firmly. “I take full responsibility for it.”

“I did nothing?” The question came dripping in the absurdity of it. “I took you in a stable, for pity’s sake!” He paced as if his words evoked more than indignation.

“You took nothing.” He swivelled to her and flayed her with his furious glare. “I gave it of my free will.” Their eyes clashed and held in battle.

“Together with your virginity.” The crudeness of his words was not lost on her. “The first born of a laird!”

Her hands flew to her waist. “What? It would be alright to take my virginity if I was not the daughter of a laird?” she questioned bluntly.

Besides not having the chance of deciding her own trips, she had no say about the choices for her own body. How sad.

“I did not mean it like that, and you know it,” he defended. And she remembered he proposed to her when he thought she was a simple miss. “You shouldn’t have omitted your name,” he insisted.

Dark eyes fulminated him. “Oh, so righteous, are we?” she threw. “If I lied, you did, too!”

“I did not. My name and clan were clear all along.”

“But you never told me you were practically betrothed for all intents and purposes.” In his mind, she was a woman who had no information about their clans’ arrangements, and yet he said nothing.

At that, his glare narrowed to slits. “I said I could not offer marriage.” His voice was low and hard.

“An extensive explanation, to be sure,” she mocked. “Omission, if I’m not wrong.”

A long, tense silence befell them. Their dirty laundry seemed done, and Catriona found nothing else to say. To break from the man’s too penetrating gaze, she walked towards the door to call her sister.

Before she could reach it, he caught her arm. His warm fingers on her through the fabric caused a jolt of sensations and a flood of memories. “What do you think you’re doing?” He asked.

She looked pointedly at his hand on her, but he did not move. “We’re finished here. I’ll call—”

“No, we’re not,” he stated with that overbearing way of his. “We must decide what to do.”

A self-deprecating scoff escaped her. “I don’t think so.” Despite this charade, she still must go through with her father’s designs. “I’m to marry an English lord.”

A ferocious look came to his burning eyes, but his sculpted lips pulled a sardonic smirk. “An English sod can never abate your passion!”

His hand did not leave her arm, and he loomed close enough for her to sense the heat of his body and breathe in his scent of green woods and man. Said passion surfaced with a force threatening to choke her. She had to struggle with it to make clarity prevail and produce an answer.

Catriona forced her shoulders to give a shrug. “No matter, he’ll just lift my—”

Fingal pulled her to him, and she clashed with muscles of steel. “Nobody touches what’s mine,” he hissed hotly.

“I’m not—”

His mouth dived to plunder hers. Just like that, they clutched at each other, no resistance, no reservations. No guilt.

That, oh, that was all she yearned for from the minute she saw him standing in this very room in the heart of London, in his full glory. With a moan in her throat, her arms circled him while his laced her, every inch of them touching. In seconds, the kiss turned into something erotic, their mouths devouring one another with unbridled carnality.

“Say you’re not mine, Catriona,” he drawled, nibbling her lower lip.

At that instant, she was in no condition to say anything whatsoever. Even less such a lie. So, she took control of the kiss and plunged her tongue between his sculpted lips. With a groan he let her, only to take it to explicit levels.

Suddenly, he lifted her in his powerful arms, one under her back, the other under her knees.