And could not. Would not.

The same who had just spoiled him for others.

Bluidy hell!

Legs tangled with his, in complete abandon, she moved to peck his shoulder. He turned to her. “How are you faring?” he asked.

“Perfectly alright,” she answered as she burrowed further against him.

“Some women experience pain in the first time,” he informed her.

“Perhaps the fact I ride a lot has helped.” It might be the exact truth.

The memory of her tightness, and the way her channel gripped him not once, but twice, got him nearly ready for more.

The impossible lass made nothing easier when her ripe lips closed around one of his nipples. “Lass—” he groaned.

Delicate, wicked fingers found him already hardening under the end of the tartan he had pulled over them. She lifted her head to him. “Do you think we could have another go?”

A hundred would be more like it, he thought.

“Come ride me, Sassenach,” he invited, fully aroused now. “I could think of nothing else after that day with Fiadhaich.” And he pulled her to him.

As he showed her how to do it, she adjusted her balance and pushed him to the edge in the process. “You’re so delicious,” she moaned, moving over his flesh. “I can feel you everywhere.” Her spine arched with her delectation.

She was going to drive him to madness yet again. “Same here,” he growled, palming her bouncing breasts and letting her undo him at her will.

Their moans and groans dotted the night as they dispensed with words. They fell asleep entangled and cocooned in his tartan.

Morning light filtered through the wood planks when Fingal opened his eyes, still lying on the hay, covered by the wool.


The lass had left.

Debranua’s hooves pounded on the park’s wet ground in loud thumps one early morning three weeks later. Jumping over fallen branches, splashing through potholes, they cut the cool wind and made the earth rattle in their wake. Catriona gave free rein to the mare in the hopes of shaking her brain from the memories, the melancholy. From the longing that twisted her insides night and day. The misty early morning offered her an empty Hyde Park, through which she rode at her will.

The trip back to London had followed the usual routine of daylight travel and nights at inns. Bumping and jolting in the carriage made her choose to ride part of the way. Her fingers on the reins had ached to turn the mare and gallop back across the border at breakneck speed.

That morning after…the most memorable night of her life, she had not deemed herself capable of waking Fingal to bid him good-bye. Had she done it, she would not have found the courage to do at least this right thing and return. With a last look at his form sleeping sated on the hay, she had carefully untangled her body from his, thrown her cloak over her shoulder and rushed to her chambers to dress and leave.

One of the stable hands had readied Debranua for her before she went to meet Flora and Peter at the inn where she had kept her carriage, her trunk already carried there the evening before.

Back in this foggy, crowded, and noisy city, she’d had a peaceful townhouse to herself for barely a day before her mother and Anna arrived from the country. Their father had gone directly to Scotland. With her mother and sister around, the dragging social events recommenced.

There were times Catriona sat through a tea party, a garden party, a dinner party, whatever, and burst into the utter need to scream! Or the need to run somewhere quiet and green, shed those restraining, horrible clothes, bathe in cool waters.


Something that would rip out these confusing feelings. Even better, something that would fulfil her, soothe her. Appease the tempest quaking inside her. Something that—

Or someone.

Not anyone. Him

At this point, she would make a feeble attempt not to remember, but the memories flooded in, anyway. And soothed her, yes. But also made the longing, the need, so intense it chafed, corroded, threatened to weaken her good intensions. It all ran so deep, she could not even bring herself to cry. Not even this relief was available.

“Catriona,” Anna greeted her as she returned from the park and entered the morning room, empty except for both sisters.