“I’d prefer to order in,” I said with a grin. I walked to his shower, naked, but gave him a little show as I walked.

Chapter Three

After my shower, I tied back my hair and poked around in James’s closets for something to wear. An old t-shirt and a pair of his boxers sounded good to me. I wanted to have his scent on me, and I always loved those parts in the movies. You know, the morning after, when the girl lies around all sexy in her man’s clothes. I wanted to be that girl for James.

When I came out he was setting up Chinese food on the island that separated the kitchen from the rest of the house.

He grinned. “You look much sexier in that than I do.”

“I would have to disagree. Actually,” I said, thinking about it. “I don’t think I’ve seen you in your boxers since high school.”

“Really?” he said, a playful smile curling his lips. “Because, I seem to remember just a couple weeks ago, you got a good look in the shower.”

I laughed. “You were naked then, not in boxers. There's a certain allure about a man in his underwear.”

He shrugged. “I guess those Calvin Klein models have it all figured out.” He set down the plates on the island and stepped out, his hands opening and pulling down his jeans until he stood in a pair of white boxers, just like the pair I wore, though mine were rolled at the waist so they wouldn't fall off.

He kicked off his jeans and looked down at himself. “I think I like your legs better. They’re less hairy.”

I giggled and lifted myself up on the balls of my feet for him to kiss me. He grabbed me and planted a soft kiss on my expectant lips.

“Let’s eat. We’ll need the energy,” he said.

We sat down and dug in. I was so hungry I barely spoke, devouring the noodles and chicken and broccoli as fast as he could scoop it out on my plate. James ate with more patience, spending as much time watching me shovel my mouth full as he did feeding himself.

After I was full, I sat there and watched while he finished. He occasionally looked up and gave me a glance, smiling as he did so. I knew he intended to use my body again, and I practically shivered at the thought of it. When he was done, he pushed his plate to the side.

“What now?” I asked.

He smiled. “Leave the plates where they are.” The smile faded from his face, and I knew that he was giving me a command now. “Go to the bedroom and wait for me there.”

I nodded and immediately moved to obey him, hurrying to his room. After rinsing out my mouth with minty wash, I jumped onto the bed. I rolled around in the sheets, my happiness overwhelming me. These sheets were fantastic, and I could definitely get used to being enveloped in them all the time. I closed my eyes and just drank in the sensation.

I was eager to feel my skin on his once more. And even though I still felt full and sore between my legs, as if he were still deep inside of me, my pussy ached with desire and was wet with anticipation. I heard a throat clearing, and when I opened my eyes, he was standing in the doorway, watching with a grin.

I sat up. “What?”

He shook his head. “Nothing, I just like watching your little body squirm like that.”

If anything, that just made my body squirm even more. I borrowed a line from him as I began to writhe even more on the bed. “Then feast your eyes.”

I heard him growl. “Unfortunately, I have bad news.”

My eyes shot open and I stopped writhing. My heart sank. “What is it?”

He waved his hand in a dismissive gesture. “One of the problems of owning my own company. The day is never over. I have to go back to the office to go put out fires.”

I got up on my knees and looked at him. He was serious. I pouted at him. “I wanted you to put out my fire, though.”

He kind of rolled his eyes at me. “Look, sis. Just think of this as me stoking your fire until I'm able to take care of it for real.” He moved from the doorway, going to his closet. I watched him pick out a new shirt and button it up. I wondered how long that shirt would last around our lust.

I watched as he put on his pants and began to tie his tie. The silence was deafening. “So, should I go?”

“No!” he said a little too suddenly, then seemed to regain his cool. “No, stay here for at least the night. We have a lot to talk about.”

I could at least agree with that. “Do you know when you're getting back?”

He had a solemn look on his face as he shook his head.