"That's it," Daddy said. He began to pump harder as I continued to lick her clit as fast as I could. Suddenly, I saw Jenny's labia begin to quiver. I felt muscles around her body begin to twitch. I knew she was having an orgasm.

Daddy followed shortly afterwords. I watched his balls contract into his body, heard him grunt loudly as he pumped semen into her. I watched Jenny's pussy milk him, and I couldn't be more turned on. I knew that my Daddy's sperm were swimming up her chan

nel now, trying to find a fertile egg just as they had tried to find a fertile egg within me.

Jenny continue to spasm as Daddy pulled out of her. Cum literally began dripping out of her immediately, right onto my waiting tongue. I lapped up my Daddy's cum as it came out of her, completely lost in the moment. I swallowed one mouthful, then my tongue found her entrance and began to probe within her. I slurped what was near there, then held it in my mouth.

Daddy let go of her back, and she immediately got up. Her hand went to her pussy, and with a shiver, realized just how much cum had got inside of her. I got up with her and leaned in for a kiss. She looked surprised at first, then opened her mouth to return the kiss. I pushed the cum into her mouth and she moaned in surprise. The cum dripped out of both of our mouths as we made out, and her hands began touching all over me.

Daddy watched all of this from the chair in my room. When I finally calmed down, I looked over at him. Jenny looked too. Daddy got up from the chair and walked out of the room. "Now, are you two girls going to be good from now on?"

We looked at each other, then back at him. "Yes, Daddy," we said in unison.

He smiled. "Good," and he walked out the door.

The two of us looked back at each other, naked and covered in sweat and cum. I didn't know what to say at first. Was our friendship forever ruined by my Daddy's lesson?

"Do you want to shower off together?" Jenny asked.

I smiled. Nope. This was going to be the start of a beautiful relationship.

- X -

Check out all the titles in the Kari’s Lessons series!

A Note from the Authors:

Cassandra Zara: It's often said that reading erotica is mostly for women, but look closely guys: The girls in my books act in ways that you will NEVER see a girl act in a porno.

Cassandra Zara is a young woman in her 30s who has wanted to write the kind of fiction she'd like to read for a long time. It may sound cliché, but she really does love long walks on the beach with her husband. Her new baby keeps her plenty busy, but she's overjoyed to have people who enjoy her work.

Thank you for supporting an indie author. Anything you can do, whether it be writing a review, or even simply telling a fellow reader that you enjoyed this, helps keep my baby in diapers. Thanks!

Please tell me what you think and send me ideas. My email address is [email protected] and I'd love to hear from you!

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Lucinda Lane: Thank you for reading this erotic story. I hope you enjoyed it.

I love hearing from my fans. My email address is [email protected], you can keep an eye on my author page or blog for information about new and future releases and make sure you sing up to my mailing list right here: http://eepurl.com/CMonD

I’d also like to thank Cassandra for giving me the chance to work with one of my erotica heroes! I really hope you enjoy this series, we’re both very proud of it.

- X -

Check out these other great stories by Cassandra Zara

Forced Breeding of the Babysitter

Growing up is hard enough when you have time to do it, but young babysitter Mandy is about to have to grow up quickly to keep up with Mr. Brand, the father of the child she babysits. In these 3 stories, Mandy loses her virginity, gets tag teamed by a couple of older men, and brings her best friend along for a little growing up herself!

Forced Breeding of the Virgin Babysitter

Forced Breeding of the Reluctant Teen Babysitter