
“I thought as much. Do you understand that when you behave like this it disrespects not just yourself, but your family? Teenage. Attention. Whore. Is that what you want to be known for?”

“N... no Daddy.” I really didn’t know how to play this or what Max was looking for. Did he want a contrite innocent? Did he want a teenage whore? At that moment I would have done anything to know what he wanted from me.

“And what do you think your punishment should be for this behavior?”

All it took was that one little word. Punishment. I felt my nipples pop beneath the arm that shielded them. Punishment.

“Perhaps you should spank me again Daddy?” I said.

“Hmph.” He didn’t seem too impressed by my eager tone. “I think maybe something you actually won’t enjoy quite as much. Perhaps some chores... but as you seem to enjoy exposing yourself so much at the moment I think you should remain naked. You can start by cleaning the kitchen.”

That was not what I had expected. As I stood there stunned, he went back to using his laptop, pausing occasionally for a sip of coffee. It appeared he did not think there was anything more to discuss.

“Now?” I asked.

He nodded dismissively.

- X -

I cleaned the kitchen. Sweeping and mopping the floor, scrubbing down counters and cabinet doors. Doing this work naked was an unusual experience. Doing it naked and in front of someone else was a very unusual experience.

I felt a deep sense of shame. My cheeks and chest reddened with a blush that wouldn’t seem to fade. At times the nature of my chore dictated that I bend or squat in an extremely unflattering position and I’d try to hide this from Max’s view, mostly by covering myself clumsily with my hands.

And yet despite the embarrassment and shame I felt, I also found myself becoming increasingly turned on. Perhaps it was because of the embarrassment and shame. This combined with my uncertain feelings for Max only added to my state of confusion.

As I worked I could feel how wet my pussy was. With each step I experienced my slick and glistening folds sliding against one another. It felt as if the juices were running out of me and I was sure Max must have been able to smell it. If that were the case then he must have known how turned on I was.

As I worked my demeanor began to change. I went from trying to hide my body, to trying to show it off. I had noticed Max casting the occasional appraising glance in my direction and I wanted to remind him that even though he had a tendency to treat me as his little girl, I was actually a woman. I wanted him to notice that.

- X -

I was close to finishing when I heard him chuckle under his breath. I had the feeling it had been done for my benefit and he was expecting a response. Given that I was hoping there was more to this punishment than cleaning a room in the nude, I decide to give him one.

“What’s so funny Daddy?”

“Oh, you should read some of these comments. A lot of people seem to be enjoying your little movie, but some people aren’t impressed.”

I was unsure what he meant and he must have seen this confusion on my face as he beckoned me over to look at his computer once again. The top comment on the screen read, “Someone should buy that skinny bitch a razor if she’s going to wear a swimsuit like that!” Another poster had leaped to my defense claiming that they quite liked the natural look, but everyone else seemed to accuse him of being a “white knight”. Whatever that meant.

I blushed furiously. Even though the footage from the cell phone was blurry it was clear that I really should have paid a little more attention to my personal grooming before wearing that swimsuit in public. I mean it wasn’t a jungle down there, I kept myself neatly trimmed, but the thin triangle of fabric covering my mound demanded a little more than “neatly trimmed”. I don’t know how I hadn’t noticed it when I’d put it on, too much to drink I guess.

I was mortified. Getting caught topless on someone’s cell wasn’t exactly a big deal. But this... this was a disaster. I looked up to catch Max looking down at my crotch with a smirk on his face and immediately brought my hands down to cover myself.

“I think we need to do something about this Kari. Wait here.”

I stood rooted to the spot as Max left the room. His computer screen was still on the comments. Someone had even included a still image from the video, blown up, with the stray hairs escaping my swimsuit circled. This was a nightmare!

When he returned Max was carrying a small towel and a dinky little toiletries bag. He put them on the counter, grabbed a large bowl from a cupboard, and began to fill it with hot water. I guess I was being a little slow, but it was only then that I realized what he intended to do.

No no no no no.

“You can’t do this!”

My stomach was doing flip-flops as I struggled to keep it together. Lusting after Max was one thing. Even my bar

e bottomed spanking and the fact that he’d gotten me off afterwards seemed relatively tame... but this was a whole new level of intimacy. And yet my pussy didn’t seem to mind. Already aroused and wet from traipsing around him in the nude, I felt it becoming even more juicy as my clit sent out little pulses of excitement.