“Those burgers smell amazing,” Anna said, reaching into the fridge and pulling out a can of diet soda.

“One of them is for you,” Sabrina said, as she pulled the third burger from the paper sack.

Her mother nodded and took a quick sip of her soda. Then, without responding, she darted back into her bedroom.

On most normal evenings, Sabrina would watch the chaos without involving herself any more than a helping hand, and even that she did cautiously. She’d learned a while ago that it was best to allow her mother’s pre-work tornado to run its course without giving it any fuel or obstacles. But tonight she had some big news and she couldn't wait to share it with everyone.

“Are you going to have to time to sit and eat?” she called to her mother, who reemerged carrying a handful of papers.

“I’ve got to fill this out,” she said, her voice sped up and distant. She dropped the papers onto the table but didn’t sit down.

Sabrina’s father had finished his burger and sat back with his hands in his lap. She looked at him and smiled, hoping to break through his stoic expression, even just slightly. He returned her gesture with a half-smile that ended at his cheeks, but was genuine all the same.

“Tell me about your interview, sweetie,” he said, his soft gray eyes like clouds hiding the sun.

Sabrina’s chest inflated with a small flurry of the excitement she’d felt earlier that day. She smiled involuntarily.

“It went really well,” she said. All at once everything flooded her mind and she didn’t even know where to begin. “I’ve got some exciting news.”

“Did you get the job?” her mom asked. Her eyes widened with excitement as she looked up from her papers.

“I did,” Sabrina said and nodded affirmatively. “They offered it to me on the spot.”

“Honey, that's amazing,” Anna said, smiling with motherly pride. “And this is the one that’ll...”

“This is the one that’ll get me to college,” Sabrina finished her sentence for her.

“That’s wonderful,” her father said, his lips curling into the largest smile she had seen from him in a long time.

“Thanks, Daddy,” she said.

“This is the best news I've heard in weeks,” Anna said, practically jumping up and down in excitement. “I'm so proud of you, baby girl. And you're sure this job will be able to put you through school? I'm not trying to question your math skills, but I just don't see how three months of work can possibly add up to enough money for four years of school.”

“I'll actually end up making more than I need,” Sabrina said. “I’ll save enough for tuition and have a bit for grocery money on the side. I’ll finally be able to put myself through college.”

“You're an incredible young woman, Sabrina,” her father said. “Seriously, I'm proud of you.”

“My daughter will be going to college, huh?” Anna said, looking dreamily toward the ceiling. “Won't that be something?”

“It almost seems too good to be true, but it’s all about to become a reality,” Sabrina said. “This is the opportunity I’ve been waiting for.”

“What kind of work is it again?” her mother asked.

“I'm a sort of assistant,” Sabrina said. “Among other things.” It was the best explanation she could offer.

“Other things?” Peter asked. He raised one bushy eyebrow at her.

“Yes. That actually brings me to another thing that I need to tell you about this job.” She trailed off and looked to her parents, who returned her stare without speaking. Sabrina gulped a short breath before starting again. “This job means I’m going to have to travel. I’m going to be gone for a while.”

She studied her parent’s expression, trying to guess a response before they spoke.

“How long?” her father finally asked. His smile had faded back to his usual defeated demeanor.

“A few months,” Sabrina said softly, her eyes meeting his gentle gaze. His nod spoke a thousand words that she knew her father couldn’t say.

“Traveling assistant work?” her mother asked, sounding skeptical.

“It’s kind of a unique position.” Sabrina directed her gaze toward her mom. “I’ll be an assistant for someone while they tour the country.”