I startled slightly at the waiter's question, lost deep in my thoughts of being a good dinner guest.

"Cognac, please." I glanced at Owen and he hid a smile at my startle.

"Thinking much?" he chided softly. I stuck my tongue out at him before I remembered that we were at a very fancy restaurant.

"Just trying to figure out some witty banter for the sheik."

"Don't think too hard." Owen sipped at his own cognac, the corners of his mouth twitching with amusement. I wanted to stick my tongue out at him again, but I refrained this time. Barely.

"I guess I just need someone to practice my witty banter with. Maybe I can get that waiter to come back," I teased, pretending to look around for the waiter.

Owen chuckled softly; I loved that noise. It was a masculine laughter that suited him so well. I could listen to him laugh like that all day.

Chapter 16

"You want to take a walk around the park?" Owen asked when we returned to the hotel. I glanced up at the darkening sky, then out toward the trees. Green sprouts were just starting to form on the bare branches, in wait of spring showers to nourish them. The sky was dark, but it still looked like we had some time before the rain would hit.

"Sure," I answered. Owen grinned, and grabbed my hand and the two of us practically skipped hand in hand into the park. We found a path that meandered through the trees, the two of us just quietly taking it all in. From the corner of my eye I could see his bodyguard shadowing us silently. I ignored him, instead just focusing on being with Owen. I loved the way his hand felt in mine--strong and warm, protective and secure. I loved the way he smelled like a clear spring in winter and the way he wrapped me up in his arms. Just thinking of being held in his arms made me squeeze his hand a little tighter, glad just to be with him.

A hot dog stand resided off the path, a bright yellow umbrella over a light brown cart. The smell of cooking meat wafted through the air, and even though we had just finished a satisfying gourmet meal, my stomach rumbled. Owen gave me a surprised look at how loudly my stomach had growled.

"You hungry?" he asked.

"Maybe a little. I didn't eat much today, so even though the food was amazing, the serving size was a little small," I said sheepishly. Owen squeezed my hand.

"I can go for a snack myself. I've never eaten there, but it is supposed to be the fanciest place in town, so I thought I should take you. You deserve the best."

A flood of warm fuzzies flowed through me at his words. No only did he love me, he really liked me too.

"Can I buy you a hot dog?" I asked as Owen's stomach growled in response to mine.

"You don't have to buy me a hot dog. I'll get it. I don't know if you know this, but I'm kind of rich," he whispered theatrically in my ear as we approached the small stand. I gave him a playful push, pulling out some money from inside my dress. Owen raised his eyebrow as he looked down the top of my dress to where I had stashed my ID and a little money.

"I know, but you bought dinner. Let me get the hot dogs."

"Like I can say no to you anyway," he said, shaking his head with a good-natured laugh.

I paid the man for two hot dogs, and together we ate them as we walked through the park. Owen pretended to bump into me as we walked, and I bumped back into him, both of us laughing under our breath as we tried to maintain the illusion that it was always an accident.

Thunder rumbled, and Owen turned us back toward the hotel. The clouds overhead were starting to get darker and more angry looking by the minute. I wasn't sure just how much longer they were going to hold back before letting loose.

We had just passed by the hot dog stand again when a crack of thunder made me jump. Owen laughed and pulled me close to him, draping his arm around my shoulder. I smiled up at him and felt something wet land on my cheek. I touched it with my fingertips, confused for a moment until a second heavy drop landed square on my nose. Owen and I looked right at one another with realization that it was raining just as the down pour started.

It was as if someone had turned on the shower faucet, the rain starting quicker than either of us could have expected. We ran for the nearest trees, but their bare branches offered no protection from the sudden deluge. I shivered, the two of us already completely soaked by the sudden microburst. Owen quickly shrugged out of his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders, the satin inside still warm from his body.

I reached up, wrapping my hand around the back of his neck and pulling him down for a kiss. Our lips met, the taste of the rain on his lips. I parted my lips and slipped my tongue inside of his mouth, which was so warm and inviting. His hand tangled itself in my wet hair and pulling me closer to him. Our bodies pressed together, the heat of his chest defying the cold of the rain.

We stood there, kissing in the rain as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Raindrops pounded against the pavement, splattering against windows and shaking the baby leaves on the trees. I was enjoying the taste of rainwater kisses too much to stop.

"We need to get you inside," Owen whispered, pulling himself away. I realized I was shaking like a leaf, my teeth chattering with the cold. He rubbed his hands up and down on my arms, trying to get some warmth back into them before grabbing my hand and pulling me toward the hotel.

It was only a short walk, and we reached the lobby right as another boom of thunder shook the city. I caught my reflection in the elevator door as Owen whisked me up to our room. My lips were blue and my hair was wet, but thankfully my waterproof mascara was holding. My dress was quickly becoming transparent, the water soaking through the white fabric and making it stick to my legs. Luckily, Owen's jacket kept most of me covered, but the dress made me look like I was turning into something that belonged in the water. I gave my reflection a smile, pleased to find I looked more like a sea-soaked mermaid than a drowned rat.

Owen opened the door, and we stepped inside. The balcony doors had been thrown open by the wind, the curtains billowing in gusts. Owen went to close them, but I caught his arm. I didn't want to wait a second longer to have him. His white dress shirt was plastered against his skin, the water making it almost translucent. I could see the gentle slopes and lines of his muscles highlighted by the wet cloth, everything in perfect proportion.

"Leave it open," I whispered, dropping the jacket off my shoulders and reaching to him for a kiss. He wrapped his arms around me, the wet fabric of his shirt cold at first, but heating quickly as his body flared with desire.

I fumbled with the buttons on his shirt, the cold making my fingers clumsy. He growled and ripped it apart, sending buttons flying through the air. Owen stripped the wet dress shirt from his skin, every inch of his toned chest and arms glistening with the dampness. I licked my lip, biting the bottom one and reaching for him again. His skin was cold, in perfect contrast with the fire that burned inside of me.