"What, the condom? No, I tossed it out," he said.

I turned around, my breasts brushing against his chest. "No, silly. Sonic 2. I haven't played in years."

He grinned the biggest smile I had seen since I met him. He pushed himself off the couch and went to the TV, unwrapping two controllers. I admired that ass of his as he set up the game, thinking that this was the kind of vacation I had always wanted.

We sat there, already completely comfortable with our naked bodies, and played Sonic 2 for about half an hour. Somehow he cheated, becaus

e there was no way he could beat me that many times in a row without cheating. Halfway through a game, I heard his phone begin to ring. He set the ancient controller down on his knees and dug around in his swim trunks for his phone. I kept playing, not bothering to pause it for him. This might be my only chance to win a round.

Someone was talking on the other end as he picked up the controller and kept playing. "Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. We'll be there." He put the controller down and started to go to the TV.

"Wait! I'm going to beat you this time!" I said when I noticed him reaching for the video game console.

He laughed. "I forfeit. You won all the rounds," he said as he reached for the power button again.

"That's not fair!" I exclaimed. "You're just giving up because you know you're going to lose."

He looked at me for about a half-second, then quickly ran back to the couch and lifted up the controller, picking up where he had left off. It was a close one, but I eked out a victory by a smaller margin than I should have. My victory dance was probably a little excessive, but he didn't seem to mind watching me prance around his Man Cave.

"When you're done looking silly, we have a party to go to. We'll have to hurry to make it on time," he said.

"Party?" I asked. "I didn't hear about a party."

"Robbie just set it up. He wants everyone on his yacht for a cocktail party tonight. I know he's wanted to get everyone on that boat for a while now," he said.

I bit my lip. It was a habit I had passed on to Emma, though she did it more than I did. "Owen, I only had a four-day weekend here. I leave tomorrow afternoon. I was hoping we could spend the rest of the evening together," I said.

He looked at me like I was concerned about nothing. "We'll have the rest of the evening, during and after the party." I continued to look at him, thinking about how just a few minutes ago he was telling me how much he had wanted me, and now he wanted to go to a party. However, his features softened. "You're right. I'll call him back and tell him we aren't coming."

"No!" I blurted out. "No, you're right, let's go to the party. Can you get a ride for me back to the hotel? I have to get dressed."

He hesitated for a moment, then said, "Of course. I'll get ready here and we can meet at the boat." He threw his swim trunks on and then watched me get my own jeans and T-shirt on. I carried my bathing suit with me as he called his driver to come pick me up. He waited on the front porch (which was as beautiful as the back porch) with me while the car came.

"I'll see you there, sweetheart," he said. Sweetheart. The name fit me well, I thought. He kissed me on the cheek, then disappeared back in the house.

Chapter 7

As I entered my hotel room, the word still rang in my head. Sweetheart. Did that mean we were a couple now? Was this just a way to keep him in my good graces for the rest of the time I was here at the resort? I was so confused.

I had only brought three dresses on this vacation. One was my bridesmaid dress, and I couldn't wear that. I had a slutty red dress that I could use to really impress him, or...

I picked up my favorite dress in the world. It looked like it was out of the 1950s, like it could be in some Marilyn Monroe film. It was light pink with warm brown dots all over it. It had a pretty belt that went around the waist, and it flared out at the bottom. I put it on, the fabric soft and light, perfect for a tropical evening.

I carefully did my makeup, going with a light, natural look. I didn't bother doing anything special with my hair, instead just tying the long dark locks up in a simple ponytail. We were going to be out on a boat, and I had seen enough TV to know there would be wind.

It didn't take me long to walk down to the resort dock, where Robbie's yacht bobbed happily in the water. I grinned with excitement as I saw it. Tall masts rose with graceful ropes attached like strange streamers proclaimed it a sailing vessel rather than something with a motor. It reminded me of an old-fashioned pirate ship, and knowing Robbie, I wouldn't have been surprised to see a pirate flag waving from the top mast.

Emma waved as she saw me approach, Jack at her side and looking like he was enjoying his honeymoon. I knew Robbie would already be on the boat, but I didn't see Owen yet. The thought that I beat him getting ready made me giggle. I had to remember to call him a girl later for taking so long to get pretty.

I stepped onto the deck, carefully picking my way to where Emma sat sipping on champagne. Jack grinned and handed me a glass of the bubbly liquid.

"Where's yours?" I asked, noticing he didn't have a drink. Jack grinned and pointed his head toward what I assumed was where the steering wheel would be.

"Robbie has a strict 'no alcohol for anyone sailing' policy. Since I'm helping man the sails, nothing but water for me."

I nodded and glanced around the beautiful yacht. It was smaller than I expected a billionaire's yacht to be, but it was incredibly beautiful. Wooden decks gleamed, and from what I could see of the interior, it was furnished as nicely as Owen's house.

"How do you race on this?" I asked Jack, pointing toward a series of deck chairs facing out at the ocean. I couldn't imagine that would be very helpful in a racing situation.