"So you obviously know what I do. What do you do?" Owen asked finally, the plain question breaking the tension. Maybe he didn't feel any tension at all. Maybe he was just being friendly.

"I'm a physician's assistant in the ER," I said.

"So... like a secretary?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Nothing like a secretary," I said, a little annoyed at the question. The song was ending, so he dipped me down low. The form fitting coral dress didn't help the fact that I felt like I was being thrown into bed, and he lingered for just a moment longer than I thought he would at the bottom of the dip. Finally he lifted me back up.

"I want to hear all about being a physician's assistant," he said.

I opened my mouth, ready to tell him everything as we began to walk back to the table. Then I remembered that he knew every trick in the book. "You're just trying to get me to talk about myself, aren't you? You think that's the key to every woman's heart."

He didn't even bat an eye. "Yes I am. Is it working?"

I paused. He's playing with me, I thought. "No, but now you're going to have to listen to me talk about all the gross things that happen at a hospital," I said.

He pulled my chair out for me, and I sat down. He sat down in Jack's empty chair, put his elbows on the table, his face in his palms, and leaned in. "I'm all ears," he said, sounding genuinely eager.

I sighed. "Owen..."

My tone must have said it all. Owen jumped back. "Say no more. I can tell when I have no chance of making the sale. If you don't want me to talk to you again, just let me know."

I pouted. "It's not like that..."

"So you do want me to talk to you?" he asked, a charming smile on his face. I couldn't help but blush and look away shyly. "Look, I'll leave you be for now. If you feel like talking later, come find me." With that, he stood up, walking toward Mr. Saunders. I knew that he'd have plenty to talk about with the businesspeople at the party, so maybe it really was better that I didn't waste his time by talking about myself.

I watched him move with the confidence of a man who knew what he wanted and usually got it. Well not today Mr. Parker. Today, not even your money could buy what you wanted.

He looked back at me, those piercing blue eyes catching me in just the right way. Take me, I'm yours... No! The civil war in my brain continued to rage on.

For the next few hours, I spoke with my parents or my sister, shooting occasional glances at Owen. Most of the time, he wasn't looking at me, but sometimes, he was. Every time our eyes met, I smiled at him.

I drank a couple cups of punch, danced with a couple of Jack's younger cousins, and enjoyed the festivities. The DJ they had flown in from New York was worth every penny. When it came time for Emma to throw the bouquet, I joined the crowd. Emma winked at me as she turned around. As she threw the bouquet behind her head, I watched it sail in a perfect arc toward me. If this was on purpose, I thought, then she must have been practicing her behind-the-back bouquet tosses. I held out my hands to catch the bouquet- and suddenly a young teenage girl about sixteen years old jumped up and snatched it.

The crowd cheered for the young lady, and my eyes went straight to Owen. His eyes were on me too, and I gave him my best can't-win-em-all shrug. He walked over to me, drink in hand.

"You were robbed," he said.

I smiled. "I thought you weren't going to talk to me anymore," I said, a wry smile on my face.

He shrugged. "You initiated communication, even though it was nonverbal." I laughed and he continued. "Besides, you looked bored."

I leaned in and whispered. "I feel guilty, but I am a little bored. I don't know many people here, and Emma is so busy talking to people."

He shrugged again. "You know me. Listen, Jack's brother Robbie has his racing boat parked on a marina right down the beach. Why don't we take it for a spin?"

That sounds like fun, I thought. You really shouldn't though. I could feel my resistance breaking down. "I should really stay here until the end of the wedding."

Owen smiled. "Jack will look for any excuse to start his wedding night as soon as possible, if you catch my drift. The best man and maid of honor leaving would be such a perfect excuse. Besides, I have to hear all about the gross stuff that happens at hospitals."

Maybe just a quick boat ride...

Owen continued. "Or, if you'd like, we can just go straight back to my cabana house," he said.

I grimaced a little. He just lost the sale, I thought. "You know what? I do think I'll call it a night. It was a pleasure, Owen," I said.

Owen knew he had messed up. "Of course," he said, gracefully accepting defeat. "Perhaps I'll see you tomorrow," he added, hopefully.

"Perhaps," I replied coolly, not counting on him still being interested in me tomorrow. Tomorrow I would be plain old Kaylee, small town girl from Iowa, not maid of honor at his best friend's wedding. I went and said good night to my parents and gave Emma one last hug. I left quickly, looking back one last time. Owen's eyes were on me as I left, and he raised his hand in a quick, meek wave.