I shrugged. "I'll probably have an early night. We have a busy day tomorrow."

Owen nodded, his blue eyes intent on mine. "Perhaps I can interest you in a drink before you go?"

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I wanted to say no, but it was as if he was hypnotizing me to say yes. The way he held his body, his eyes catching mine and the seductive tone of voice, it was all incredibly hard to say no to. No wonder the guy was a marketing VP.

"Count me in!" Robbie said with a smirk before I could actually answer. Owen gave him a sideways glare. The spell was broken.

"You oversold it. Even I was tempted," Jack said, finishing his drink. Owen gave him a dirty look to match the one he had shot Robbie.

"If I wasn't marrying this handsome man tomorrow, I would have been all over that," Emma said and smiled sweetly at him. Owen raised his hands in defeat. It was easy to tell that his method of picking up women was a known thing among the four of them.

"Fine, too obvious. Question still stands though Kaylee. Would you like to get a drink?" Owen asked, his smile hopeful. I had to nip this in the bud before he could try that hypnotizing look again. Girls probably fell for him left and right with that smolder.

"Sorry, no. I've sworn off men for a little while," I said. I did not want to get burned by a man like I did last time. "Especially men who buy me drinks."

Possibly forever, I thought.

Owen tipped his chin down and gave me the biggest blue puppy eyes I have ever seen. I'm not sure quite how he did it, but it took a lot of willpower not to give in. When he started to tremble his lower lip, I almost caved, but then Jack started to laugh.

"Oh Kaylee, I think he likes you! He never does the puppy thing unless he's desperate," Jack just barely manage

d to say before he began to laugh. He and Emma were both snorting into their wine at the pathetic face Owen was making.

"You guys are seriously ruining my mojo. This works every time." Owen glared at the happy couple, sparing an angry glance for Robbie, who was cracking up in the corner.

"I think I'm going to go to bed," I said, knowing full well those blue eyes would get me if I stayed. I needed to avoid men for a little while for my own good. Owen smiled up at me as I stood from the table.

"Would you like me to join you?" he asked. He practically oozed charm. It wasn't a bad thing. In fact, it was rather nice to be so obviously desired, but I had no interest in a random hookup. I wasn't looking for a good time, and I certainly wasn't looking for a relationship. Not that he was even offering the latter.

"You are persistent! Thanks, but no thanks," I said, shaking my head. I gave Emma a hug and Jack surprised me with a hug from him. I was liking Jack more and more.

"You sure? I give excellent back rubs," Owen tried again. I knew he was just playing so I pretended to think about it, holding a finger up to my lips.

"Hmm... nope."

"Break my heart!" he cried, falling back into his chair as though I had wounded him. He grinned and gave me a wink as I made sure I had my room key. Robbie came around the table and gave me a big bear hug, practically lifting me off the floor.

"Have a great night, Kaylee," Robbie said with a grin before turning to Owen and adding, "and that's how you do it."

"Well, if that's how it's done," Owen said, rising gracefully. He stepped close to me and my heart started pounding in my chest for no apparent reason. I had told myself I wasn't going to give into him, and I was going to stick by it, no matter how much he made my insides heat.

"Have a wonderful night, Kaylee. Dream sweet," he whispered as he wrapped me up in his arms. For one glorious second, I let myself imagine being his. My body ached to be touched, to be wrapped up with his. His cologne was masculine but not overpowering, his arms strong and confident around me. I honestly didn't want him to let go, but he released me before it could even be considered awkward. I hoped I wasn't blushing too noticeably.

"You all have a good night," I managed to stutter before heading down the stone pathway off the porch. I stepped into the twilight, feeling the warm tropical evening surround me. The waves shushed in the distance and night insects sang in the bushes while the stars twinkled above. It was something that I would have typically enjoyed, but right then, all I could think about was how good Owen had smelled.

Chapter 2

I watched as my dad walked my little sister down the aisle. Or rather, down the beach we had made into an aisle. Dad kissed her softly before reluctantly letting go. Jack grinned like the happiest person in the world as she stepped toward him.

Emma was stunning. She wore a flowing white dress that billowed slightly in the breeze and was just formal enough for a wedding, but casual enough that it screamed Emma. Her long dark hair was half up in a complicated series of braids. and the rest blew softly in the gentle wind. She chose not to go with a veil, instead having tiny white flowers that matched her bouquet sprinkled throughout the dark braids. She looked like something out of a fairytale which, considering the man she was marrying, was appropriate.

She handed me her flowers and turned to face Jack. Everything about her was glowing. Her happiness was infectious. I couldn't have wiped the smile off my face if I tried. The minister began in a deep voice, the audience sitting with rapt attention. My mother kept dotting her eyes, tears of joy spilling down her face.

"Do you, Emma LaRue, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, for better or for worse, for as long as you both shall live?"

Emma's voice shook slightly as she answered, "I do." I knew she was happy, her entire being vibrating with joy. Jack grinned as she promised herself to him, a boyish enthusiasm radiating out from him in waves.

I really liked Jack. I hadn't gotten to spend much time with him up until now, as he was often busy with the job of heading a major oil company. The transition of leadership from the elderly Daniel Saunders leading the company to the younger Jack Saunders had been stressful, but he seemed to overflow with confidence now. Emma and I had discussed how swamped he had been, and how that meant she didn't get to see him as much as she would have liked. She had been overjoyed when the transition period ended and he was able to leave work every night to be with her.