For the hundredth time, Marco glanced out over the crowd. So many faces, all of them smiling. There was Valetta in the front row, dabbing delicately at her face with a lace handkerchief. All of the diplomats and foreign royals that his father had made friends with during his reign, and of course, anyone who wanted to see or be seen at the biggest event of the year.

The press was strictly banned. All the same, Marco felt himself watching carefully for a hint of a flash bulb or any suspicious behavior.

Suddenly, the organist cleared his throat and began to play.

Marco’s heart leapt into his throat. His eyes were drawn to the huge marble staircase, where Sabrina and her party were just beginning to descend. She walked slowly, measuring every step, her face covered by a long white veil. He hoped she could see all right. More than anything, he wanted to see her face.

As she reached the end of the staircase, she was joined by her waiting father. He took her elbow and smiled, wide as anything.

Her journey down the red carpet seemed to take a thousand years. White flower pedals, tossed from balconies by a few of the island’s children, fluttered around her with each step.

Marco couldn’t think. He could hardly breathe.

This was really happening.

He was going to be with this woman for the rest of his life.

When she finally reached him, he took both of her hands in his. His heart swelled. Now, even through the veil, he could see her glowing smile, the tears shimmering in her eyes. As the priest addressed the crowd, beginning his long call-and-response prayer that would bless their union, Marco felt everything in the background fade away. Nothing else mattered, except him and his bride.

Time dilated. Although he heard the heavy ticking of the massive, ancient clock behind them, it ceased to have any meaning. Before he knew it, the priest was saying those magic words.

“You may kiss the bride.”

Marco lifted the veil with trembling hands. His wife bit her lip, a little hint of nervousness that he still found so alluring.

There were so many things he wanted to say to her. To reassure her, to tell her she was loved, she would always be loved, by him and by his people. That he couldn’t wait to have her sit next to him as Queen.

He said it all in a kiss.

As their lips met, the crowd erupted into cheers.

This wasn’t the end of their fairy tale, oh no.

This was just the beginning.

“I've never been more ready.”

Thank you!

Thank you for reading “Yours Royally”! If you enjoyed it, make sure to leave a review! Every little bit helps.

Now I hold you’ll enjoy another novel, “Rainwater Kisses”.

Rainwater Kisses

About Rainwater Kisses

The older sister of Emma LaRue wasn't looking for love. In fact, the last thing Kaylee LaRue thought as she attended her sister's Caribbean wedding was that she would meet a man as confident as Owen Parker. The suave businessman oozed charm, and when that charm was directed at Kaylee, it gave her pause. She couldn't be sure if the man was actually interested in her or just interested in a good time.

In reality, Owen Parker had never met anyone like Kaylee LaRue. The quiet girl from Iowa made him forget to breathe the first time he saw her. When he tried to work his magic, her wit proved to be a match for his, and his charms had no effect. He knew what it looked like- she probably thought that he wanted to have a vacation tryst with her just as Jack Saunders had with Emma. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Kaylee tried hard not to yield to his advances, but their last night in the Caribbean was simply magical. After a passionate night spent in the arms of Owen, Kaylee ruefully observed that there was no fake wedding to keep the two of them together. As she flew home, she thought it'd be back to the same old life for her. She never expected Owen to show up at her door.

However, this small town girl wasn't sure she was ready to change for this city boy. When Kaylee tried to fit into Owen's world, everything came crashing down. In the blink of an eye, what seemed like a strong foundation suddenly found itself built on a pillar of sand. Would their relationship blossom like Jack and Emma's, or would the two of them forever be haunted by the memories of rainwater kisses?

We had just passed by the hot dog stand again when a crack of thunder made me jump. Owen laughed and pulled me close to him, draping his arm around my shoulder. I smiled up at him and felt something wet land on my cheek. I touched it with my fingertips, confused for a moment until a second heavy drop landed square on my nose. Owen and I looked right at one another with realization that it was raining just as the down pour started.

It was as if someone had turned on the shower faucet, the rain starting quicker than either of us could have expected. We ran for the nearest trees, but their bare branches offered no protection from the sudden deluge. I shivered, the two of us already completely soaked by the sudden microburst. Owen quickly shrugged out of his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders, the satin inside still warm from his body.