“Has anyone seen my beautiful fiancée?” Marco asked, with a boyish smirk.

Sabrina's eyes lit up and she wrapped her arms around his neck. Then she leaned in and kissed his cheek.

“Hey, love.” Sabrina held him close. “What are you up to?”

“Just wanted to touch base with everyone,” Marco said, looking toward Sabrina's parents. “Less than three hours… can you believe it? Does anyone need anything?”

Sabrina's dad shook his head. “I think we're just fine. Marla set out a suit for me to wear, so I'll be ready.”

“I trust it's a suit that's fit for a knight?” Marco asked with a grin.

Peter nodded, his eyes widening is disbelief. “It's still hard to believe that I can call myself 'Sir Peter Wise'.”

“I think it has a nice ring to it,” Marco said, squeezing Peter's shoulder. “I know I've said it before, but I want to thank you again for agreeing to become a knight. It's because of you that I can marry your daughter. I'm forever in your debt.”

Peter shrugged. “It's a debt that I'm not too concerned with collecting on. I'm just happy that my baby girl has found someone that treats her right.”

Marco was genuinely impressed by Peter's willingness to help their situation. Sabrina's parents had flown to Orsino a week prior and Peter agreed without hesitation that he'd do whatever he could to help. In this case, it meant becoming a Knight of Orsino. He was sworn in just two days after landing on the Island.

“I'm glad both of you are here,” Marco said, bringing his attention to Anna.

She was wearing a beautiful blue silk dress, which Marco had given her as a gift upon her arrival. It looked like it belonged on her and seemed more fitting than the ripped jeans she'd come wearing.

“Thank you for everything, Marco,” Anna said. “You're giving my daughter a life that I couldn't have dreamed of in a million years. I'm still in shock.”

“You need never thank me,” Marco said, pulling Anna in for a hug. “I hope that I can give you the life that you deserve as well.”

He pulled away and then stepped back to Sabrina.

“As long as you don't need anything from me, I'm going to go upstairs and get ready for the wedding.” Marco leaned forward and kissed his fiancée. When he pulled away, he looked her in the eyes and sighed. He loved her so much that his heart ached. “I know I won’t be allowed to see you again once you’re in your dress, and I’ve no desire to get a shoe thrown at my head by one of the chamber-maids.”

How I got so lucky to meet a girl like her I'll never know, he thought.

“I'll see you in a little while,” Sabrina said, smiling as she gently touched his cheeks. “Can you do me a favor, though? Don't shave. I think I like the beard stubble you have going on.”

“For you? Anything?” Marco said, as he scratched his chin.

Then he turned and left the library. He went back to his bedroom to get dressed. He still couldn't believe how things had turned out. What had started as a simple vacation in the United States had turned into him meeting the girl of his dreams and getting married. He was beyond grateful for the way things had developed in his life. There was a lot in his future, including his eventual rise to the position of King. But that wasn't what was on his mind at the moment. All that he cared about was spending as much time with Sabrina as possible and giving her the fulfilling life that she deserved. Because before he met her, Marco was certain that his life had had no meaning.

I was born a prince, but thanks to Sabrina, I now know what it means to feel truly rich.

Chapter 24


Aunt Faye connected the top clasp on the back of the Sabrina's wedding dress, then glanced into the mirror in front of them.

“How does it feel?” Faye asked.

Sabrina brought her hands down the sides of the dress. An intricate design was hand-sewn throughout, with millions of tiny stitches creating a beautiful pattern.

“It feels expensive,” Sabrina said, with a smile. “But also really good.”

“I can tell you're nervous,” Faye said, spinning Sabrina around to face her. “Am I wrong?”

“I'm nervous, but in a good way.” Sabrina let out a sigh, calming the anxiety in her gut. This wasn't going to be any ordinary wedding. It was super formal, and held many traditions that were foreign to Sabrina. She’d been told the ceremony could last up to three hours, and she had no idea how she would sit through it without bursting from excitement and nerves.

“Just take a deep breath,” Faye said, her eyes glowing from the daylight that poured in through the window. “And if that doesn’t work, try to keep the squealing to a minimum.”