“I don't know who you are, but you're clearly delusional,” Magdalena said to Faye. “My mother was a poor and useless commoner who left me when I was but a child. Trust me, I would know her if I saw her. My father told me all about her.”

“Your father was James Dunhill,” Faye said. “And he was my husband. But I think you've got the story wrong. I never left you, Magdalena. At least not by choice. James forced me to leave the royal family. I didn't want to leave.”

Magdalena turned a shade of pale and then turned to Carlo. “This woman, whoever she is, is insane. Guards!”

Two guards came running in, but Marco stopped them at the door.

“I'm happy to explain things if you give me a chance,” Faye said. “But if you don't want to hear it, then I understand.”

“I don't want to hear it,” she snapped back, turning away from the bed. “You're obviously insane. Besides, why are you here anyway? How did you get in here?”

“She's my Aunt,” Sabrina explained. “At least, the closest thing to an actual aunt that I've ever had. She came to visit me when she heard what happened at the ball.”

Magdalena looked around the room at everyone.

“Every last one of you is insane,” she shouted. “I'm leaving. Please, go about your business, you group of crazies.”

Magdalena then marched out of the room, stomping her feet on the way out like a child.

“I knew those eyes looked familiar,” Carlo said. “It is the most auspicious of circumstances to have you standing here right now.”

Carlo gazed at Faye for a moment longer, and then turned back to Sabrina.

“Why did you not tell me that your Aunt was Magdalena's mother?” Carlo asked.

Sabrina shrugged. “I just found out about an hour ago.”

Marco, who was still standing by the side of the bed, seemed to be eager to speak. He was fidgeting and tapping his fingers on the headboard of the bed.

“What is it, son?” Carlo asked, coughing a few times after speaking the words.

“I know you need rest, Father, but I want to consult with you for a moment,” Marco said. “Did you look into the law that says I can't marry Sabrina because she's not royal? The one that Magdalena had said she found?”

Carlo drew in a long breath and pushed himself up a bit, so that he was leaning against the headboard. “Yes, I did. And Magdalena was right. There is a law that says that.”

Sabrina and Marco looked at each other and Sabrina felt her gut clench.

“Is there anything we can do?” Sabrina asked. “I want to marry Marco more than anything.”

“The law states very clearly that it's not allowed,” Carlo said.

“Father, can't we change it?” Marco asked. “It's a silly and outdated law, anyhow. Who would ever complain if it got changed?”

Carlo sat silently for a moment. His breathing was slow and paced. Sabrina could tell that the simple act of breathing pained him. The lung surgery had clearly taken a toll on the man.

“I've got good news and bad news,” Carlo said. “The bad news, is that I can't change the law. At least, not in a timely fashion. It would take months for everything to go through.”

Tears fell down Sabrina's cheeks and she ran to Marco to embrace him.

“The good news,” Carlo continued. “Is that I don't have to change the law in order for you to get married.”

Sabrina stopped crying immediately and pulled her face away from Marco's chest. She looked directly at Carlo. “What do you mean?”

“Your father is Peter Wise, correct?” Carlo asked.

Sabrina hesitantly nodded. “Yes, that's correct.”

“I had one of our people look into it for me. It turns out, that your great great grandfather was the Lord of Earlshire and fought in the Battle of the Realm. His name was Arthur Wise the Third.”