“Of course,” he said. “I'd do anything for you. Plus, I'd love to meet your parents. And also, assuming you'll still take me, we'll be getting married soon and there's no way that I'd do that without your parents being present.”

Sabrina smiled at the thought of her parents getting to enjoy the island life for a little while.

“Do you want me to come with you to see Carlo right now, or should I wait until you see how he's feeling?” Sabrina asked.

“Both of you come with me,” Marco said. “He'll be delighted to have the company. I'm sure he's sick and tired of getting an earful from Magdalena anyway, so we'll be doing him a favor by entering his chambers.”

Sabrina and Faye followed Marco upstairs and into Carlo's chambers. When they stepped inside, Sabrina's heart sank. Carlo was sitting up in his bed, but looked weary and pale. A green oxygen tank sat next to his bed, which was connected to a hose that pumped air into his nose. He managed a smile, though, when he saw that he had visitors.

“Come in,” he whispered, his voice raspy and quiet.

Sabrina and Faye approached the foot of the bed, while Marco stepped beside his father. He placed a hand onto Carlo's chest. “Father, look who I found.”

“I see that,” Carlo said, glancing toward Sabrina. “I'm so glad you didn't leave the island, love.”

“Me too,” said Sabrina. “I'm sorry for all the fuss. It's nice to be back, though. How are you feeling?”

Carlo began to

cough and immediately, a nurse ran in from the other room. She patted Carlo on the back and adjusted the oxygen hose in his nose. After a few moments, his coughing fit was over and he took in a long, slow breath. Then he motioned for the nurse to leave him, which she did without question.

“I wouldn't say that I feel like a million dollars,” Carlo finally said, with a smirk. “But I feel like at least a thousand dollars.”

Sabrina laughed, shocked by his optimism.

“That's good to hear,” she said, as she wrapped an arm over Faye. “Carlo, this is my Aunt Faye. She came from Memphis to visit me.”

Carlo gazed at Faye and then sat up a little further in the bed. He was silent for a moment, just staring at her with wonder.

“You look strangely familiar, Ms. Faye,” Carlo said. “Something in your eyes. Come closer. Let me see you.”

Faye did as she was asked, and walked around to the side of the bed. Carlo placed his hand onto her chin, gently pulling her close. He stared into her eyes.

“Those eyes,” he said. “That color. I've only seen it on one other person's in my entire life.”

Faye parted her lips to speak, right as the doors to Carlo's chambers swung open. Everyone turned to see Queen Magdalena standing in the doorway. She was dressed in formal attire, which consisted of a purple robe with golden stitching. When she saw Sabrina, she scowled immediately, but didn't say a word to her. Instead, she strolled straight up to Carlo.

“How are you feeling, Carlo?” she asked. “Would you like me to have the guards escort these intruders out?”

Sabrina's heart was pounding as she watched the queen. She was waiting for all hell to break loose, expecting that Magdalena would attack her at any moment. But she didn't.

“No, I want them all to stay,” Carlo said. “They're all welcome here. They're visitors, not intruders. And they're family.”

“All of them?” Magdalena said, shooting a glance toward Sabrina.

“Yes, all of them,” Carlo responded, his voice so hoarse that Sabrina could hardly make out his words.

Faye gazed across the bed toward Magdalena. Her eyes slowly filled with tears, which quickly flowed down her cheeks. Sabrina watched as Faye wiped the tears away with the back of her hand. Faye was looking at the daughter that she hadn't seen in forty years. Magdalena noticed the old woman and scoffed.

“Who is this lady?” Magdalena asked. “Why is she dressed like that? Do we not have any decency in this Palace anymore?”

Sabrina didn't wait for anybody else to speak up. Instead, she took the floor herself.

“That lady whom you're speaking to so arrogantly is your mother,” Sabrina said, slamming the palm of her hand down on top of the bed. “I suggest you show some respect.”

Magdalena rolled her eyes and faced Sabrina. “You stupid girl, you know nothing of my life. Don't pretend as though you know who my mother is.”

Faye cleared her throat and wiped the remaining tears from her cheek. “She's telling the truth, Magdalena.”