Magdalena of Orsino?”

Faye chuckled. “Yes, Sabrina. I am. I know it's a bit of a shock, but I hope you can understand why I haven't been able to tell you until now. When you called me from Hawaii and told me that Marco, your new boss, was the Prince of Orsino, I nearly fell out of my chair. I've never met him, but I've definitely heard of him. I guess he's technically my step grandson.”

“And here I was, thinking that things couldn't get any more interesting,” Sabrina said, finally opening her eyes.

She sat for a moment, just contemplating everything. Then she turned to face Faye.

“Can I ask you a question, Aunty?”

“Of course, anything,” Faye said.

“How on Earth did Magdalena become such a rotten person when she had a mother as amazing as you?” Sabrina asked. “I know you weren't around to raise her, but certainly there has to be something genetic that could have been passed down. Something positive.”

Faye laughed hard and set down her cup of tea on the coffee table. “There's always a bad apple in every bunch. That's about the best explanation I have.”

Sabrina smiled for the first time in two days. Somehow, her Aunt Faye could always manage to find the humor in every single situation. Even if the situation was as bizarre as the one they currently faced.

“You really think I should fight for him, huh?” Sabrina asked, already knowing the answer. “Even with the law saying I don't have a chance?”

“I wouldn't have flown ten thousand miles if I didn't believe in it,” Faye replied. “Some things are worth fighting for, Sabrina. And if you give up on those things, you'll spend the whole rest of your life regretting it. Laws can change.”

Sabrina sat down next to her Aunt and wrapped her arm over her shoulder. She held her close, burying her face into her neck.

“I don't know what I'd do without you, Faye,” she said. “Thank you for everything you've ever done for me.”

“You're the daughter I always wanted, Bean,” Faye said, with a sniffle. “You're what gets me out of bed in the morning. So really, it's me who should be thanking you.”

They held each other for a while, just listening to the rain outside. Then Sabrina got up and turned the heat up for Faye, whose clothes were still damp.

“Faye, do you have your phone with you?” Sabrina asked. “My battery has been dead since last night.”

“What do you need it for?” Faye asked, with a smirk.

“I need to call my fiancé.”

Chapter 21


Magdalena lounged on the queen's throne. There was no one to see her, yet she still sat in the chair decked out to the nines. It made Marco sick to see her so blatantly on the throne as his father lay upstairs recuperating.

The doctors said the surgery had gone well, but King Carlo was still weak and exhausted from the ordeal. It frightened Marco to see his father like that.

“Marco,” Magdalena greeted her stepson as he approached.

“Do you really believe that you have the power to stand between Sabrina and I?”

“Of course I do,” she said, as though it was such an obvious fact. “I have all the power I need, because it's in the law. And royalty must obey the laws just like everyone else.”

“Laws can be changed,” Marco replied.

Magdalena scoffed. “You can't change anything, Marco. Don't deceive yourself.”

“And why not?” Marco asked.

“Because if you do, I'll be sure to point out to the public that their Prince is not a law-abiding member of this country,” she said, casually glancing down at the gold rings on her fingers.

“Not a law-abiding citizen? What are you talking about?” he shouted.