“You've always known me as your neighbor,” Faye said. “And same with your parents. After moving into the trailer park, I told myself that I'd keep my past a secret. But now, my past seems more relevant than ever.”

“What do you mean?” Sabrina asked.

“You may find this surprising, but I wasn't always just an old lady living in a trailer. When I was younger, I was married to a nobleman. A lord to be exact.”

Sabrina lips parted from shock, but she stayed silent.

“Yes, I was part of a royal family when I lived in Britain,” she continued. “I was married to a British Lord by the name of James Dunhill. I loved the man deeply, despite the fact that he was arrogant beyond belief. I saw through that one fatal flaw the best I could and did everything I could to continue the relationship with him.”

“Faye, are you serious?” Sabrina asked. “How did I never know this about you?”

“Like I said, I never saw the need to bring it up,” she said.

“I didn't mean to interrupt,” Sabrina said, leaning in a little closer. “Please, continue.”

“I met James in a park one afternoon,” Faye said. “It was the summer after I graduated high school. I still remember the dimples on his cheeks when he smiled and the way his eyes first lit up when he saw me. We got to talking and one thing led to another. The next thing I knew, a few years had passed and we were married. I was part of the royal family.”

“What happened?” Sabrina asked.

“We grew up,” Faye said. “I never really learned to be a lady, though I did try. We had a daughter and after that, something changed in James. I couldn't ever figure out exactly what it was, but he just wasn't the same. He pretty much ignored me for the first year of our daughter's life and then one day, I was escorted off the palace grounds by the guards. They took me back to my old home in Britain and I was told to never contact James again, or else I'd be harassed by the law. That was when I decided to move to the United States. I wanted, and needed, a new beginning.”

“I knew you had a daughter, but I didn't know the circumstances,” Sabrina said, looking down at the floor. “I'm so sorry, Faye. That had to have been so difficult.”

“Don't be sorry for me, Bean,” Faye said, with a soft chuckle. “I'm glad things worked out the way that they did. Everything happens for the best and we can't predict the future.”

“I don't mean to be rude, Faye, but why do you want to me to continue trying to be with Marco when your similar experienced ended with such heartbreak?” Sabrina asked.

“Because I don't believe that James and Marco are similar at all,” she said. “What you've told me of Marco has painted a picture in my mind of a man who knows how to treat a lady. He sounds like the kind of man that any girl would be proud to be with. James wasn't a villain, but he certainly was never charming or kind. In fact, he was quite the opposite. I loved him, but it wasn't the same as you and Marco. I truly believe that what you have with him is something special and I won't allow you to throw it away without giving it another shot.”

Sabrina was surprised by the words. She thought Faye would have been delighted by the news of her wishing to return home. Clearly, though, her aunt saw something in Marco that even Sabrina may have overlooked.

“I guess you're right,” Sabrina said. “I suppose that I can forgive Marco, since he really didn't do anything that bad. But even if I do, what about Magdalena? If I am to stay here, how can I possibly get along with her? She hates me with every ounce of her being, Faye. She'd rather see me die than get married to Marco.”

Faye nodded and took a slow sip of her tea. “She'll get over it. It may take her a while, but she will. I'm confident of that.”

“How are you so sure?” Sabrina asked.

“She's my daughter,” Faye said, abruptly.

If Sabrina had been standing, she'd have fallen over right there. Faye's words hit her eardrums, but the reality of what she had said took a moment to soak in.

“You're going to have to say that again,” Sabrina said, shaking her head. “Because I'm pretty sure that I heard you wrong.”

“You heard me correctly,” Faye said, drawing out a long breath. “Magdalena is my biological daughter.”

“Magdalena. Like Queen Magdalena?” Sabrina placed her palms against her forehead. “You've got to be kidding me.”

“I wish I was, but it's true,” Faye said. “It's another reason why I wanted to fly out here to tell you everything. I had to tell you in person.”

“But you said that James left you when your daughter was only one,” Sabrina said. “How do you know Magdalena is yours?”

“My entire family still lives in Britain, Bean,” Faye explained. “They've kept me up to date on the latest gossip ever since I moved to the States. Although I never really knew Magdalena, she's still my daughter. I tried to learn as much as I could about her. I always hoped that James would raise her right and lead her to a good life, but all I've heard is that she's as spoiled rotten as they come.”

Sabrina leaned back and closed her eyes. The news hit her like a ton of bricks.

What are the chances of this? Is the world really this small? she thought.

“So let me get this straight,” Sabrina said. “You're the mother of Queen