The crowd made way, giving the two of them space in the room. Sabrina, not one for dancing but only because she didn't know how, decided that if there was ever a time for her to expand her horizons it was right then.

“Yes, of course,” she said. “But you have to lead.”

“My beautiful fiancée, I'd be honored,” he said.

The band continued to play and Marco carefully held Sabrina's hands. He swayed back and forth with her, starting slowly. The crowd surrounded them and the music intensified. Marco began spinning her and dipping her with the rhythm. He led so well that Sabrina hardly had to think. She just went along with his movements, giggling and laughing as he expertly maneuvered both of them around the dance floor.

The audience watched the two, but only for the first few minutes. Then they all began to dance. The entire room became alive as everybody grabbed a partner and joined Marco and Sabrina. There were so many things that could have caught her attention, like Queen Magdalena still on her throne and giving her a dirty look, or Winston in the corner dancing with Marla, or King Carlo tapping his foot to the music. But she didn't really give much mind to any of these things. The only thing she was focused on was Marco. She just couldn't take her eyes off of him.

After dancing for three full songs, Sabrina needed a break. She pulled Marco to the side of the room, walking with a new-found confidence. Not only did it turn out that she was a decent dancer, but she was also going to be getting married soon. There was an obvious spring in her step.

“Marco, this is so much fun,” she said into his ear, having to speak loudly because of the music. “I still can't believe you asked me to marry you in front of everyone. That was the most romantic experience of my life.”

“I was so nervous,” he admitted. “I'm unbelievably relieved that you said yes.”

“I can't wait to tell everybody,” Sabrina said, bringing her hands to Marco's chest. “My parents are going to be so excited.”

She took a moment and thought about her parents and how they would benefit from her new position as princess.

I can save them from their misery, she thought. I can give them the kind of life they deserve.

“You've made me the happiest man on earth, you know that?” Marco said, leaning closer to Sabrina.

“You've done the same for me and more,” she replied.

King Carlo approached Sabrina from across the room. His thick and elegant robe made him look healthier than he was. It gave the illusion that he wasn't sickly and thin, but Sabrina could see the truth in his face and neck and his slow and careful movements.

“Congratulations, love. You and Marco will make a beautiful team. I couldn't be happier that you're part of our family now,” he said, placing a hand onto Sabrina's shoulder.

“Thank you, your majesty,” Sabrina replied.

“Sabrina, please,” he replied. “You're practically my daughter now. Call me Carlo.”

“Okay,” she said, with a smile. It felt wrong after Winston's drilling earlier, but to disobey the king would be a true disgrace.

“Now, if I can steal away your husband-to-be, just for a moment, I would be ever so grateful. I've something important to discuss with him.” Carlo placed his other hand onto Marco'

s shoulder, giving it a firm squeeze.

“Of course,” Sabrina said. “I'll go get a drink and mingle while you guys talk. I'm sure you have a lot of catching up to do.”

“I promise to have him back to you in just a few minutes,” Carlo promised.

The King and Marco turned and walked away, disappearing through a door at the back of the room. Sabrina watched them until they were gone and then made her way to a nearby table that was piled with food and drinks. She intended on getting a glass of something to quench her thirst. But she hardly made it two feet before she felt someone tap her shoulder strap of her dress, stopping her in her tracks.

“What the...” Sabrina said, spinning around.

Standing there, with the kindest smile she'd ever seen on a person, was Queen Magdalena. “I do hope you realize what's going on..”

Sabrina took a step back. “What are you talking about, your majesty?”

“He's afraid his father is going to die,” the queen informed her. Her accent wasn't from Orsino. It was British, just like Aunt Fayes.

“I don't understand,” Sabrina said, shaking her head. “Why would that have anything to do with what Marco just did.”

“Oh, you sweet, innocent young thing.” The queen clicked her tongue and shook her head. “He is afraid is father is going to die, and so he proposed so his father would see it. He's trying to give his father something to live for.”

“I beg your pardon,” Sabrina said, taking a step back. “Marco asked me to marry him because he loves me.”