Marco stayed silent. His heart pounded in his chest, eager to hear her decision.

“You're right. I did have some hesitations about going with you,” she said. “I was so scared about a girl like me being with a guy like you. I thought that you and I could never mix. We come from such different backgrounds. I told myself this, over and over, until I started to believe it. Even my Aunt Faye, who I've confided in about the situation, said the same things.”

Marco looked down at the table as his heart sank. “You aren't coming with me, are you?”

Sabrina dropped his hands and gently touched his cheek. “Marco, look at me. I'm not finished saying what I need to say.”

He looked back up, to see her eyes shining in the moonlight.

“The part of me that didn't think something could work between us was the same part that had kept me stuck in the trailer park in Memphis for all those years,” Sabrina said. “I've been full of doubt for most of my life. I thought that nothing would ever get better, that I would be forced to work random jobs forever and just squeak by, like my parents always have. But look where I am now.”

She motioned her hands to the beautiful scenery around her and then upward toward the moon.

“I'm sitting here with the most incredible man on a beach in Hawaii,” she said, now tearing up. “I've been to New York and seen buildings and places I had only ever dreamed of.”

Marco's heart swelled as he listened. He was so deeply touched by her words.

“What I'm trying to say, Marco, is that I'm no longer listening to the voice inside of me that tells me beautiful things can't happen to common people,” she said, as she reached forward and squeezed Marco's forearms. “I'm not listening to that voice of doubt ever again.”

Marco smiled hesitantly. “Are you telling me what I think you're telling me?”

Sabrina bit her bottom lip and nodded. “I'm going with you, Marco. I'm going back to Orsino Island with you.”

The words hit Marco's eardrums and it took a second for it to register in his brain. He couldn't believe what he had just heard.

“You're serious?” he asked. “Please tell me you're serious. I need to hear it.”

Sabrina shook her head, as she grinned. “I'm not messing with you. I want to be with you, and if that takes moving across the world, then I'll do that. I'm coming with you.”

Marco jumped up from his chair and stepped over to Sabrina. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her passionately in front of everyone at the restaurant. He knew the other patrons were watching, but he didn't care. The girl of his dreams was going to be coming home with him. Nothing in the entire world could bring him down. His heart was filled with the kind of joy and excitement he hadn't ever experienced.

That was when he said the words. It was as though his heart said them, not his brain. They just came out without a second thought.

“I love you, my beautiful Sabrina,” he said.

Sabrina gracefully touched his cheek and looked deep into his eyes.

“I love you, too.” Her words caused goose bumps to pop up in Marco's skin.

They were silent for a moment, their eyes locked with the moon above them. The full moon, the auspicious one. It was part of the reason that things were working out so well, at least that was what Marco believed.

“Let's get out of here and go back to the cabin,” Sabrina said, with seductive eyes. “We have some celebrating to do.”

Marco had only one thing on his mind as he opened the cabin door and held it for Sabrina. He wanted to get that dress off of her and kiss every square inch of her skin. He wanted to celebrate her decision to go with him, giving her as much pleasure as he possibly could.

As soon as they were both inside, he closed the door. The only light that was on was in the kitchen, but it lit up the living room with a romantic glow. Sabrina turned around. She was biting her bottom lip and Marco could tell that she was just as turned on as he was. No words needed to be spoken. The passion between them was obvious and talking would have dampened the mood. It would have watered down the lust in the air.

He stepped up to her, bringing his hands to her hips. Their bodies collided, but he didn't stop there. He took another step forward, until Sabrina was pressed against the wall that separated the kitchen and the living room. She exhaled with a soft moan and looked up into Marco's eyes. Her expression was one of desire and seeing it caused Marco's cock to get hard.

They kissed and Marco felt her hands wander up and down his sides. Her typically delicate touch was not so delicate this time. She tugged on his clothing, un-tucking his shirt and removing his belt in a matter of seconds. Meanwhile, he brought his hands to the bottom of her dress and slid it up to her belly. He could feel the heat from her core, radiating toward him. He dropped his hands down and touched the bare skin of her upper thighs, letting his fingers dance over her panties.

By the time he broke the kiss, Sabrina had managed to unbutton his dress shirt completely. She reached forward and tugged it away from his shoulders. Marco shimmied it off, letting it fall to the floor behind him. They were both breathing harder now, panting with need. Nothing mattered in that moment besides their attraction toward each other. It made no difference that he was a prince and that she was a broke girl from Memphis. Right there, in that cabin on Hawaii, the only thing that mattered was how they'd satisfy the craving they both felt.

“I want you so bad right now,” Sabrina whispered. “Take me.”

Marco's eyes drifted down her body. Her nipples were hard and pressing against the silk dress, begging to be released. The bottom part of the dress was still bunched up around her belly. When his eyes got to her panties, his cock throbbed underneath his slacks. She was so turned on that the front part of her underwear had become wet with desire.

He stepped forward once again, this time slipping his fingers into her underwear and tugging them down. She leaned her head back against the wall and closed her eyes as he shimmied the panties off of her, all the way to her ankles. Then he dropped to his knees in front of her. He wanted to taste her and pleasure her at the same time. He wanted to spoil her like the future queen that he hoped she would be.