There is literally no other place on Earth where I'd rather be right now, she thought. This is perfect. This is what life should feel like.

“This is perfect,” Sabrina whispered.

“And we have a whole two weeks more,” Marco whispered before kissing the top of her head.

Sabrina grinned and relaxed against him. She couldn't imagine a better two weeks.

Chapter 13


“Picnic again?” Marco offered, holding up the basket.

Sabrina laughed. “We've had a picnic every night for the past eight days,” she informed him. “And I still say yes every time. So, yes. I'd love a picnic on the beach.”

Marco grinned at her and his dark eyes sparkled as he helped her gather a simple meal with a bottle of wine to enjoy on the beach. It had become something of a tradition for the two of them now, and the fact that there were only a few days left before Marco needed to return home to be with his father broke Sabrina's heart.

She never wanted this to end. She wanted their happy days to continue on forever, even though she knew they couldn't. There were signs of change coming. The pantry was running low on supplies and they only had two more bottles of wine left. Restocking was as simple as making a phone call, but it still meant that time was passing.

Hand in hand, the two of them walked along the sandy path to the beach to watch the sunset over the ocean. These days were paradise. They made love on the beach, played in the water, and then would go back up to the house to make love again.

Which reminded Sabrina that food wasn't the only thing that needed to be restocked if they were going to stay in their perfect paradise.

Marco stood and stared at the horizon as Sabrina finished unpacking the last few things for their meal.

“What are you looking at, Marco?” she asked, follo

wing his gaze out across the ocean. The sky was just starting to change from blue to pinks, but he wasn't looking at the color.

“Just thinking of home,” he replied. He shook himself and sat down on the blanket next to her. “I want to show it to you someday.”

Everything she wanted to tell Marco came bubbling to the surface. Her heart had been aching for the opportunity to tell him how she felt and this quiet moment on the beach seemed like as good of a time as any.

“Marco, can I ask you something?” Sabrina said, as she opened her eyes to see that the sky had grown a darker shade of purple in just a few seconds.

He was silent for a moment, as he took a sip from his wine. Then he set the glass down next to him and kissed the top of her head. When he pulled away he said, “You can ask me anything.”

Sabrina's chest tingled with anxiety. She was about to put herself on the line and risk embarrassment.

“I'm not really the best at this sort of thing,” she said, nervously fidgeting with her hands.

Her confidence waned and she suddenly wished she hadn't brought it up. It had sounded like a good idea until she actually started telling him.

“Actually, never mind,” she said, shaking her head.

She leaned forward and let out a discouraged sigh. Marco brought his hand up her back, gently massaging her shoulders.

“Sabrina, please,” he said. “Tell me what's on your mind. I promise that I would never judge you. You can tell me anything. Really.”

She turned to face him and his expression was one of legitimate concern. He stared straight at her and smiled warmly.

“Really?” she asked.

“Yes,” he said, still massaging her shoulders. “Really.”

Sabrina drew in a breath and exhaled slowly. “Marco, I've had more fun on this trip than any other time in my entire life. At first, I thought it was simply because I was getting to see new places and eat at nice restaurants. But I've realized that those things weren't the real reason I've been enjoying myself so much. It's because of you that I've had so much fun. Even when things were crazy, like running from the paparazzi, I was still having a good time because it was with you.”

Her face felt hot and she knew she was blushing, but she had come too far with spilling her guts to turn back now. Marco sat silently and appeared to be listening intently as she spoke.