I've got just a couple of weeks to convince Sabrina to be my girl, he thought. A few more days in New York and then we'll be heading to Hawaii for the remainder of the vacation. Is that enough time to convince a girl that I'm the one for her? I guess it'll have to be.

Marco's mind whirled with ideas. He wanted to squeeze every drop he could from the short amount of time that he had left with Sabrina. There was not a minute to waste.

I'm not sure what I'll end up doing about Magdalena, but I do know that if I really love this girl then I need to show it in as many ways as I can. She and I need to have a solid and firm relationship if we are to have a chance at facing Magdalena's wrath. Of course, all of this hinges on whether or not Sabrina feels the same about me as I do her. That's something I need to find out.

Sabrina became Marco's focus. Sure, he was excited about doing a little bit more traveling, but he was quickly becoming much more interested in the girl he was with. New York City seemed drab

and boring compared to the beauty she carried in a single smile. He was looking forward to the next couple of weeks to see what it would bring.

The image of the dream he had experienced earlier that morning flashed into his mind. He thought about the beginning of it when he had been standing on the beach, holding hands with Sabrina. His heart swelled as he relived it, hoping that there was a chance that at least that part of the dream could become a reality. Meanwhile, he prayed that the second half of the dream when, the part when Magdalena reared her ugly head and ruined everything, was only a figment of his imagination.

I guess I'll find out soon enough how things will play out, he thought, as he turned around and walked back inside as he heard Sabrina rise from the bed. Meanwhile, I've got to make the most of the time Sabrina and I have together.

Chapter 12


Sabrina felt the warmth of the morning sun on her face, but didn't want to open her eyes quite yet. She was so cozy and comfortable underneath the blanket. Even the honking horns and revving engines from the traffic outside didn't disturb her.

In the living room, she could hear Marco walking around and humming quietly to himself. Her lips curled up into a smile as she listened.

I guess it wasn't just a dream, she thought.

His footsteps got closer and she felt his hand touch her shoulder.

“Wake up, sleepy,” he whispered. “We have a lot do to today.”

She rolled over to face him and opened her eyes. Marco stood next to the bed, wearing nothing but a black robe.

“Good morning, beautiful,” Marco said, smiling. “I ordered room service and it should be here in a few minutes.”

“What time is it?” Sabrina asked, as she sat up in bed and stretched her arms above her head.

When she did, the blanket fell off of her front and exposed her naked chest. She squealed in embarrassment and did her best to cover herself with her hands.

“Sorry, I forgot I was naked under here,” she said, scrambling to pull the blanket back up.

Marco sat on the edge of the bed and gently touched the top of her arm. “Please don't ever apologize for that.”

Sabrina laughed. “How long have you been awake?”

“Just a few minutes,” Marco said, still tenderly touching her shoulder. “Just long enough to order room service. It's only nine in the morning but I wanted to wake you so that we can get going. I've made a change of plans.”

“A change of plans?” she asked, her eyebrows rising. “What do you mean?”

“I know that we had originally planned on being in New York for another week, but I got to thinking this morning,” he said, taking a dramatic pause. “I want to take you some place special, some place romantic.”

Her heart swelled as he listened to him speak. Nobody had ever wanted to take her any place special before.

“I like the sound of that,” she said, reaching forward the squeeze his hand. “Where are you thinking?”

Marco's smile widened from ear to ear. He looked like a kid who was about to open up the biggest Christmas present under the tree. “How would you feel about spending the rest of this vacation in Hawaii?”

Sabrina's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. There was no way that she had heard him correctly.

“Hawaii?” she asked, as a burst of excitement filled her. “I thought you wanted to check out California and maybe New Orleans.”

“I did,” he said, leaning in a little bit closer. “But let me ask you something, Sabrina. Have you ever been to Hawaii?”