“What?” Sabrina's eyes widened. “Are you serious?”

“Yes, completely,” James said. “In fact, where you're standing is where one of them took place.”

Marco and Sabrina gasped as they looked down at the floor. Maybe it was his imagination, but Marco was sure he saw the remnants of an old blood stain in the wood. Before he could react, the door of the apartment opened up a few inches, letting out a loud creak. The entire group, including James, looked over at it.

“What was that?” Marco asked, looking toward the sound and then back to James. “Who pushed that open?”

James let out a chuckle, though didn't smile. His expression remained stern. “That's Lizzy. Every single time I do a tour of this apartment, she lets herself in. The door opens a little further. Every time.”

“How do you know it's her?” one of the woman participating in the tour asked.

“It's just a guess,” James said. “But it only happens in this particular apartment and only in the middle of a tour, specifically after I mention her name. I have a hard time believing that it's just some sort of coincidence.”

There was a silent pause as everyone stared at the door. Marco wasn't sure what he was expecting to happen on the tour, but definitely didn't think he was going to feel this uneasy. Between the breeze on the back of his neck and the unexplained opening of the apartment door, he was now thinking that this tour was the real deal. This apartment building was absolutely haunted.

If someone didn't believe in ghosts, they should give this place a visit, he thought. I have a feeling it would change their mind about the paranormal.

“Well, I think we've had enough time in here,” James said. “I get the feeling that we're invading Lizzy's space and I don't really want to make her mad. Let's head up to the fourth floor.”

Marco looked over to Sabrina, who was still latched onto him. She was frozen, just staring at the doorway.

“We can most certainly leave if you're not enjoying this,” Marco said, as he affectionately rubbed Sabrina's back. “This is a bit more frightening than I thought it would be.”

“No way,” Sabrina said. “I mean you're right, it's terrifying. But that's a good thing, right? Who would want to go on a ghost tour where nothing happens?”

“Are you certain you want to stay?” he asked. “I want you to have a good time.”

Sabrina took a long breath, as if readying herself to follow the group out of the apartment to see what was next on the tour. “I'm fine. I just having the weirdest sensation in here, you know? This apartment feels like there's actually someone else in it, even though it's just the two of us.”

Marco let the idea sink in. It caused a shiver to crawl up his spine. Now that the tour had gone upstairs, it was just him and Sabrina in Lizzy's apartment. And Sabrina was right. There was an undeniable feeling that they weren't alone there. It was like someone was watching them, quietly observing.

“I feel like we should catch up with the group,” Sabrina said, as she walked toward the door, dragging Marco along with her.

“Yes, that's a great idea,” he said, following her to the stairs.

Despite the fact that Marco was a little agitated the haunted apartment, he still felt a giddy happiness inside. The way Sabrina clung to him made him feel like she was his girlfriend and he liked that feeling very much.

The two walked up the second flight of stairs and into the mouth of an empty hallway. They looked down toward the end, noticing closed doors on both sides. Silenced filled the air and the only sound that could be heard was their breathing.

“Did we lose the group?” Sabrina asked, her words piercing through the quiet.

“We must have,” Marco said, stepping into the hallway and straining his ears. “Were they going to the third or the fourth floor? I can't recall what James said. Maybe they're in one of these rooms down here.”

He started to walk, but Sabrina grabbed his arm and pulled him back. “Marco, we can't go down there without the guide. I don't want to stumble into some haunted room without knowing it. What if we get possessed or something? We have no idea what we'll be walking into.”

Marco spun around and pulled Sabrina toward him. She brought her gaze to his and he smiled at her. Her blue eyes were big and beautiful. They mesmerized him and demanded his attention. He couldn't help but to stare.

She licked her lips nervously, and all he wanted in that moment was another kiss. He wanted to taste her again. He knew it might not be the best place or the best time, but he didn't care. His heart wanted her close once more, despite the fact that they were in a building filled with ghosts. Without a thought, he leaned in and kissed her.

Sabrina didn't pull away. In fact, she leaned and let out a soft moan. It was as though she'd been waiting all afternoon for Marco to kiss her again. Marco felt a surge of energy as he caressed Sabrina's soft lips with his own. Their tongues darted out, colliding with passion. It turned Marco on so much. He couldn't believe how badly he wanted this innocent girl from Memphis. Every part of his being craved her, with a desperation that was foreign to him.

It felt incredible. Marco's hands drifted down her body, gently touching the top of her hips, before making their way back up. He wished they were in his hotel room instead of on the tour, because he so badly wanted to take off her clothes and kiss so much more than just her lips.

Suddenly, Sabrina jerked away from Marco, breaking the kiss. She quickly took a step back and looked around. Her eyes were wide and filled with terror. Her chest rose and fell as she took in heavy breaths. “What in the hell was that, Marco?”

Confused, Marco shrugged. “Huh? What was what? I don't know what you're talking about.”

Sabrina rubbed the back of her neck. Then she brought her hand into the stream of light that was coming in through the small window at the end of the hall. Her fingers were soaking wet.