“Okay,” she said, with a sigh. “What are you hungry for?”

“There's a coffee shop right around the corner,” he said. “Why don't we go there?”

Sabrina nodded in agreement, but didn't say a word. It felt like Marco was being kind of short with her. He was acting more business-like than he had been the day before. She could sense that something was going on his him. He wasn't acting himself. He seemed quieter and less than excited about the upcoming day. It almost felt like he was distancing himself from her.

Maybe it's my imagination, though, she thought. Or maybe he remembers how his stupid maid tried to kiss him last night and he's pissed off about it.

He threw on his hat and sunglasses and walked quickly tot he elevator. As they rode down in silence, Sabrina went over everything in her mind. She started to think that maybe during breakfast she should bring up what happened, just to get it out in the open. She figured she could at least apologize for it and blame her actions on the alcohol. The thought of mentioning it made her stomach churn with anxiety, but it was starting to seem like the best option.

They got off the elevator and were greeted as they walked through the hotel lobby.

“Good morning!” the attendant behind the front desk said, waving her hand with way too much excitement. It made her hangover hurt.

Marco didn't say a word, though. He just kept walking.

“Morning,” Sabrina said, giving the attendant a nod.

What is going on with him? she asked herself, as the two stepped out of the hotel and into the sunlight.

They walked down the sidewalk and around the corner, where a cute little coffee shop was located. The inside of the shop was busy, but nobody was seated in the outdoor patio area.

“Marco, why don't you just wait out here and I'll go in and order,” she said. “This place is busy and I'd like to lessen the possibility of you getting recognized.”

“That will do just fine,” he said, taking a seat in a plastic chair on the patio.

He gazed off into space as he crossed his arms. Sabrina's stomach dropped, thinking she had ruined everything by her actions the previous night.

“What would you like from the shop?” she asked.

Marco focused on Sabrina just long enough to respond. “A large coffee, French pressed if they have it. No sugar, but two teaspoons of cream.”

“Okay,” she said. “What about food?”

“I'll have whatever you're having,” he replied, his arms still crossed.

Sabrina turned and stepped into the coffee shop. After standing in line for five minutes, she ordered two large coffees and two orders of beignets with extra powdered sugar on top. She carefully balanced the overloaded tray of food and went back outside to where Marco was seated.

“Okay, here's breakfast,” she said, placing the food onto the table.

She sat across from Marco and fidgeted quietly, while taking an occasional sip from her coffee. The mood between them was heavy and it weighed on her like a grand a piano, pressing down into her shoulders.

“Marco, is everything okay?” she asked, blurting out the question without much thought.

She needed to clear the air and figured talking about what happened would be the only way.

“Yes, things are fine,” he said, as he stirred his coffee.

“Are you sure? Because you're not acting like you usually do,” she said.

Marco sighed and leaned back into his chair. He readjusted the brim of his cap. “I know. I'm dreadfully sorry about that.”

“Look, Marco. I'm the one who should apologize. I'm sorry about last night,” Sabrina said. “I know you're probably mad about what happened and I just want you to know that it wasn't what I intended. I didn't mean to get that drunk and I didn't mean to try to-”

She wasn't able to finish her sentence before Marco interrupted her. “Last night? What? You have nothing be sorry for, Sabrina.”

“I just thought you were mad at me,” she said, looking down toward her plate of food. “I can tell you're upset about something and I assumed it was about me.”

Marco reached forward, taking Sabrina's hands in his. She looked back up, feeling the intensity of his stare. “You've got it all wrong. I mean you're correct about me being upset about something, but it has nothing to do with you. I promise.”