"But...but.." I couldn't find the words. My nose was running, and I couldn't breathe for crying. Marissa waited until I was calmer before she continued being my voice of reason.

"Kaylee, you did the right thing. You weren't meant to be a part of that desert world. And that's okay. You belong here." She handed me a napkin so I could blow my nose.

"But I love him. I really do."

"I know. Sometimes a fish and a bird fall in love, but that doesn't mean they are going to build a nest and have little fish-bird babies," Marissa said softly. Allie snorted at Marissa's bad analogy, and Marissa gave her a dirty look. "You know what I mean."

A strand of hair fell across my face and Marissa gently tucked it behind my ear with a soft smile. "What's important is that you were happy. I know the 'tis better to have loved and lost' thing is cliché, but it's still true. I know it hurts right now, but it's going to be okay."

I looked at her, tears still streaming down my face. I felt so lost, even with my friends on either side of me. Marissa sighed. "I can throw some more cliches at you if it will help you feel better."

I knew she was hoping to get a smile out of me, but I couldn't find one to give. Allie gave me a squeeze.

"It sucks right now. And it's gonna suck for a while. It will get better though. You'll get your happy ending someday, I promise." Allie gave me a hug. I knew they were trying their best, but there were no magic words that could fill the hole in my heart. I wished to heaven there were, but I knew it was just going to take time.

"I'm going to go get you some more wine. I think you can use some drunk time," Marissa said, putting a hand on my shoulder as she stood. She gave me a squeeze and headed off in the direction of the wine tent. I leaned my head back against Allie's shoulder, her blonde hair mixing with mine.

"After this, we'll head back to my place and drink crappy wine, watch crappy movies, and eat good ice cream. Okay?" Allie kept smoothing my hair with her hands, and I closed my eyes to her soothing touch.

"No skimping on the ice cream."

I felt her smile as she looked down at me. "I would never even dream of such a thing."

I sat up, remembering all the cleaning and baking I had done. There was no way I was going to eat all those cookies myself. "How about we do it at my place? It's actually clean for once."

Allie nodded and let me put my head back on her shoulder. She resumed gently stroking my hair as she whispered, "Sure, Kaylee, anything you want."

Chapter 21

My head buzzed as I sat up, the room unfamiliar. Slowly, I realized I had fallen asleep on the floor in front of the TV. The menu of a DVD was on loop, the instrumental song starting over every twenty seconds. I hit the power button, the pain in my head decreasing as the annoying song went away.

I glanced at my watch, glad to see it was a little past ten instead of hours before dawn. Maybe my jet lag was finally wearing off. Marissa was snoring peacefully on the couch, the slight wheeze and chuckle rather endearing. I looked around for Allie, finally finding her curled up in the papasan chair, a blanket draped over her head. I smiled at my friends, then frowned as I looked around at the mess they had made.

Pizza boxes littered the floor, empty beer cans hiding among them. Three empty wine glasses sat on the coffee table, a row of shot glasses lined up neatly beside them. How the shot glasses got there was a complete mystery to me, but I was sure I would hear about it once the girls woke up.

I picked up the pizza boxes, stacking them in a pile by the door. I went to my room and threw on the first pants I found, and a light blue shirt. I stepped outside, humidity hitting me in the face like a wet towel. I was glad I had good air conditioning in my apartment. It was already hot and muggy, the sky threatening to burst at any time.

Back inside, Allie and Marissa were up and putting the glasses in the dishwasher, moving slowly but nonetheless getting things done. Allie gave me a big grin as I came back inside, then she grabbed her stomach and looked a little green. Marissa laughed at her, but the motion made her grab her bright red hair and grimace.

"I think the shots might have been a mistake," she groaned.

"No kidding. How are you up and moving around, Kaylee? You were slamming them back as fast as we were," Allie groaned, closing the dishwasher. I opened the fridge and gave them each a sports drink.

"I guess I just hold my liquor better than the two of you. I don't remember doing shots, though," I answered.

"That's because you didn't. You were passed out on the floor when someone decided it was a good idea." Marissa took a big sip of her drink and leaned against the counter, glaring at Allie.

Allie blushed. "I guess I really overdid it if I didn't realize Kaylee wasn't drinking hers. No wonder I feel it today."

"You two look like you might pass out or barf any minute now. Go sit on the couch and relax. I'll get the rest of this. You guys took care of me last night. I can take care of you this morning." I shooed them toward the couch, but Marissa stopped me.

"Honestly, I just want a shower and to crawl into my own bed. Thank you, Kaylee, but I'm going to head home. Besides, your shampoo sucks." Marissa gave me a weak smile to show she wasn't trying to be mean.

"I'm with you on the going home," Allie said quietly, holding her stomach like it might fall out if she let go. "Thanks for the offer, Kaylee, but I want to be miserable in my own bed."

"All right. How about I bring you two soup later then? It's the least I can do," I said, helping them gather the last of their things.

"That sounds fantastic. Make that chicken dumpling one for me?" Allie asked, seeming to perk up a little bit. I nodded and promised as the two of them staggered zombie like down the hall. They were going to need a lot more than soup to make those hangovers better.