“I do not sound like that!” She squeaked with indignation and smacked me gently on the shoulder with the back of her hand. I gave her a pointed look and she rolled her eyes and shrugged.

“Yes, you do,” I teased gently. “Talk to me.”

“Honestly, I don't know,” she said with a sigh. “You know I haven't had any luck with guys lately. He's been helping me with my hammerhead stuff, and… Iz, I missed him while he was gone.”

“And...” I coaxed, finishing my first mango and putting it in a big glass bowl.

“I don't know... you know me and guys. They so much as smile at me and I'm in love.” Brooke sliced the onion in half and stared at the two pieces for a moment. “Do you think he likes me?”

“Uh-oh, Brooke,” I answered, dropping my voice as low as I could and trying to sound like Lucas. “You fell down. Let me hold you in my big strong arms for ten seconds longer than necessary!”

Brooke giggled. “Fine. Enough about me. What about your date?”

“Heaven. With a touch of Perfect.” The fish was coming along nicely, and I started dicing up a second mango, a satisfied grin creeping onto my face.

“Oh, you totally did him!” Brooke exclaimed, jumping up and down a little in a happy dance. Her eyes widened, and she set down her knife so she could put both hands on my shoulders. She searched my face, hazel eyes taking in every detail of my expression. “You have totally fallen for him, haven't you?”

“No!” I told her, shrugging her hands off my shoulders. She raised her eyebrows at me and blinked. “I mean... maybe?”

“Izzy!” she raised her hands like she was going to shake or strangle me, finally deciding on just shaking my shoulders. “I told you, just have fun! He's a tourist! He's gonna leave and I'm going to have to deal with mopey Izzy again. I don't like mopey Izzy. She's no fun.”

“But he's not leaving,” I justified. There was a thrill in my stomach at saying the words out loud. “He's not leaving.”

Confusion twisted Brooke's pretty features. “What? But he's a tourist.”

“He's staying longer on the island.” I couldn't keep the grin off my face. “He's extending his trip.”

“Iz,” she said softly. Her shoulders sagged slightly. Her mouth slanted, and I could see her brain trying to come up with a gentle way to bring me back to reality. “It's still just a trip. He's going to have to leave eventually. I mean, that's awesome that he's staying for you, but...” She shrugged.

“I like him, Brooke,” I answered quietly. I knew she was only trying to keep me from getting hurt. “I really tried not to. I really, really did. But he's different.”

“If I had a dollar for every guy who was 'different,'” Brooke said, grabbing an avocado to slice, “Well, I'd have that Prada bag I want.”

“I'm serious, Brooke. He makes me happy.” I shrugged and flipped the fish in the frying pan. The room smelled delicious. Brooke silently finished her avocado and put it in a bowl. She set her knife down and wiped her hands on a kitchen towel.

“If he makes you happy, then that's what matters,” she said finally, wrapping her arms around my shoulders giving me a good hug. “You know I'll be here for you if you need me. I'll buy the ice cream when he has to leave. Just don't tell the whole island your going with him this time.”

A wry chuckle found its way out of my mouth. “Don't worry. I learned that one the hard way.” I turned to face her. “Thanks, Brooke.”

“For what?” she asked, washing her hands in the sink again. She had a smear of avocado on her cheek.

“For telling me I'm an idiot in the nicest way possible,” I explained, “and being my friend.”

Her hazel eyes misted for a moment as she smiled. “Well, if I don't tell you you're being an idiot, those meanie-head boys will. Only they'll be...” She thought for a second and shrugged. “They'll be meanie-heads about it.”

“Meanie-heads?” I asked. She rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at me.

“Shut up.”

I laughed and checked the fish. The first batch was done. I set the next batch to go and mixed the mango salsa ingredients Brooke and I had been chopping. All I had to do now was finish the fish and get the tortillas ready.

I turned to see Lucas standing in the doorway. “Um... Brooke?”

Brooke startled and dropped the red pepper in her hands. It landed on the floor, but she scooped it up and quickly went to the sink to rinse it off. I giggled at the two of them trying so ha

rd to pretend to be normal.

“Hi, Lucas. You here to chop some peppers?” I asked, knowing full well that he was there to see Brooke.