His thumb went to my nub again, still swollen and tender from his last touches. With the first brush, my temperature shot into the stratosphere. I was the one panting now, balanced on the edge of ecstasy.

Our eyes met, blue to green, and our worlds exploded. The look on his face sent me spiraling into oblivion. I tried to hold on, to hold back, but I was lost to his release. My body trembled against his, pulling him deeper inside of me. I never wanted to let him go.

After an infinite moment, I collapsed on his chest. We both were struggling for breath, our hearts nearly pounding out of our chests. He kissed me, his lips soft and gentle as I snuggled into the nook of his shoulder and wrapped a leg over his. I loved the way his heart was pounding.

“Stay the night,” he whispered. It wasn't a question, but it wasn't a command either.

“I was hoping to,” I replied, kissing the line of his pectoral muscle. “I'm not done with you yet.”

He twitched against my leg, already growing hard.

“I knew breakfast really had been a good idea,” he said quietly. I giggled and kissed him again. I had to agree. Breakfast was a great idea.

Sandcastle Kisses: Chapter 11

Noah snored softly in his sleep beside me. I lay in bed for a few minutes, enjoying not only the luxury of sleeping in, but also waking up to a gorgeous naked man. Life was good.

The light on my phone blinked steadily, telling me that I had a new text message. The only problem was that it was across the room. Noah mumbled something and smushed his face into the pillow, and I had to work hard not to giggle. He was adorable when he slept.

With a silent smile, I slipped from the bed and walked on noiseless feet to the bathroom. The sheet shifted as I escaped its silky fingers, revealing Noah's perfect butt. I gave it an appreciative look before disappearing to find my clothes.

Part of the reason I loved my blue dress was that it didn't wrinkle. Wrinkle-free clothes make the “walk of shame” that much easier. I slid it over my head, feeling muscles stretch that I hadn't used in a while. I was sore in the most delightful of places, and the thought made me smile. Noah made me smile.

I grabbed my phone and stepped out to the back porch to check my messages and call my boss. Dr. Algos would be wondering where I was since it was past my usual check-in time.

The wood was cool under my feet as it was shaded from the morning sun, but the ocean was alive with sunlight. Every wave sparkled like it was made of diamonds as it danced ever closer to the shore, finally spilling onto the sand to reveal it’s starry soul.

“Hey, Doc,” I said after Dr. Algos picked up on the second ring.

“Did you have a nice time?” I could hear him walking along the dock toward the boats, a smile evident in his voice.

“Of course I did,” I replied, trying to keep my voice innocent.

“When do we get to meet him?”

I groaned. “So Devon and Lucas can tease me about falling for another tourist? Not a chance.”

Dr. Algos laughed gently. I didn't feel hurt when he teased me about my love life. I liked that he was interested enough to care, and yet he never said anything about my choices. He was the “cool dad” who let me make my own mistakes, but who was always there to help pick me up when I fell.

“I don't have much for you to do today. Since we're waiting on officially getting the Grove, I don't want to start anything new,” Dr. Algos said. I could hear him putting something in the boat.

“Are you going on a dive later?” I asked.

“Yes. You and your new friend are welcome to join us, but I have a feeling you are going to turn me down.” I could see his smile in my head. “If you could stop by later, though, and check the shark pups, then you can have the morning off.”

“I will happily take the shark pups this afternoon.” I grinned at the phone, even though I knew he couldn't see me. “Any update on the Grove?”

“Just the same goobelty-gook from the lawyers as last time. They keep telling me the sale should go through any day now. Don't worry about that today, though. Go enjoy your tourist.”

I frowned slightly, but I knew he was right. Worrying about the Grove wasn't going to help anything. The sale would go through, and I could continue my research by next week. It would give me something to keep my mind off of Noah leaving.

As if thinking of Noah called him, I heard the thump of feet in the bedroom and the creak of a door.

“All right. I'll check the pups and see you later. Have fun on your dive,” I said into the phone as a tousled and very sexy man opened the porch door. “Bye, Doc.”

I clicked off the phone and Noah stepped onto the porch. He was wearing nothing but a pair of boxers. It was difficult not to stare.

“Good morning, sleepy head,” I said with a smile. He stretched his hands overhead and the muscles in his chest and arms rippled under the morning sun. I swore my temperature went up five degrees just looking at him.