“Oh, pretty,” Brooke said, poking her head in the bathroom door. We shared the small bathroom and technically the curling iron was hers, but with the tropical humidity she had stopped trying to curl her hair after the second day. “So, who's the date with?”

“What makes you think I have a date?” I asked, glaring at her in the mirror.

She shot me a cheesy know-it-all smirk “Because you don't curl your hair for bartending gigs.” Her smile widened. “And because you have been humming a Disney princess theme song for the past thirty minutes.”

I scowled at her and she laughed. I put my makeup box carefully away before turning to face her. “Don't tell anyone, okay? I don't need Lucas giving me a hard time again.”

Brooke laughed and stepped out of the door to let me back into our shared bedroom. She ran and jumped onto her twin bed in the corner, tucking her legs under her once she landed. One of her tabloid magazines slid off the bed and landed on the floor, but she just ignored it.

“Your secret's safe with me.” She held up her hand as though she were swearing in at a courtroom before a grin covered her face. “Now, who's the guy? Local or tourist?”

I went to the closet and pulled out my favorite light blue sundress. It was strapless and had a lacy bottom that made my legs look longer than they were. Brooke, with her amazing fashion sense, had picked it out for me at one of the tourist clothing shops. I loved it. It was the perfect dress to wear on my date.

“Well, you know what Lucas likes to call me...” I told Brooke as I carefully slid the dress over my head and dropped the bath towel.

Brooke squealed with delight and clapped her hands like an excited child. “Oooh, a tourist then!”

I rolled my eyes at her once they cleared the dress.

“Are you sure that's such a good idea? I mean, after the last one.

..” Brooke's smile faded, replaced by concern. “I just don't want to see you get hurt again.”

I sat down into the small desk chair next to my bed and looked at her. “I don't know what I'm doing. I don't want to get burned again, but he makes my insides go all mushy just looking at him.”

Brooke nodded thoughtfully before moving from the bed to stand behind me. She began to mess with my hair, pulling it up and away from my face.

“Then don't get burned,” she said, as if it were the easiest thing in the world. “Know that you're walking into the fire, so wear your protective gear,” she said. I turned and raised my eyebrows at her and she giggled. “That came out way dirtier than I had intended.” Brooke placed a clip in my hair to keep it out of my eyes. “But what I mean is, go enjoy your date. But don't get attached. Know that this is just for fun. You are the one leaving him at the end of this, okay? Not the other way around.”

“You don't think I'm an idiot then?” I asked her quietly as she finished messing with my hair.

She stepped forward so that she could look me straight in the eye. “No. You just love too easily.” She smiled to soften her words. “Besides, have you seen the men I've dated?”

I giggled. Brooke went through boyfriends like water went through a sieve.

“Listen,” she said, kneeling in front of my chair. “If he makes your insides mushy, then he's got to be good-looking. If he's a tourist on this island, then he's got to be rich. Good looking and rich? Enjoy him. Just make sure you have a little fire jacket around your heart this time.”

“Fire jacket?” I asked.

“You know what I mean,” she laughed, rolling her eyes. “Though the other kind is good to have too.”

“So, don't fall in love with him. Just enjoy his company,” I summarized and Brooke nodded. I picked up my purse and put on my cute heels.

“There is a third part to this as well,” she said, her eyes dancing.

“What?” I racked my brain trying to think of what else she could add on that would be better than a 'little fire jacket.'

“You have to tell me all about it later.”

I laughed and headed out to meet Noah.

The sun was warm on my shoulders as I waited patiently at the entrance to Dominic's Bar and Adele's Restaurant. The sun was just beginning it's descent but hadn't yet transitioned into the golds and shadows of sunset. I watched the normal parade of beat-up cars pull in and out of the parking lot while I waited for Noah to arrive.

Two local boys waved to me as they walked into Adele's with their mom, and an obvious tourist couple snapped photographs in front of the giant dolphin sculpture in front of Dominic's Bar. The woman with the khaki shorts I had seen earlier stomped into the bar with a scowl on her face. I had a feeling she was getting a drink to soothe a rough day, and after wading around in the mangroves without proper shoes, I would want a drink too.

I glanced at my watch to see the digital numbers flip to seven. I bit my lip and glanced around, but I didn't see him anywhere. My dress ruffled slightly in the tropical breeze. I hoped he wasn't going to stand me up. On the other hand, though, if he stood me up I wouldn't have to deal with the problem of dating a tourist. He would just be another jerk who’d blown me off.

Only he wasn't a jerk. I knew that. He was handsome and funny, and had a sweetness that I couldn't explain. He made my world seem brighter than it was before. My hand drifted up to my lips, my fingers touching my face where he had kissed me. I wanted to kiss him again.