Lana stood and gave us both an appreciative smile. “Thanks. And thank that other guy for me too.”

Noah nodded and we followed them with our eyes as they headed into the parking lot before heading back downstairs ourselves.

I glanced at my watch as we headed back behind the bar. It was a little after two in the morning. Time had flown by. The Halo Tournament was over, and Owen had won. Jack met us at the bottom of the stairs, his brows drawn together.

“Is everything okay?”

Noah put a hand on his shoulder. “Yeah. Paul was just a dick. Like usual. Sorry about the bad ending to the party.”

“Not your fault. Besides, the party was mostly over anyway.” Jack shrugged and looked around the room. Glasses and food were everywhere. “It was still a great sendoff.”

“Sendoff?” I asked. “Are you getting married or something?”

Jack laughed. “I suppose you could say I'm getting married to my job. I'm taking over my dad's company in a week, and I won't get another day off until I'm seventy. I even got a nice little bed installed in my office.” He grimaced and shook his head as if to clear the thought. “Where's Ro--I mean, where's 'Sam'?”

“Robbie is upstairs helping,” I said, emphasizing the name.

Jack laughed. “So he lost the bet. Good job. I'll have Rachel put my part on your check. Don't let Robbie stiff you on his share.”

And with that he turned back to the TV and started another game of Halo.

Sandcastle Kisses: Chapter 4

It wasn't long before Rachel came down the stairs into the 'Man Cave'. I didn't know how she did it, but she looked as fresh and ready as if it were two in the afternoon instead of the morning. Dean hung behind her in the shadow of the stairs, his eyes watching her move through the room. There was something in the way he looked at her, and how she was pur

posefully ignoring his glances, that made me think there was something between them.

“Thank you for your services, Ms. Baker,” Rachel said, handing me a check. The ink was still wet on the extra two-thousand dollars. I was almost afraid to put it in my pocket, as if it might smudge and the bank wouldn't accept it. “You're welcome to go home whenever you're ready.”

“The bar's still a disaster area, so I'll clean that up before I go,” I said, gesturing to the bar. Cups and bottles were everywhere. Rachel waved a hand dismissively.

“Don't worry about it. I hired a bartender, not a bar-cleaner. I already have custodians arranged to take care of everything in the morning. You've had a busy night. Go on home and get some rest.”

“Are you sure?” I asked her. I always took it as part of my job to clean up the bar. To get to go home early and have someone else take care of the part I hated doing was a gift.

Rachel nodded. “Go home. It looks like the boys had a good time, so you did your job well.”

“I'll walk you out,” Noah volunteered quickly. Rachel smiled at him and then went to go find Jack. He was busy setting up a rematch with Logan on some video game. I waved to the two of them as Noah led me up the stairs.

At the top of the stairs, we ran into Robbie and Owen.

“Here's your prize money,” Robbie said, handing over twenty one-hundred dollar bills. “I'll still throw in the date if you're interested, though.”

I laughed. “Thanks. I'll keep that in mind.” I paused in taking the money. It felt weird to take as much as he was offering, even though he seemed so nonchalant about it. Like it was nothing to hand over two thousand dollars on a stupid bet.

“Take the money,” Robbie said, closing my hand around it. “You won it.”

I stuffed the money into my pocket, feeling a little strange at holding that much cash. I wondered what he did that he even carried that much cash around. The island is a millionaire's play-place, I silently reminded myself. If he's here, he can afford it.

“Okay. Thanks.” I smiled up at Robbie. “You have a good night. You too, Owen.”

“You too. G'night, Noah,” Owen said. He took a sip of a drink and waved us out the door. Noah put his hand on the small of my back, guiding me out onto the yellow light of the porch. Insects sung to one another in the night, and I could hear the ocean keeping time for them. Stars peeked out of their dark blanket while the moon glided on silver wings. I loved nights on the island. They were always magical.

“I had a great time working with you,” Noah said quietly. I liked the way his hand felt on my back. I didn't take the step off the porch. I didn't want the night to end yet. Especially the part with Noah.

“Me too.” I turned and smiled up at him. He smiled back and offered me his arm.

“Can I walk you to your car?”