“I do,” AJ promised. He smiled at Kat, his eyes so full of love that Kat was sure the room was going to explode with joy.

“Do you, Ekaterina Ryder, take this man, Andrew Jacobson, to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, until death do you part?” Jeff the Chaplain asked her. She had to wait for the next contraction to finish before answering.

“I do,” she gasped. The promise fell from her lips without hesitation or fear. She knew that AJ was the love of her life. He was the man she had always dreamed of. She didn’t need his billions of dollars. Just him. With him and their son, she knew they could survive anything.

“Then, by the power vested in me, I proclaim you husband and wife,” Jeff the chaplain told them with a grin. “You may kiss your bride.”

AJ leaned over the bed side-rail and planted a kiss on Kat. She held him close, savoring the moment before another contraction hit.

“This is the happiest day of my life,” she whispered once she could speak again. “Some people say it’s their wedding day. Others say it’s the birth of their children. I get both today.”

“I love you, Kat. This truly is the best day of my life,” AJ agreed.

One hour, thirteen minutes and many kisses and swear words later, Kat and AJ welcomed their little boy into the world. Andrew Jacobson, Jr. was born weighing seven pounds five ounces and was twenty inches long.

“He’s perfect,” Kat whispered as the little boy snuggled into her chest.

“He is,” AJ agreed, fixing the little boy’s white hat down around his head. “Our family is perfect.”

Kat smiled and looked on at her husband and son, knowing that her world really was perfect.

“I’m yours truly,” she whispered to them both.

Thank you!

Thank you for reading Yours Truly! I’d like to invite you to read another of my novels, Sandcastle Kisses!

About Sandcastle Kisses

When Isabel Baker agreed to moonlight as a bartender at a private party, she never imagined she'd get anything more than tips. However, on this resort island, nothing was ever that simple.

After tending bar with the deliciously handsome Noah who was flown in for the party, Izzy realized that she was about to break her number one rule: never fall for a tourist. But with his quick wit, charming smile and passion for marine life, Noah was the kind of guy that she couldn’t resist. At the end of the night, she barely managed to turn him away from coming home with her.

Noah had only come to the island for one of Jack Saunders' famous parties. Yet once he met Izzy, he couldn’t bring himself to leave. After one steamy night together, he knew that he would do almost anything to keep her.

Theirs should have been an easy love story, complete with a happily ever after. Except Noah was also moonlighting as a bartender that night and his true identity threatened Izzy’s research. When his billion-dollar company and her marine research project collide, their entire relationship crumbles into the sand. Will they be able to rebuild their beautiful sandcastle together, or will it be washed away by the rising tide, forever just a memory?

“Did you know that my back porch has the best view on the island?” he asked quietly. I smiled. The man knew how to change a subject.

“Is that so?”

“Best view on the island.” He crossed his arms with a smug smile.

“And you've been everywhere on the island to check this?”

Noah grinned, standing up and offering me his hand. I couldn't refuse the opportunity to touch him, so I took it and followed him out onto the back porch. He only let me go so that he could close the door behind us.

I leaned up against the railing, looking up at the moon. Her silver light reflected down on the ocean w

aves, turning their white tips bright. The sky was dark purple now, and the air was humid, dark, and full of promise.

“Yup, definitely the best view on the island,” Noah whispered, making me turn. He wasn't looking at the night sky or the ocean. He was looking at me. It was slightly cheesy, but I enjoyed the compliment.

Noah moved forward, gathering me up in his arms. The masculine scent of his light cologne was exhilarating. His mouth slowly slanted to mine, sending small thrills up and down my spine. He went further, tasting me with his tongue like I was something to be savored. A low moan escaped my lips as he pulled me closer to him, his arms strong and demanding around me. His kiss was sweeter than heaven and hotter than hell.

I didn't want to fall for another tourist. You're not falling, I told myself. You're simply enjoying. I knew he was going to leave and I would be sad. But I would also be far more disappointed if I missed this. His kiss was insistent, intoxicating, and driving me insane. I wanted to melt into him and let him melt into me. I wanted to kiss every inch of his skin. Every inch.

I had never been so turned on by a kiss before. It was as if Noah knew everything I loved in a kiss and was delivering and then some. I had never felt this sort of connection with another human being before. I didn't want to get hurt, but I wasn't going to miss this either. Just one last tourist...