The contraction finished just as a new nurse came into the room with the IV supplies. She quickly started the IV and kept the conversation light as she asked all the hospital questions and recorded Kat’s information.

“And AJ, I assume that you are the father?” the nurse asked, checking with AJ. AJ nodded. “And just for the records, are you two married?”

“Just engaged,” Kat told her.

“She wanted to wait until after the baby was born,” AJ said to the nurse. “She wants to look beautiful in the pictures, but I told her that she looked stunning now.”

Kat rolled her eyes. It had been a conversation they’d had numerous times. AJ wanted to get married before the baby, but Kat wanted to wait. She’d always dreamed of the perfect white dress and having champagne at the reception.

“I want to fit the dress,” Kat said. “That, and with how this pregnancy has been, I didn’t want to puke half-way down the aisle either.”

AJ patted her hand. He’s been amazing the whole pregnancy. He held her hair back on the many, many trips to the bathroom. He made sure that even the tiniest food craving was immediately seen to, even though they rarely stayed down. He rubbed Kat’s swollen feet at night and massaged her aching back every morning. Kat couldn’t even count the number of pregnancy pillows he’d purchased her to try and find a comfortable position to sleep in at night. It was a good thing he was a billionaire, because it had been a lot of pillows.

“I still would have liked to get married before the baby came,” he said quietly. “But, I want you to be happy more. This baby is going to be loved regardless of his parents’ martial status.”

“Damn straight.” Kat grinned at him and then grimaced as another contraction hit.

“You’re doing great,” the nurse told her. “Next question, would you like to have the chaplain come visit you?”

Kat looked over at AJ. Neither one was terribly religious.

“We’ll let you know,” Kat finally answered.

“No problem,” the nurse replied. “There is always one available here, any time day or night if you change your mind. Next question, any allergies?”

Day slipped into night as the contractions slowly became stronger and more regular. The flower bud opening visualization was no longer working as well as it had been before and the pain wasn’t stopping. Where Kat had originally thought she might be able to do this naturally, the pain of each contraction was quickly become more than she bargained for.

“Seven centimeters,” the nurse informed her. “You’re almost there. Another couple of hours, and you’ll be ready to push.”

Kat wasn’t sure if she could tolerate another couple of hours of visualizing a stupid flower bud opening. That flower was getting old and she was about ready to take some pruning shears to the damn thing.

A new contraction hit and she groaned. AJ’s hand gripped hers as she focused on trying to breath through the pain.

This wasn’t fun. This wasn’t the beautiful, magical experience she’d seen on TV. Those TV shows had lied. This hurt like hell and was taking a lot longer than it ever did for those actors. She had a sneaking suspicion that the baby wouldn’t be nearly as clean as those TV babies, either.

“I’m not sure I can do this,” she whispered.

“You are the strongest woman I know,” AJ whispered back. “I know you can do this. Besides, it’s not like you have much of a choice at this point.”

Kat chuckled just before another contraction hit.

“I want to marry you,” she said as the pain ebbed. “I don’t want to wait. I want this baby to come into this world with you and me legally together.”

A huge grin split AJ’s face. “You got it.” His grin faltered slightly. “Except it’s now one in the morning. It’ll take a little bit to get someone here.”

“The chaplain is available,” the nurse reminded them as she input Kat’s most recent vitals into the computer. “There’s someone here twenty-four hours. Jeff is on tonight. He does a great wedding.”

Kat beamed. “Call him. I want to get married.”

“Are you sure?” AJ asked, taking both her hands. “It’s a hospital gown instead of a wedding dress.”

“I just want to marry you,” she told him, gazing into those blue eyes that she adored. “Besides, we can still have the big wedding later for our families. This one can be just for the three of us.”

AJ’s smile threatened to split his face in half. “Call the chaplain. We’re getting married.”

Ten minutes later, they were having a wedding in Kat’s hospital room in between her contractions. One of the nurses had found a bouquet of roses and Kat gripped them tight. She suspected they were left over from another baby, but she didn’t care. They were beautiful and made the moment feel more real.

“Do you, Andrew Jacobson, take this woman, Ekaterina Ryder, to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, until death do you part?” Jeff the Chaplain asked.