“Both, though I don’t have the time to be on a team because of work,” he told her. “But I do try and push the limits.”

“There are limits for swimming?” Kat raised her eyebrows, and teased him. “If you aren’t racing, then what? Holding your breath?”

He narrowed his eyes at her, but still smiled. “Like swimming the English Channel.”

“You swam the English Channel?” Kat cocked her head to the side. “You should have just led with that.”

“It’s not something that I tell everyone. It must be the tequila,” he replied, tipping his glass toward her and grinning. “I don’t think I’ll do it again, though. Too cold.”

“Wow.” Kat grinned at him. He could be completely lying to her. He could just be making it all up to impress her. Either way, it was working. She was impressed. There weren’t many people in the world that could claim to have taken a swim like that.

“What about you?” AJ asked. “What do you like to do, besides swing dancing?”

Kat chuckled and felt her face blush. He wasn’t sure if he was teasing her or complimenting her. “Well, I wouldn’t say I’m much of a swing dancer. I’m more of a ‘give it a try even if you know you’ll suck at it’ kind of dancer.”

AJ smiled in approval. “I like that. But to be fair, you really didn’t suck at dancing. I was actually pretty impressed.”

Kat brought the half-full glass of tequila to her lips and drank down the rest, feeling the fiery liquid make its way down her throat. The spirits was quickly creating a rush inside of her and she could feel her inhibitions beginning to slip away.

“Thanks.” Kat held up the empty glass. “Another?”

AJ chuckled and shrugged. “Sure, why not? It’s a celebration. But don’t blame me if I get a little crazy on this stuff. Tequila and I go way back. It always gets me into trouble.”

Yes, “trouble” sounds like a whole lot of fun right now, Kat thought. I’d love to get into as much trouble as possible with this beautiful specimen of a man.

Her eyes moved up and down AJ’s body, watching him as he called the bartender over to order another drink. He leaned against the bar with one knee bent forward, causing his black dress slacks to pull tightly against his behind. She was starting to see that he was most likely not lying about the whole swimming thing. His muscular physique was obvious, even though he was fully clothed.

Kat tried to look away, but she couldn’t. Her gaze was fixated on him. Maybe it was the tequila or maybe it was Fun Kat, who had finally been let out of the bag. Regardless, there was an instinct in her that had taken over. If the room hadn’t been filled with people, she would have ripped his clothes off right there and had her way with him. She desperately wanted to see what Mr. Sexy-wink was capable of, and not just on the dance floor.

When AJ turned around with two more tequilas, he caught Kat looking at his rear end. He didn’t say anything, he just smirked and handed her the fresh drink. Kat’s face went red. She was caught. She took the tequila and held it in the air. She was embarrassed for staring, but decided not to be too hard on herself. Who wouldn’t have stared if that was right in front of them?

“Cheers?” Kat said, clinking her glass against his.

“Yes, cheers,” he responded.

They drank and Kat had to turn her head to the side as they swallowed, hiding her reaction to the clear liquid. She hadn’t had straight tequila since she was in college. Kat coughed and smiled as she set the glass down onto the bar.

“I thought the second one was always supposed to be easier,” she commented.

AJ nodded in agreement. “Yeah, me too. Apparently we were misinformed


Kat stood close to him and placed her hands onto his shoulders, bringing his attention solely to her. She wanted to claim him. To make sure that he knew her intentions. She was afraid that if she didn’t, he’d slip away and end up going somewhere else like the groomsman had earlier. She wasn’t about to let it happen twice in one day.

“Feel like another dance?” she asked, hoping she sounded seductive.

AJ’s hands dropped to her hips. Their bodies were close once again, only this time there was no blues or swing dancing going on. It was just the two of them standing there next to the bar. AJ’s eyes moved down to Kat’s lips and then back up, before he responded with, “Yeah, another dance sounds great.”

Kat’s heart pounded in her chest. She could barely believe that this handsome man was taking an interest in her. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, she thought as she looked over at Brian, the groomsman that had let her down.

AJ grabbed Kat’s hand and then turned around to lead them away. They took a few steps toward the dance floor when a group of three women walked up and stopped them in their tracks.

“Hi, AJ,” one of them said. “I’ve been waiting patiently for my turn to dance with you.”

The woman was gorgeous. Stunning. She had to be some sort of model. Kat wondered who had invited her, but given the high-society guest list of the event, she was probably some rich businessman’s daughter.

“I don’t remember promising a dance,” AJ responded charismatically. “But maybe later.”