“You mean, I have great news,” Cass interjected, coming up behind Renee. “It’s my news since I’m the boss.”

“Sure.” Renee rolled her eyes. “Anyway, the project…”

“The project is a go,” Cass finished, talking over Renee and giving her an evil glare. “The project has a green light and full funding.”

“What?” Kat stared at the two of them. She was so tired she felt like she had cement running through her veins. “Seriously?”

“Seriously,” Cass assured her, grinning widely. “The project has been approved for full funding. I know you’ve been spending time working with the big bosses, and it has totally paid off.”

Kat’s mouth opened and then closed as she couldn’t find any words. She had to wonder if AJ had anything to do with this good news.

“It’s pretty awesome. We’re basically going to save the company,” Renee informed her, crossing her legs and looking smugly pleased with herself.

“What do you mean?” Kat asked. She knew this project would be successful, but she wasn’t sure how it was supposed to save the company. AJ was already doing that.

“You haven’t heard?” Renee looked like a cat in the cream. She loved being the one in the know. “There’s new evidence in the sex scandal around our boss. Apparently, another girl has come forward.”

“Oh, shit.” The words left Kat’s mouth before she even finished processing all the implications.

“No kidding,” Cass agreed. “It’s all over the news. Just when it looked like things were going to settle down and the first one was getting paid, this puts it all back up. Who knows how many other girls are going to come forward now? Especially since it looks like an easy payday.”

Kat’s thoughts went immediately to AJ. She could only imagine the stress that was now on him. Suddenly, telling him about the pregnancy today seemed like a bad idea. He was probably dealing with this latest development.

She didn’t want to cop out of telling him, but at the same time she wanted the news to be a happy thing. Today, with the blow to his business, would not be an appropriate time.

“But, if we get this project going then we can hopefully bring focus back to the business and not the scandal.” Renee had been talking but Kat hadn’t been listening.

“I’ve already contacted a social media guru to help us,” Cass replied. “I think the campaign will be a huge success.”

“That will be so great,” Renee agreed. “Honestly, I’m getting tired of telling people where I work and having them ask if my boss was sexually inappropriate.”

“Considering that I’m your boss, I hope you tell them ‘no,’” Cass replied.

Renee grinned at Cass and fluttered her eyelashes flirtatiously. “But Cass, you said we had something special.”

Cass laughed and Kat couldn’t help but join in. She loved working with these two women. She stopped laughing as she realized that she wasn’t sure how either woman would take the news of her pregnancy. Cass would be supportive and helpful. Renee would probably be jealous.

Kat could handle that, but the idea of figuring out maternity leave and how she was going to continue working while pregnant, let alone with a baby, made her want to panic. Forcing herself to relax, she took a deep breath.

“Kat, your phone’s ringing,” Cass said gently, putting a hand on her arm. Her dark eyes were filled with concern. “Are you okay? You still look like you might be sick.”

“I’m fine,” Kat assured her, picking up the phone before Renee could remark on how long she’d been sick.

“Ms. Ryder?” It was AJ’s secretary. “Mr. Jacobson needs to see you right away.”

“Of course. I’ll be right up,” Kat assured the secretary before hanging up. She looked at her two co-workers and shrugged. “Boss man. Got to go.”

“You two seem awful cozy these days,” Renee remarked, sliding off of Kat’s desk.

“It’s just work,” Kat quickly replied. She didn’t mean for it to sound as defensive as it did.

“Whoa, relax,” Cass told her as she held up her hands in submission. “There’s probably nothing wrong. He probably just wants to congratulate you. You worked really hard on this.”

“Yeah...” Kat agreed, glad that her boss just thought she was nervous that she was in trouble. If only it were that simple, Kat thought. I am in trouble. Just not the kind you both think.

Cass nudged Renee with her hip.

“Oh, right. You did a really good job on the project,” Renee added grudgingly. “I’m sure he just wants to tell you that.”