She nodded and quickly opened her car door before she could change her mind and try again. She didn’t look back until she reached the stairs up to her apartment, but by then all she caught was the flash of his tail-lights as he drove away.

It was a good thing that he was gone, because her stomach was revolting again. The bright sunlight and walking had made her body realize it was awake, and thus it needed to throw up.

She barely made it to the bathroom before losing her breakfast.

“Stupid morning sickness,” she gasped after a moment. Last night had been a fluke. A single night where her stomach had let her relax. She had even hoped that the lack of nausea might continue, that she was over it.

As another wave of unpleasantness washed over her, she decided that her body had simply saved up the nausea from last night for now. For now, morning sickness was truly living up to its name. She hoped she could make it until her doctor’s appointment at the end of the week, but at this moment, she wasn’t sure she could.

She groaned as her stomach made an unsettling noise. Her doctor didn’t even want to see her until she was eight weeks, but if she didn’t get something to help combat this nausea, she wasn’t sure if she’d make it that long.

If she told AJ, she’d have an OBGYN at her house in five minutes. Probably the best in the entire state. It was tempting to tell him just for that reason alone, but she still felt reluctant to do so.

He was so stressed. She could see it written all over his body. His beautiful broad shoulders would creep up around his ears whenever he spoke about work and he’d get a slight gray pallor to his skin. Just mentioning the word work to him created a tightness in his eyes that broke her heart. It was easy to see how much of himself he had invested in his company and how much it was killing him to watch it fall apart.

She wanted to tell him about the pregnancy, yet at the same time knew it would only add to his level of stress. Impregnating an employee while his partner was going to court for sexual improprieties toward employees was exactly the kind of thing he didn’t need in his life.

Besides, Kat was still having trouble accepting the fact that she was pregnant herself. She’d picked up two more tests, each more expensive than the last just to make sure, and both had come back positive. It still felt strange to think of herself as a pregnant, let alone a mother.

Kat wiped her hand across her mouth and tried to think of what to do next. She’d already purchased several “What to Expect” type of books to help her with the pregnancy, but it was the people aspect that she was unsure of.

Her mother would be thrilled. She had been pestering Kat for years that she wanted grandchildren, and Kat knew that her mom didn’t care how she got them. Dad would follow Mom and would probably even slip her a little money to help out with expenses. Her younger sister would volunteer to babysit whenever she was in town, and she knew that her neighbor across the hall would always be up for babysitting.

She wasn’t worried about telling her family. She was worried about telling AJ.

They’d only known each other for a few weeks. He hadn’t even met her parents yet, and she still couldn’t keep straight which of his two younger brothers was which. She didn’t even know what his parents did for a living or even what state they lived in.

His wealth just complicated things further. She wasn’t a gold-digger and the last thing she wanted was to be thought of as one. She also wa

nted her kid to have a father, not an ATM. She could see AJ being a great dad, but she could also see how it might be easier just to pay her and the kid off with money.

Kat stood up from the toilet and stumbled toward the kitchen. Maybe some antacids or ginger ale would help settle her stomach. If nothing else, it might distract her from thinking. Thinking about AJ leaving them and just sending money was not helping her current mood in the slightest.

She didn’t think he would do that, but... she barely knew him. She was definitely falling for him. She loved the way he smiled and she wanted to be with him all the time, but that didn’t mean that he wanted the same. It didn’t mean that he wanted kids or that he would react positively to the news he was now a dad.

The last Gatorade AJ had bought her was sitting on the kitchen counter. Kat reached for it, her hand pausing slightly before grasping it as she remembered how he had taken care of her.

He brought her soup and Gatorade when she was sick. He made sure to always walk on the street side of the sidewalk. He opened doors and was kind to his employees. He was respectful to everyone, even those who most would consider beneath him.

Kat sipped on the Gatorade. He was a good man.

He deserved to know.

And she was going to tell him the next chance she got.



Monday morning rolled around again, and just like last week, Kat wanted to punch it in the face. Mondays were pure evil.

She sat at her desk, nauseous as hell and wishing she could just go home. Ginger ale was sort of helping, so she was basically main-lining the golden liquid. She needed to tell her stockbroker to buy stock in the ginger ale company, because if she kept drinking it at this rate, the company was set to make a lot of money off her.

She set her cup down and tried to quiet her mind and her stomach. She was hoping to see AJ sometime today. Her mind was made up to tell him about the pregnancy. She was so nervous about it that she wasn’t sure it was just morning sickness that was making her stomach queasy.

Just a few hours and she’d know how AJ felt about her. About their baby.

“I have great news!” Renee announced, hopping up on Kat’s desk with a grin. Kat nearly jumped from her chair with surprise. She had been lost in her own world and hadn’t seen her come up.