“How do you do that to me every time?” she asked.

AJ slowed his pace down to a stop, and Kat placed her hands onto his shoulders.

“Lay on your back,” she whispered.

He wasn’t about to disobey an order like that. So he did as she asked. The furry rug surrounded him. He sunk into it, enjoying the way that it felt around his body. Kat immediately crawled over him, straddling his lap. Then she dropped her weight, letting him slide back inside. Instantly the pleasure was back, only this time, the view was even better. Kat’s long brown hair fell over her shoulders and her breasts swayed with her movements. Her perfect skin shone in the fire light, accentuating all of the details that he loved: the lines of her hips, the little crea

se at the top of her thighs, and the way her stomach flexed with her breathing. These were just a few of the little things about Kat that he adored.

Kat went slow, just like AJ had. She placed his hands onto his chest to hold herself up and then increased pace, but only a bit. It was enough to cause the pleasure to increase ten-fold though, and AJ knew he wouldn’t be able to hold back much longer.

“You’re going to make me come,” he whispered.

A smirk of approval flashed across Kat’s face. She didn’t stop or slow down. She continued moving in the same way, knowing that it was exactly what AJ needed to climax. His hands went straight to the top of her thighs, squeezing them gently as he lifted his hips upward.

“Yes,” he grunted. “Just like that.”

Their bodies continued to collide until the pleasure pulsated through AJ, the intensity hitting him in increasing waves. There was no way he could hold back any longer.

“I’m coming.” The words hardly even got past his lips, though. The sensation filling his body was too intense. Kat stayed on top of him as a final wave of pure ecstasy filled AJ from head to toe. He let out an animal-sounding grunt before holding his breath. His shaft swelled inside of her as he released, letting out all of the sexual tension of the evening in one glorious, pleasure-filled moment.

His hands moved up and down her thighs as he rode the wave of sensation, letting it carry him. As it slowly passed, his eyes opened to see Kat looking down at him with that smile of hers that he had grown to love. There were no words he could say that could describe how he felt about her in that moment, so he simply sat up and kissed her. Never in his life had he felt more complete.

They kissed for a while longer, breathing hard. When they finally caught their breath, AJ said, “I think this is now officially my favorite room.”

Kat chuckled and shrugged. “Really? I’d still take the pool. I mean that view and the hot tub are pretty hard to beat. No offense.”

“Ha. Ha. Very funny,” AJ joked back.

The two shared a laugh and then Kat laid down next to AJ, pressing her back against him to spoon. He wrapped an arm around her, holding her close. She was asleep within a few minutes. He listened to her easy rhythmic breathing as he watched the flames flicker a few feet away from them.

No matter what happens in my life or with my business or money or friends or anything else, for this moment, this moment right now, everything is perfect, he thought, before closing his eyes and falling asleep.



Kat blinked against the early morning sun. Traffic was light as AJ maneuvered his black sports car through the quiet streets leading up to her apartment. Neither one spoke; they sat in amicable silence. Kat didn’t feel the need to speak. She was comfortable enough with AJ that they could have silence without it being overwhelming.

“Thank you for driving me home,” she said as her apartment complex came into view. She loved that AJ had decided to drive her home himself, rather than just have a driver take her. They didn’t get as much time together as she would have liked, so even just the few minutes in the car were precious to her.

“It was my pleasure,” he assured her. “If I didn’t have meetings today, I would have insisted that we just stay in bed for the day.”

Kat frowned. It was the weekend, yet he still had meetings. Meetings he couldn’t cancel because it would raise suspicions, not to mention that he needed to salvage the company from his partner’s mistakes.

“I would have liked that,” Kat told him as the car slowed to a stop in front of her building. The streets were deserted and the tinted windows dark enough that she felt she could risk leaning over and giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

She wished she could give him a real kiss, but again, there was probably someone watching. For the millionth time that morning, she thought about telling him about the pregnancy. She knew she would have to eventually. Granted, she probably had a couple of months, but she didn’t want to keep this a secret. Not from him. She didn’t want there to be secrets between the two of them.

“I should get going,” he said gently. “I’m going to be late.”

“AJ?” Kat bit her lip, trying to summon up the courage to say the words.

“Yes?” He smiled at her, but she could see the tension in his jaw starting to increase. Today wasn’t a good day. She needed to do this right.

“Good luck with the meetings.” She bailed on telling him. She couldn’t do it. Not like this.

“Thank you,” he replied with a smile. “I’ll see you later, okay?”