According to her math, it was seven weeks almost to the day since her last missed period and a little over five weeks since she had met AJ.

Morning sickness usually starts around six weeks.

Kat quickly clicked on the link for pregnancy symptoms. She prayed that none of them would match. She wanted this latest bout of vomiting to be the flu. She wasn’t ready for the alternative.

Signs of Pregnancy:

Tender breasts. Kat unconsciously touched herself and winced. She had thought it was just her new bra that was making her sore.

Nausea with or without vomiting. Check.

Increased urination. Check.

Fatigue. Double Check.

Food aversions. Check again.

Her phone made a loud click as she set it on the table. What if she was pregnant?

She wasn’t ready for this and she had a suspicion that AJ wasn’t ready either. They hadn’t even discussed the possibility of kids, or even a future beyond next week. She had really hoped to meet his parents before they had children together, or at least have introduced him to her family.

This wasn’t how she had planned her life.

A baby with AJ. Surprisingly, the idea of carrying his baby wasn’t scaring her. In fact, she rather liked the idea of it. Someday. Not today, though. She was very much smitten with him, but she wasn’t exactly ready to start a family with a man she had just met two months ago.

What would AJ think? Kat’s nausea came back. He was embroiled in the middle of a horrible scandal regarding his partner being sexually inappropriate with employees. And now, she was about to tell him that he just knocked up an employee.

The press would eat him alive for this. This was the worst thing that could happen to him in the current media climate. They had been worried about the press finding out about them dating. She could only imagine the uproar that would come from him impregnating her.

Panic crept up her throat and she was afraid she was going to puke again. She needed a plan. She needed to know that this was actually happening. She knew better than to believe everything she read on the Internet. Maybe, just maybe, she wasn’t pregnant and it was just the flu.

There was only one way to know for sure. She had to go take a pregnancy test.

It only took her ten seconds to find a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. She tried not to think about the fact that the jeans felt tighter than usual as she tied her shoes and hurried out the door. Kat would have run to the corner gas station if she hadn’t felt so sick to her stomach. She wasn’t sure if it was the flu

, morning sickness, or just nerves.

Inside the small convenience store, she quickly located the easiest to read pregnancy test, paid cash, and hurried out the door. She was so desperate to know, she considered using the convenience store bathroom, but decided to just use her bathroom at home. Maybe it was just paranoia, but she didn’t want anyone but her knowing that she had even purchased a test.

The walk home seemed to take forever. Her future, once so certain and clear was suddenly cloudy and about to change. The weight of the world, complete with a possible new tiny human, sat squarely on her shoulders with every step home.

Once inside the safety of her own bathroom, she ripped open the box and read the instructions. It was pretty straightforward. Just pee on the stick and wait for the lines to appear.

For the first time in the past week, she was grateful for her near constant need to pee. She reread the directions one more time, just to make sure that she was going to correctly pee on a technological wonder correctly.

Then she sat down to wait as the test processed. The timer on her phone seemed to go in slow-motion.

Would the baby have AJ’s eyes or hers? Boy or girl? He or she would be born at the end of February, if she was indeed pregnant. What hospital would she deliver at? What would AJ think? Would he ask her to marry him? He’d make a great dad. What if he didn’t want to be a father?

Stop it, she told herself, shaking her head to dispel the thoughts. There’s no reason to worry until there is one.

Kat’s stomach was in knots as she waited. The timer slowly ticked down the seconds, each one longer than the last. She knew her whole world was about to change as soon as she looked at the plastic stick.

The phone timer chimed. Slowly, fingers shaking, Kat reached for the test and read it.

Two lines. Positive.