“Everything is perfectly okay now,” he interrupted, unable to keep it up. He had planned on seeing how long he could make her squirm, but the lip-bite put his brain on standby. All he could think about was touching her. He stood and walked around to the front of his desk. “I just sent you that message to get you in here.”

Kat’s lips parted in shock and she put her hand on her hip, just the way he liked. “Well, that was very sneaky of you, mister. I thought I was actually in trouble for something. You could have just told me to come to your office.”

AJ stepped forward and gently placed his hands on Kat’s hips. He looked into her beautiful green eyes, feeling the warmth of her presence. Everything in his world vanished except for her.

“I just needed to see you quickly,” he said, as he lifted his hand and brushed a strand of curly brown hair from Kat’s forehead. “I’m having a pretty rough morning so far. I’m hoping you can help make it better.”

He almost told her that she was the only thing that eased his stress, but hesitated, worrying she might think that sounded strange. They had only really been dating for two weeks and he didn’t want her to think he was moving too fast. The last thing he wanted to do was spook her or give her any reason to run from him.

“I’m sorry it hasn’t been a good day,” Kat said, as she brought her hand to AJ’s cheek. He loved the way her lips moved as she smiled and curved her body into his. She read his thoughts better than he thought them. Her voice went seductive and low. “How can I make it better?”

AJ’s eyes moved down to her lips, which begged to be kissed. He didn’t even need to say anything. She saw what he needed, which was just another reason why he was falling in love with the girl. She knew him in ways that nobody else did and on top of that, she was the only girl who seemed to want him for more than just his money. In the two weeks they’d truly been together, she hadn’t even asked for so much as dime. It was incredibly refreshing not to be seen as a ATM.

Without another word, Kat stood up on her toes and brought her lips to his. All the anxiety uncurled from inside of him and drifted off into oblivion. Kat’s kiss was AJ’s cure-all. The first kiss was just a peck, but then AJ leaned in for another one. In seconds, the two were making out next to the desk. AJ breathed in, and the smell of Kat’s intoxicating perfume entered his nostrils. It reminded him of the wedding reception. He associated the smell with everything good: drinking, dancing and the hottest sex he had ever experienced in his life. He took in another breath through his nose without breaking the kiss, savoring all that the scent reminded him of.

Kat’s hands drifted up to his shoulders and around to the back of his neck. He loved the way she touched him. Her fingers found the edge of his hair and sent shivers down his spine. She was so gentle and sweet, yet at the same time so very sexual.

After a moment, Kat slowly pulled away. AJ’s breathing had increased in pace. His chest rose and fell underneath his expensive dress shirt, as he gazed into Kat’s eyes.

“Did that help?” Kat asked.

“You have no idea,” AJ responded.

His hands didn’t move, though. They stayed firmly planted on Kat’s hips. He didn’t want to let her go, not yet. They were both so busy that he hadn’t seen as much of her as he wanted, so he planned on enjoying every single second he could, even if it had to be spent in his office.

Kat’s eyes stayed locked with his. She pressed closer to him. He could feel heat radiating from her body. The smell of the perfume, the look in her eyes, the privacy of the office, it all made the blood rush out of AJ’s head and into another part of his body. He found his hands moving around to Kat’s lower back. He wanted her again, just like he had had after the wedding reception. He needed her so badly in that moment. Not just physically, but in every way. She was the only thing that could ease his worries.

“You still look like you have a lot on your mind,” Kat said, pouting out her lower lip. “I wish I could make you feel better.”


“You’re the only thing that makes me feel better,” AJ corrected her. “I was just thinking about how badly I want another kiss.”

Kat smiled wide and AJ felt his heart leap. That smile of hers could cure cancer as far as he was concerned.

“Well, then kiss me,” Kat responded, matter-of-factly. “I’m right here.”

This girl is going to have my heart if I’m not careful, AJ thought.

He leaned forward and kissed her again. This time, though, they were both warmed up and instantly their mouths opened and their tongues collided. AJ pulled her against him firmly. A bulge had grown in the front of his slacks and it pushed out, grinding against her. AJ didn’t care that they were at work. He wasn’t bothered by the fact that his company and all of its employees were outside of that office door. In that moment, Kat was his entire universe and the only thing that really mattered.

When they broke their kiss, they were both breathing heavily. The look on Kat’s face had changed from compassion for AJ’s rough day to a look of pure lust. Her eyes had dilated and her lips were parted. He had seen it before. It was the same sexual expression that she had worn after their very first kiss. It caused another rush of blood to pump into a certain area. This time, Kat seemed to notice. She brought a hand down, gently grazing over the bulge. AJ breathed in quickly as her light touch sent a ripple of sensation into him.

“I’ve missed you,” AJ whispered.

He didn’t really think of the words before they came out. There wasn’t enough blood left in his brain for him to filter his thoughts before speaking them. But he had just told a girl that he had been missing her, and that was something he couldn’t remember doing before. As soon as he spoke the sentence, he cringed, fearing a negative reaction from her. Instead, she said something that surprised him. “I’ve missed you, too.”

It was exactly what he had hoped to hear, and it caused him to kiss her again. The emotional walls that he had built up over his entire life were beginning to drop. He was letting her in. It scared him, but also excited him at the same time. Could this girl be the one?

“We really shouldn’t be doing this,” Kat protested. She didn’t pull away or make any move to stop what they were doing. “I don’t want you to get in trouble.”

“You’re absolutely right,” AJ replied, his hand cupping her breast for a moment as he tasted her lips again. He rocked his groin against her. His brain was going fuzzy as the blood left and headed south. “We shouldn’t do anything else.”

AJ felt Kat’s hands move down to his belt buckle as they kissed. She quickly undid it and by the time AJ broke their kiss, she had also unbuttoned the top button of his slacks. Kat bit her bottom lip flirtatiously.

“Oops,” she said, with a playful smirk. “Did I do that?”

I love this girl, he thought. It didn’t even make him pause this time.